Can We Speed Up Our Hair Growth?

Can We Speed Up Our "Natural" Growth Rate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 204 49.8%
  • No

    Votes: 65 15.9%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 135 32.9%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 6 1.5%

  • Total voters
I did close to an inch in two weeks. I started over today to see what I can do in a month with improved diet like I mentioned earlier. No external growth aids.
Longtime girls!!!! with the album promo and touring been out for a minute...I still believe we can speed up our hair growth, even though i been neglecting my hair for the longest with all these traveling/busy recording times. But retention is one part, and once u master that one yep there is mad vitamins, habits and techniques to help u faster things up. TECHNIQUES anything massages, deep conds,protective styles (anything that does not expose your ends)

For healthy hair, its crucial that u cover your hair at night with a satin bonnet or a silk scarf. Don't ever let your hair frictions with cotton or against your clothes unless its silk or satin. The air is also a great culprit as it dries your hair out so specially in this season whenever you can afford wear a scarf.i wear a scarf at home while doing daily chores
ecoute tu sais pour des cheveux en bonne sante d une cest tres important

The key is to protect your ends to retain as its the oldest part of your hair and thanks to lhcf i do use vaseline and grease on the ends (i swear it makes my ends thicker like the rest of the hair hehe), serum on the hair and i massage the scalp with my indian oils so i saw a major difference not only in retention but new grow. like i said the best is to keep your hair in protectives styles (buns, braids...even though for weaves i find it grows your hair fast but THIN THEM LIKE CRAZY, CHEWIN THEM...)

FOCUSS on doing more conditioner washes without shampoo witch can dry your hair out too if done too often, try to add honey and indian oils to it. Now to faster the growth, once you retaining your own hair with all those techniques i just gave you, you can incorporate the massages, the vitamins, the protein shakes knowing that it s indeed SULFUR, PROTEIN, among others that fasten growth (msm, foti he shoo woo, super b complex, b5 for thicker hair, biotin, vitol hair nails and skin, castor oil huil masketi,.........) ENJOY!!!! SO EAT PROTEIN, DRINK LOADS OF WATER AND RETAIN AND GROW...

FOR more info you can also check on my fotki its the same thing i been saying in this thread a long time ago so you can always either do a search or read the beginning of the thread for further inquiries

it was great stopping by again i dont get the time to do that often but i m stop by more muahhhhh love you girls!

We Miss You EK!!!!!!!
So can you or CAN you NOT grown up to 2 inchs per month??? If you have personally...What did you do???

Hey girl i did actually twice when i was going all out it was exhausting and i had to follow my regimen to a tee. You can check my fotki for the first 6 months or do a search ( in few words it was a mix of protective styles combined with mtg, minoval, surge, huile masketi, indian oils, praital, lekair cholesterol for conditioners, and designer whey protein shakes, carlson msm powder, foti, nature made super b complex, vitol hair nail skin time released, freeda biotin 10mg..........check my fotki

i dont have a time to do much and spend time taking nothing as i m promoting my album and having a busier life and never the time to take care of my hair but i have a slow week so i just took a bottle of mtg from my closet hehe and i m about to go all out like old times hihi

Hey girl i did actually twice when i was going all out it was exhausting and i had to follow my regimen to a tee. You can check my fotki for the first 6 months or do a search ( in few words it was a mix of protective styles combined with mtg, minoval, surge, huile masketi, indian oils, praital, lekair cholesterol for conditioners, and designer whey protein shakes, carlson msm powder, foti, nature made super b complex, vitol hair nail skin time released, freeda biotin 10mg..........check my fotki

i dont have a time to do much and spend time taking nothing as i m promoting my album and having a busier life and never the time to take care of my hair but i have a slow week so i just took a bottle of mtg from my closet hehe and i m about to go all out like old times hihi


IDK but if you look at bodybuilders they take growth enhancers and get huge. The hair is an extension of the body. If the body can grow bigger and fast then why shouldn't the hair???
I know when I take care of my body by eating and drinking healthier and frequent cardiovascular exercises my hair grows fast. If I swim more often I see a big difference.
In the summer time I often shampoo and condition twice a day because of swimming and aerobics.
I honestly think that my hair has grown so much over the past year due to Biotin and very, very low heat.
so my question is this... if you are at "optimal health" your hair should be growing at its maximum rate right? let's say you work out regularly and are in good shape, eat right, take vitamins, get enough sleep, etc.

do you think growth aids would make a difference then? :look:

i voted unsure because of this. granted, i never really paid attention to this back when i was younger and relaxed, but my hair always grew fairly quickly when i was active in sports, even though i lived off of junk food and rarely got enough sleep. :lol: and then i got older and *ahem* out of shape :rolleyes: because i don't work out. but, i get more sleep and i do put more thought into what i eat... and my hair still grows relatively fast. i wonder, if i can get myself working out again regularly and stick with it if i will see an increase in hair growth or not.
so my question is this... if you are at "optimal health" your hair should be growing at its maximum rate right? let's say you work out regularly and are in good shape, eat right, take vitamins, get enough sleep, etc.

do you think growth aids would make a difference then? :look:

i voted unsure because of this. granted, i never really paid attention to this back when i was younger and relaxed, but my hair always grew fairly quickly when i was active in sports, even though i lived off of junk food and rarely got enough sleep. :lol: and then i got older and *ahem* out of shape :rolleyes: because i don't work out. but, i get more sleep and i do put more thought into what i eat... and my hair still grows relatively fast. i wonder, if i can get myself working out again regularly and stick with it if i will see an increase in hair growth or not.

Ohhhh, I feel a challenge coming on!!!!!!
I know that we can, it's improving your diet, eating healthy, dirnking enough water, taking a good multi vitamin and get enough b complex/ b12 or viviscal, HF 37 (but that gets really expensive and you can recreate the vitamins cheaper with what I listed before), you can increase your growth phase by taking he shou wu pian, or using ayurvedic hair herbs/oils like shikaki, brhingraj, brahmi, etc... and scalp massages to increase the growth rate. Also exercise plays a good part in getting max circulation. I used to take HF 37 and viviscal and it did work, but I found that I could get the same vitamins with a very good multi, B complex, B12 liquids, and healthy diet along with a good hair reggie. hth



he shou wo pian

HF 37

so my question is this... if you are at "optimal health" your hair should be growing at its maximum rate right? let's say you work out regularly and are in good shape, eat right, take vitamins, get enough sleep, etc.

do you think growth aids would make a difference then? :look:

i voted unsure because of this. granted, i never really paid attention to this back when i was younger and relaxed, but my hair always grew fairly quickly when i was active in sports, even though i lived off of junk food and rarely got enough sleep. :lol: and then i got older and *ahem* out of shape :rolleyes: because i don't work out. but, i get more sleep and i do put more thought into what i eat... and my hair still grows relatively fast. i wonder, if i can get myself working out again regularly and stick with it if i will see an increase in hair growth or not.
yes I believe vitamins do make a diff, even if you're doing everything else right it doesn't hurt to take vitamins and make sure you get everything your hair needs
Not that i've necessarily seen the proof but I do believe it's possible to grow hair faster than it's genetically inclined to do.

If your genetics dictate that you are a slow grower but you continue to provide your body with the optimum levels of nutrients your body need to be on top form, then on top of that you start consuming more of the foods which are known for having the raw matierials hair needs to grow healthy such as essential fatty acids, I do believe your body will start working beyond what it is genetically programmed to do in terms of hair growth.

However I believe it is very hard to meet all the criteria and this still doesn't mean that you can prolong your growth phase. So I do think it has it's limitations but I still think it's possible.

sorry if i'm repeating what has been said already
ITA with the increase in protein making a difference.. if you think about it your hair is made up of protein (some other stuff too but i know alot of it is protein) but so is just about every other body part too.. every muscle you use everyday requires some type of protein or they will atrophy (think anorexics with low muscle tone, they almost never have a thick healthy head of hair) and if you are barely getting enough to supply your muscles and organs, almost none actually makes it out your scalp... your body's going to put it wher it needs it first, then you get whatevers left for your hair and nails...
protein is a must.. but so is excersising and eating and drinking well

I'd like to add (at the risk of starting a riot) that the only growth aid thats worked extremely well for me, my mom, and my grandmother is Dr. miracle.. but i believe it is due to the stimulation/ increased blood flow (or the feel it formula as the good doctor calls it) my grandmother had chemo and her hair thinned and shedded alot, dr miracle filled in those spots wonderfully in a short amount of time.. my moms hair literally fell out in clumps due to a stylist (still not sure what the stylist did but it sure nough fell out) and dr. miracle is what filled in those bald spots as well as grow her hair that wasnt damaged.. her hair is severely uneven now, but we'll work on that later.. and then theres me who was just ignorant to healthy hare care but i would still (in between weaves) apply some dr. miracle and everytime i took the weave out i had so much new growth.. compared to without it.... i know its a lot of speculation about these products (however i only use the spray and the cream, and not the "hot grow" which is primarily petroleum) and it may not work for everybody, somebody actually reported having burns and crusted peeling skin from it!! if me and my family had not been using it i would have never tried it based on that review.. but for us its worked wonders..

during my last stretch (9, was striving for ten weeks) i trimmed an inch off... I grew that back and some... so were looking at close to two inches or an inch a month... i would not have gotten that without the doc miracle.. this time i wont trim and i'll post pics about my progress over the same amount of time.. but i will stress though that a growth aid alone will not do the trick.. you still need to practice healthy hair care to keep your scalp clean and retain length through protein and as much moisture as you can stand!!

i can be very long winded... im working on that too :yep:
We grow, but we need to retain. I do think growth aids work to the extent that we are taking care of those ends. I'm learning that protein is not my enemy, either! :)
Hmm. Don't know about "speeding up" growth rate, but I absolutely believe we can optimize our growth rate. There are soooo many factors affecting our hair growth, but I think we can optimize it by taking care of the following:

1. exercise
2. nutrients/supplements
3. scalp health (includes application of growth aids)
4. water intake
5. blood ph more neutral to alkaline

Optimized hair growth can easily reach 1 inch per month, IMO.
Awesome advice!
If you have 3 or 4" of growth I do believe you can speed it up to 6- 9" I used ovation to speed up my hair growth to 3/4" then 1" per month once but had to stop when I started getting some horrible pimples/bumps on my scalp. I honstly do not think that the 1" per month would have continued though- it slows down but if you are getting less than 6" per year you certainly can increase it to at least 6" with proper nutrition and a topical growth aid. Proper nutrition is the important factor though. I am anemic so I think my 4" in the past 12 months is due to that and I also realise that I am not eating enough protein
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I believe you can speed up or slow down your hair growth. Years ago I use to use grease with mineral oil on my scalp. And I only washed my hair every two weeks. My pores were clogged, my hair was dry. :nono: Basically it couldnt grow at its optimal normal rate because of what I was doing to my scalp and hair. When I started using the right products and the right technique. My growth rate increase to its normal 1/2 inch a month. When I added vitamins/supplements, exercise, topical growth serums. My hair would grow at a rate of 3/4 to 1 inch.

Well at least for my head.
I voted yes, because I have. Once with Monistat, and most recently with a combination of DE (silica) and vitamins.
Hmm. Don't know about "speeding up" growth rate, but I absolutely believe we can optimize our growth rate. There are soooo many factors affecting our hair growth, but I think we can optimize it by taking care of the following:

1. exercise
2. nutrients/supplements
3. scalp health (includes application of growth aids)
4. water intake
5. blood ph more neutral to alkaline

Optimized hair growth can easily reach 1 inch per month, IMO.

Moroni can you please elaborate more on numbers 3 and 5. I understand how growth aids help us optimize growth but was wondering what optimal conditions might be? Also which foods are more neutral/ alkaline?

TIA :grin:
Moroni can you please elaborate more on numbers 3 and 5. I understand how growth aids help us optimize growth but was wondering what optimal conditions might be? Also which foods are more neutral/ alkaline?

TIA :grin:

I've recently started to explore this subject myself. Basically what I've learned is that an acidic environment in the body makes it fertile ground for bacteria and viral growth and mucus. You create an acidic environment by eating too much sugar and animal fats. Foods that make the body less acidic and more neutral to alkaline are fruits and vegetables like kale, oranges, spinach, wheat grass, etc. Since I'm not good at eating all this, I've recently opted for taking dehydrated greens, sold at health food stores. Products like Amazing Greens and Orac-Energy Greens help to promote alkalinity in the body. So if you don't like eating fruits and vegetables, you can just mix the powder with some juice and swallow it down. I figure it can't hurt and I do have a lot more energy and alertness since I've started.

I also take hemp protein supplements, which provide 10 grams of protein and 6-9 grams of fiber. HTH
I've been reading a lot of articles lately saying that we can't speed up our natural growth rate. I'm starting to believe that this is true, however I don't know???

I believe that products such as MTG, BT, MN work because they get us back to our "original" growth rate... therefore it's not really speeding it up more than what it would be naturally if we were completely healthy. I believe our growth rate slows down due to poor diets, circulation and lack of exercise etc. What do you ladies think?

I agree with you. I think we slow our growth rates down ourselves.
I've been reading a lot of articles lately saying that we can't speed up our natural growth rate. I'm starting to believe that this is true, however I don't know???

I believe that products such as MTG, BT, MN work because they get us back to our "original" growth rate... therefore it's not really speeding it up more than what it would be naturally if we were completely healthy. I believe our growth rate slows down due to poor diets, circulation and lack of exercise etc. What do you ladies think?

This makes a lot of sense. In the past I was quick to jump on growth aid ban wagons. I was taking biotin and MSM at one point in time, at another I tried upping my protien and at one time I was using products with sulfur in them topically. None of these growth aids led to more growth. But I would read post after post about people getting great results from such supplements.

I have always had a pretty healthy diet, I drink lots of water and and am very active so I think the reason these things didn't work for me was because I was already experiencing my maximum growth rate.

This is a good post.