Can We Speed Up Our Hair Growth?

Can We Speed Up Our "Natural" Growth Rate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 204 49.8%
  • No

    Votes: 65 15.9%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 135 32.9%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 6 1.5%

  • Total voters
I think, for the most part, we all have a predetermined cap of hair growth per month genetically speaking......what prevents us from reaching that full potential is our diet and lifestyle

We don't get enough sleep
We don't always have the best stress mangament skills
Our overall diet isn't good: we don't eat enough fruit and vegetables, too much sugar, poor quality protein and not enough protein, not enough water, and as a whole, men and women, are deficent in minerals like zinc, calcium and magnesium

Topical aids can help provide nutrients and increased bloodflow to the scalp which in turn can help incourage more hair growth and improve quality of that growth.

Now with all of this being said, I do think that some things might be able to help us increase our growth beyond our typical potential but not by the amount that people want. People want 2-3 inchs in a month and I don't think that is going to happen.
I think so (I voted unsure), by changing your diet (eat more protein) and your water intake and deep conditioning once a month religiously
I think, for the most part, we all have a predetermined cap of hair growth per month genetically speaking......what prevents us from reaching that full potential is our diet and lifestyle

We don't get enough sleep
We don't always have the best stress mangament skills
Our overall diet isn't good: we don't eat enough fruit and vegetables, too much sugar, poor quality protein and not enough protein, not enough water, and as a whole, men and women, are deficent in minerals like zinc, calcium and magnesium

Topical aids can help provide nutrients and increased bloodflow to the scalp which in turn can help incourage more hair growth and improve quality of that growth.

Now with all of this being said, I do think that some things might be able to help us increase our growth beyond our typical potential but not by the amount that people want. People want 2-3 inchs in a month and I don't think that is going to happen.

i agree with this post

i get .75 inch a month usually if i take vitamins stimulate my scalp and all i still dont get much more then that, i feel at most i could get 1 inch but to me its not worth the hassle when i normally get 3/4 i jus accept it.
I think, for the most part, we all have a predetermined cap of hair growth per month genetically speaking......what prevents us from reaching that full potential is our diet and lifestyle

We don't get enough sleep
We don't always have the best stress mangament skills
Our overall diet isn't good: we don't eat enough fruit and vegetables, too much sugar, poor quality protein and not enough protein, not enough water, and as a whole, men and women, are deficent in minerals like zinc, calcium and magnesium

Topical aids can help provide nutrients and increased bloodflow to the scalp which in turn can help incourage more hair growth and improve quality of that growth.

Now with all of this being said, I do think that some things might be able to help us increase our growth beyond our typical potential but not by the amount that people want. People want 2-3 inchs in a month and I don't think that is going to happen.

This is probably why I get more growth during the summer. I might try doing more scalp massages(or working out), drinking more water, and getting more sleep this summer.
I think we can depending on genetics and how we maintain a healthy balance of water, diet, exercise and vitamins.
Has anyone seen Candy C's progress with Ayurvedic in one month? She documented it. It's well over an inch, maybe even closing in on two. And if you read the posts she actually says it took 20 days to do that. She documented it with pics and everything.
Has anyone seen Candy C's progress with Ayurvedic in one month? She documented it. It's well over an inch, maybe even closing in on two. And if you read the posts she actually says it took 20 days to do that. She documented it with pics and everything.

I want the link.
I agree that we have a predetermined rate of growth and when our hair is happiest in the right healthy state it grows as it should. Like when my hair was permed (i still remember from years back) and I kept up with weekly or bi weekly visits, it grew. And when I braid it and oil it and love it and leave it alone; it grows. And when it's all out wild and beautiful and tlc'd and in a happy state of nappiness; then it grows. BUT always at its own rate, different from my sister or mom or cousin or brother. So I agree that there is a gene code that determines how fast our hair grows and we can't make it grow faster but can give it the optimal conditions to do its thing.:drunk:
6 years ago, my hair was on it's to the best health of it's life. I usually get about 1/4 inch per month:ohwell: if I don't do anything special. I started taking Country Life Maxi Hair and got a full inch per month from the MSM loosening the curl and additional length from the nutrients returning to my system.

Then years later when I stopped the vitamins, I got up the nerve to try MTG and my hair was my original tight texture, but I still got 1 inch per month. The difference was the vitamin growth was moist and strong, the MTG growth was kinky, but kinda drier. You have to make sure you add your moisture and seal if using only MTG.

My hair definitely grows faster and apparently longer with growth aids. This year I'm going all out: MTG 2-3x weekly, hair vitamins, no heat, ayurvedic tea rinses, SAA fortified conditioner, bunning, 5 days of cardio, increased protein intake, head massage, and spray moisturizer in a bottle I carry around with me in my purse. I EXPECT at least 1 inch per month, I suspect if I'm diligent, I'll get more than that.

since LHCF I've discovered you can definitely increase growth. I just need to stop with the manipulation to retain the length I'm getting.
I believe its all in retaining what grows out which lead to growth. The hair is always growing, however with imporper care we don't see it. With proper care we will retain what is grown, therefore the hair will be longer. Instead of breaking off from improper care.
I think so. My growth depends on what I'm eating, how much I'm working out and how much stress I'm under. When I balance these things my hair grows beyond 0.5 in a month. :yep:
I believe its all in retaining what grows out which lead to growth. The hair is always growing, however with imporper care we don't see it. With proper care we will retain what is grown, therefore the hair will be longer. Instead of breaking off from improper care.

I agree that retention is key too:yep:
I agree with many of the ladies above. I think that we have a preset, natural growth rate. I also don't think that most of us are growing at that rate - due to overall body health, nutrition (esp. the trace minerals), and the generally polluted environment that we live in.

I believe that all growth aids work by nudging us a tiny bit closer to that natural growth rate.

So, no you can't speed up your hair growth, but yes, growth aids do sometimes work, at the same time....
Co-sign co-sign co-sign!!!!!
Originally Posted by hairlove
I tend to agree that we can optimize our hair growth rate...meaning that if we're doing all the right things we will get the best growth rate for us. Not too sure about getting hair to grow any faster than it was meant to grow.

Excellent post....and so very true!
I believe we can speed up our growth. When I stopped flat ironing my hair and started rollersetting my hair started growing at a rapid pace. Also when I started deep conditioning my hair and using quality hair stopped breaking and started growing. Of course eating and exericising is imperative...which I do also.

Mzcris, I agree totally!!:yep: My hair has never grown more than 1/2" per month until I used growth aids, etc. When I don't use them, my hair breaks off and I don't even see a growth spurt:wallbash:
6 years ago, my hair was on it's to the best health of it's life. I usually get about 1/4 inch per month:ohwell: if I don't do anything special. I started taking Country Life Maxi Hair and got a full inch per month from the MSM loosening the curl and additional length from the nutrients returning to my system.

Then years later when I stopped the vitamins, I got up the nerve to try MTG and my hair was my original tight texture, but I still got 1 inch per month. The difference was the vitamin growth was moist and strong, the MTG growth was kinky, but kinda drier. You have to make sure you add your moisture and seal if using only MTG.

My hair definitely grows faster and apparently longer with growth aids. This year I'm going all out: MTG 2-3x weekly, hair vitamins, no heat, ayurvedic tea rinses, SAA fortified conditioner, bunning, 5 days of cardio, increased protein intake, head massage, and spray moisturizer in a bottle I carry around with me in my purse. I EXPECT at least 1 inch per month, I suspect if I'm diligent, I'll get more than that.

since LHCF I've discovered you can definitely increase growth. I just need to stop with the manipulation to retain the length I'm getting.

YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! I believe you and am going for the same thing.
Let's show some pics when it's done:yep:
Longtime girls!!!! with the album promo and touring been out for a minute...I still believe we can speed up our hair growth, even though i been neglecting my hair for the longest with all these traveling/busy recording times. But retention is one part, and once u master that one yep there is mad vitamins, habits and techniques to help u faster things up. TECHNIQUES anything massages, deep conds,protective styles (anything that does not expose your ends)

For healthy hair, its crucial that u cover your hair at night with a satin bonnet or a silk scarf. Don't ever let your hair frictions with cotton or against your clothes unless its silk or satin. The air is also a great culprit as it dries your hair out so specially in this season whenever you can afford wear a scarf.i wear a scarf at home while doing daily chores
ecoute tu sais pour des cheveux en bonne sante d une cest tres important

The key is to protect your ends to retain as its the oldest part of your hair and thanks to lhcf i do use vaseline and grease on the ends (i swear it makes my ends thicker like the rest of the hair hehe), serum on the hair and i massage the scalp with my indian oils so i saw a major difference not only in retention but new grow. like i said the best is to keep your hair in protectives styles (buns, braids...even though for weaves i find it grows your hair fast but THIN THEM LIKE CRAZY, CHEWIN THEM...)

FOCUSS on doing more conditioner washes without shampoo witch can dry your hair out too if done too often, try to add honey and indian oils to it. Now to faster the growth, once you retaining your own hair with all those techniques i just gave you, you can incorporate the massages, the vitamins, the protein shakes knowing that it s indeed SULFUR, PROTEIN, among others that fasten growth (msm, foti he shoo woo, super b complex, b5 for thicker hair, biotin, vitol hair nails and skin, castor oil huil masketi,.........) ENJOY!!!! SO EAT PROTEIN, DRINK LOADS OF WATER AND RETAIN AND GROW...

FOR more info you can also check on my fotki its the same thing i been saying in this thread a long time ago so you can always either do a search or read the beginning of the thread for further inquiries

it was great stopping by again i dont get the time to do that often but i m stop by more muahhhhh love you girls!
Hi Ekomba, glad you stopped by. I realised I haven't seen you in a long time. You don't know me from these boards, I used to lurk and stalk your fotki alot. I remember that advice you just gave from a long time ago. I tried upping my protein six weeks ago for 2 weeks and my hair grew close to an inch in those two weeks with that, vitamins, 64ozs water per day, and eating a tons of greens veges that replaced carbs for those 2 weeks. My skin was also glowing and healing fast. So your advice worked for me but now I'm broke and can't afford the protein powders. I recommend what Ekomba said but like everything in this world, not everything works for everybody.
Longtime girls!!!! with the album promo and touring been out for a minute...I still believe we can speed up our hair growth, even though i been neglecting my hair for the longest with all these traveling/busy recording times. But retention is one part, and once u master that one yep there is mad vitamins, habits and techniques to help u faster things up. TECHNIQUES anything massages, deep conds,protective styles (anything that does not expose your ends)

For healthy hair, its crucial that u cover your hair at night with a satin bonnet or a silk scarf. Don't ever let your hair frictions with cotton or against your clothes unless its silk or satin. The air is also a great culprit as it dries your hair out so specially in this season whenever you can afford wear a scarf.i wear a scarf at home while doing daily chores
ecoute tu sais pour des cheveux en bonne sante d une cest tres important

The key is to protect your ends to retain as its the oldest part of your hair and thanks to lhcf i do use vaseline and grease on the ends (i swear it makes my ends thicker like the rest of the hair hehe), serum on the hair and i massage the scalp with my indian oils so i saw a major difference not only in retention but new grow. like i said the best is to keep your hair in protectives styles (buns, braids...even though for weaves i find it grows your hair fast but THIN THEM LIKE CRAZY, CHEWIN THEM...)

FOCUSS on doing more conditioner washes without shampoo witch can dry your hair out too if done too often, try to add honey and indian oils to it. Now to faster the growth, once you retaining your own hair with all those techniques i just gave you, you can incorporate the massages, the vitamins, the protein shakes knowing that it s indeed SULFUR, PROTEIN, among others that fasten growth (msm, foti he shoo woo, super b complex, b5 for thicker hair, biotin, vitol hair nails and skin, castor oil huil masketi,.........) ENJOY!!!! SO EAT PROTEIN, DRINK LOADS OF WATER AND RETAIN AND GROW...

FOR more info you can also check on my fotki its the same thing i been saying in this thread a long time ago so you can always either do a search or read the beginning of the thread for further inquiries

it was great stopping by again i dont get the time to do that often but i m stop by more muahhhhh love you girls!

hey Ekomba!

I remember how much your grew when you were eating well. Your progress inspires me. I tried to do the protien shake but I just dont like it. I tried it with milk and I just wasnt feeling it. Its a shame cause I have so much protein powder too.
Hi Ekomba, glad you stopped by. I realised I haven't seen you in a long time. You don't know me from these boards, I used to lurk and stalk your fotki alot. I remember that advice you just gave from a long time ago. I tried upping my protein six weeks ago for 2 weeks and my hair grew close to an inch in those two weeks with that, vitamins, 64ozs water per day, and eating a tons of greens veges that replaced carbs for those 2 weeks. My skin was also glowing and healing fast. So your advice worked for me but now I'm broke and can't afford the protein powders. I recommend what Ekomba said but like everything in this world, not everything works for everybody.

Hey Guyanesesista! Hey Locabouthair how are you guys!!!!!!!!! miss you all and i m glad Guyanesesista the advice worked. I slowed down cause i cant stand the protein shake anymore so a good alternative you can eat lots of apples for fiber, raw almonds, eggs, salads, prunes, meat or if u dont eat meat boca meat, rice and beans and massage your hair all the time specially with oil i guarantee you start itching like crazy and that s good dont forget water is a great moisturizer so you should rinse your hair a lot but if the water is bad to counterattack it use a filter or do a lot of cowashes meaning conditioner without shampoo that u can add honey, an egg, avocado, olive oil.......amla, vatika oils, and even MTG. have a great day ladies
hey Ekomba!

I remember how much your grew when you were eating well. Your progress inspires me. I tried to do the protien shake but I just dont like it. I tried it with milk and I just wasnt feeling it. Its a shame cause I have so much protein powder too.

Girl suck it up. I didn't like it at first either. I left the powder in my closet for about 6 months just sitting there. Then Last month I tried it again and decided to suck it up cuz I wanted to see if it would benefit my hair and it did. So I no longer care about the taste of protein powders. Hope you're able to use it and see good results. Goodluck.:fat: Drink up!
Hey Guyanesesista! Hey Locabouthair how are you guys!!!!!!!!! miss you all and i m glad Guyanesesista the advice worked. I slowed down cause i cant stand the protein shake anymore so a good alternative you can eat lots of apples for fiber, raw almonds, eggs, salads, prunes, meat or if u dont eat meat boca meat, rice and beans and massage your hair all the time specially with oil i guarantee you start itching like crazy and that s good dont forget water is a great moisturizer so you should rinse your hair a lot but if the water is bad to counterattack it use a filter or do a lot of cowashes meaning conditioner without shampoo that u can add honey, an egg, avocado, olive oil.......amla, vatika oils, and even MTG. have a great day ladies

Girl suck it up. I didn't like it at first either. I left the powder in my closet for about 6 months just sitting there. Then Last month I tried it again and decided to suck it up cuz I wanted to see if it would benefit my hair and it did. So I no longer care about the taste of protein powders. Hope you're able to use it and see good results. Goodluck.:fat: Drink up!

Thanks ladies. For the past two weeks my diet is bad. I need to get back to eating healthy foods. I have two broken spots that just refuse to grow:wallbash: so if I gotta suck up those protein shakes I will. Its too much to waste it. I'm gonna start massaging tonight.
Yes girl. Do it and see how it works for you. I took 2 scoops each containing 23g of protein everyday with milk, 46g. Watch the possible weight gain though. I gained alot of weight on whey so now I'm gonna try soy and burn this whey weight off. Goodluck.