Surgers, seasoned and potential, please read


old head
Surge, Quaternary Ammonium Salts, and You
by BlackCardinal

There's a reason why the instructions on your Surge bottle tell you to wash your hair every day.

Just about every mainstream hair product contains chemicals that can be harmful in some amount, but most are diluted enough that they are considered safe by the "authorities." There is evidence that prolonged use of some of these chemicals can cause health problems later, but, for the most part, people generally suffer no ill-effects from using their normal shampoo or conditioner. And even those that do usually have an allergic reaction to the substances used to create the fragrances, not the active ingredients.

So why are a significant number of LHCF members suffering itching, flaking, and burning, as a result of using Surge? A quick look at the relatively short ingredient list shows fewer than 20 ingredients, all of which are familiar to even a moderate product junkie, as they are all quite common in hair products.

I believe, and this is purely an educated guess, not scientific fact, that it's about the concentrations, not the actual ingredients. In particular, it's the <font color="red"> second ingredient, Cetrimonium Chloride </font> that's causing the problem.

What is Cetrimonium Chloride?
Cetrimonium Chloride is a quaternary ammonium salt--It's not so important what that means exactly, but it is cationic (positive charge) and is often used in hair conditioners. It is KNOWN to cause skin irritation in certain concentrations, as are all quaternary ammonium salts, to different extents. You can LOOK HERE to glimpse a little more about these compounds. There is much more if you do a quick search on-line. Cetrimonium Chloride isn't the strongest in its class, but it's strong enough that I don't think it should be the second ingredient in a leave-in conditioner.

Please see THIS PAGE for technical info about this chemical. In particular, look at the NFPA health rating (see HERE for an explanation of the "2" health rating).

Now, just about every chemical has SOME health risk when in its purest form, so we shouldn't be TOO alarmed. After all, this is a small amount mixed in with other ingredients, mainly water. But it IS the second ingredient, meaning it makes up a somewhat significant amount compared to the ingredients listed after it. There are other ingredients in Surge, such as the parabens, that are known to cause some irritation with prolonged use, but they are closer to the end of the list, and probably don't pose much of a problem (although if the Cetrimonium Chloride is already causing irritation, they may not be improving the matter). Parabens are VERY common in beauty products, by the way, so I'm not as worried about those.

Perhaps the most convincing evidence for me, was this abstract from an article in the International Journal of Toxicology. I don't have access to this journal at my library, but if any of you do, you might, if you have time or feel moved to do so, check out the whole article and see what information you can garner from it. ABSTRACT
I would consider Surge a leave-on product, and considering that the Cetrimonium Chloride is SECOND on the ingredient list, I'm going to take a wild guess and say it probably makes up more than .25% of the final product.

So now what?
Let me be the first to say that I have every intention of using my bottle of Surge. I believe it does deliver on its promises for many people, but that it can have nasty side effects. I would strongly advise everyone, especially those who have been sensitive to chemicals in beauty products before, to please use it as directed and shampoo every day, or at least every time you plan to use it if you aren't using it daily. I don't think it's coincidence that the other Surge hair care products are targeted for itchy, dry scalp and contain things like "soothing aloe" and jojoba. I think they are meant to work synergistically with the revitalizer, and sort of counter-act any irritation caused by it.

I'm not trying to freak anyone out or anything. I know it hasn't scared me off, just made me more cautious about how I'm going to use it. I was just really curious about what was causing the reactions when all the ingredients are fairly commonplace. I truly believe it's about the concentration of the cetrimonium chloride.

Hopefully this was helpful to someone. I know we are really into researching products and being "in the know" about things on the LHCF so I wanted to do my duty. Plus, I think it's fun to dig up info on stuff
Can I hire you??????

GLO (good lookin' out)! Even though I haven't used Surge, I have been tempted to do so.

You really did your research. Just wanted to say thanks (I'm adding your links to my "library" of data on hair and stuff).
I wash my hair 4-5 times a week and I use the Surge twice a day as directed. I have never had any irritation with the product mainly because I wash so frequently. This product gives me excellent results, but you really have to follow the directions especially with those harsh chemicals. I'm really glad that you posted this. People shouldn't be turned off by the product, but just learn that consistency and following directions exactly not only gives you better results, but can possibly save you a headache from scalp irritation.
I am a Surger and belive in this product and for a change its something that works, as you said, I use the other products by Surge along with the Plus 14 and have no problems at all. I was also thinking , maybe some of use has had to much wax and petroleum on our scalp and that our scalps aren't use to products without it ?
BlackCardinal, that was a very good post. Like you,
I am a science buff &lt;ain't handed in that thesis for my MS in Molecular and Cellular Bio yet!
&gt;. It is so wonderful to see that we don't just use products blindly just because others said it worked.

My 9 yr. daughter and I have been Surgin' since late November. We only wash once a week, but maybe the fact that we follow the Surge application with S-curl and a light oil could be the reason why we haven't experienced any irritation. Thanks for this wonderful and informative post.
Wow! Thanks for the warning and for taking the time out to research this.

What does Cetrimonium Chloride do for hair?
Great Post BC!!! I totally believe you are right. I had problems with the product but the benefits outweighed the negatives, so I started washing my hair more often. The problems decreased and now I barely notice anything.
BC, thanks girl! thanks much!!! I'm in briads and won't be washing as often so I'll leave the Surge alone until after.
Great post, BC! Very thoroughly researched.

I CO wash once a day, so I haven't had any problems with SURGE despite having a sensitive scalp.

P.S. Should we actually be washing twice a day, according to the instructions, if we are applying SURGE twice a day or is just once a day sufficient? Wasn't sure how to interpret the instructions.
Thanks so much for the post Black Cardinal!!! I've been a member of this board for a while, and I hardly ever post, but I couldn't keep quiet on this subject. My hair is relaxed, currently 20 inches and in very good condition. I believe I'm 3c/4a. I have been Surging with the Revitalizer 14 since Dec. 13, 2003 with great results. I got a full inch of growth in a month. I usually get about a half inch.

When I started the Surge I had just gotten about 2 to 2 1/2 inches of raggedy ends trimmed off. I was at bra-strap before the "trim". So when I got the Surge I was really hoping to recover my length faster. It worked! But not only was my hair growing faster, but the shedding I was experiencing stopped. I would barely have two or three hairs in the comb. And the long hairs on the bathroom floor were almost non-existent. And it gets better. The Surge made my new-growth almost the same texture as my relaxed hair. I was ready to buy stock in the company! This Surge worked better for me than Wildgrowth (which also made my hair grow but people would ask about the smell so I stopped using it). Finally, I had found my answer.

I was so excited that I ordered six more bottles--three for me and three for my family. I was afraid they'd sell out and I didn't want to be without it. But then the scary posts began about scalp problems. I thought to myself, well I'm not having any problems-I'm so glad my scalp is tough. But then I started feeling a little tenderness myself. The tenderness eventually became soreness in some places. But I was still having a lot less shedding . What would I do?

I was still loving the growth and the smooth hair too much to want to stop, I was beginning to get concerned. So I cut back from twice a day to once a day and that helped. Also I'm glad I read the scary posts because I was getting ready to color my gray hair with henna and that could have been a disaster! But still I wanted to use Surge. I'd just have to figure it out. I looked at the ingredients again and thought, maybe it's the chloride stuff and now with your great research I believe I have the information I need. This stuff IS strong. So in order to continue the Surge and avoid the side effects, I'll have to wash more often and maybe use the other products--the Woojee Cream and the oil. I bought them but didn't see a need for because of the good results I was getting with the Revitalizer so I just put them aside for awhile.

Now my plan is to start washing my hair more often and to use the other Surge products. The Woojee Cream says that it "Restores Moisture and Balance."

I was only washing once a week, so now I'll wash more often and see if that plus using the other products helps.
I hope this works.

Thanks so much for the useful post. You are so thorough!
I just took a look at my surge bottle and the second ingredient reads cetrimonium CHIORIDE not CHLORIDE.....although it could be misspelled on the bottle.
HairFanatic01 said:
I wash my hair 4-5 times a week and I use the Surge twice a day as directed. I have never had any irritation with the product mainly because I wash so frequently. This product gives me excellent results, but you really have to follow the directions especially with those harsh chemicals. I'm really glad that you posted this. People shouldn't be turned off by the product, but just learn that consistency and following directions exactly not only gives you better results, but can possibly save you a headache from scalp irritation.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think that is why my experience has been so positive...I wash 3-4 times a week...I use it twice a day...I use shea butter as an additional moisturizer...I am not a fan of the Wojee cream yet...but your post is making me rethink some things.

Excellent work...I will continue doing what I am doing...and stick with the directions.
I love the result too much to stop. I never had a problem because I do daily co washes. My hair is constantly getting moisture. I presently have 3.5 inches of healthy new growth. Started surge Dec. 16th. My last touch up Oct 22nd, so I am definitely ahead in growth. This amount of growth would normally take over six months.
lthomas1 said:
I love the result too much to stop. I never had a problem because I do daily co washes. My hair is constantly getting moisture. I presently have 3.5 inches of healthy new growth. Started surge Dec. 16th. My last touch up Oct 22nd, so I am definitely ahead in growth. This amount of growth would normally take over six months.

[/ QUOTE ]

DANG am I supposed to catch up to my "Hair Buddy" if you keep getting that kind of growth!!!???? Jiminy Crickets!
Can't wait till mine is that long...let me go Surge before I go to bed!
BC, that was some very informative stuff little lady. Very helpful.

I love SURGE!!! I have noticed the growth promised since I started the product 2 weeks ago. Although I continue to wear my cornrows I still tend to rinse my parts each day now that I use Surge. Also, I use a braid spray, to which I have added EVOO (to combat the dryness from the heater). My new growth is amazing. I started going natural in August and I have at least 5 + inches of new growth. I have pics to post as soon as the site where my webpage is located is straightened out. To see the existing pics, you have to scroll down to the bottom of all the "warnings" that are there. I have contacted the administor and he said he'll be able to get it straightened out in a few days...they are installing new stuff right now.
This makes sense since I'm seeing that some people are having some type of allergic contact dermatitis with Surge. Good work! I personally didn't have a problem though. I'm going to write the company and ask exactly what is the concentration of this specific compound. I hope they respond.
I'm sick of Surge and what it's doing to people!!! I haven't had problems but I'm so mad at them because so many of us are having problems with and I think it's related to this light you shed on the matter! Thanks a bunch BlackCardinal!! Great research!
Thanks Cardinal for sharing your research. I had these concerns a few weeks ago after I looked up the ingredients for Surge. I only have one bottle and I was considering getting more. I haven't had any irritation, as my scalp seems less sensitve to most folks on the board. After I looked over the ingredients I decided to hold off on getting more. After I finish this one bottle I might whip up my own version sans the chemical ingredients.
Thanks BlackCardinal. This only confirms for me what I have been thinking on how to use Surge and any product for that matter. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ON THE BOTTLE. IMO, if you don't follow the directions, don't blame the product. On the bottle, it says "for best results shampoo hair and use twice a day" which to me means that you should be shampooing your hair every day while you're using Surge 2x a day. I myself could not shampoo everyday, so I settled for every 3 to 4 days, and it worked fine for a while, but after 1 month of use, I am beginning to get itches so I am going to discontinue using Surge for now. And I plan to start again in about 2 months.
That is very interesting. I got a crusty scab like dandruff thing that was brown and huge on my scalp. It was pretty scary. I immediately stopped using it, but I was only washing once every 10 days. I definitely won't be using it again, but it is working for my hubby's balding spots. We will have to wash his hair everyday now. Thanks soo much for the info.
BC- thanks for the info. I haven't used surge yet but I am glad for the information. What Surge product is everyone using?

Hi, Kasey
LORD JESUS that you for that. I've been sprayin that stuff on while i'm wearing this sew in weave and I haven't even dreamed of washing it yet.