Surgers, seasoned and potential, please read

Life is like a box of chocolates (Quote)
We all loved Surge like chocolates, but as we know if you eat the whole box some of us can break out and others get stomach aches. So maybe Surge Plus 14 wasn't intended to be used everyday, the directons as I read it , didn't say daily ! and if some have irritations then they should only use it less often then other. Lets not throw that chocolates in the trash its still a good stuff.
people seem to be reading the directions differently, which may mean that they weren't written very clearly in the first place. This is the FAQ from the website. It should clarify how the product should be used

Q: Is Plus 14 really guaranteed to produce hair growth within 14 days?
A: Yes. Within 14 days of using Plus 14, you should notice a significant
difference in the quality of your locks. Softened, moisturized, and rich hair
plus a healthier scalp are guaranteed.

Q: For best results, how often should I use Plus 14?
A: For the best result, we recommend shaking bottle well and using Plus 14
twice a day, after shampooing your hair. If necessary, you may use it more

Q: Are there any side effects reported with using your products?
A: No. All of our products have been fully tested and have proven safe for use
in all individuals

Q: Are Surge products only for Afro-American hair types?
A: No. Plus 14 and other Surge products are not only effective for the Afro-
American customer but also for those of Asian, Caucasian, and Spanish
descent. No matter your nationality,you’ll see results with Surge products.

Q: Can Woojee cream be used as a body lotion?
A: Yes, In fact, if you use the Woojee cream on your body, more so on your
elbows and knee's while in the shower, when you get out and dry off , you
will love the way your skin feels.

Q: Can Plus 14 cause flaking?
A: Flaking can be a sign of several things. Your scalp is very dry or you have
a build up of sebum You could also have a build up of product or products
with wax or petroleum in them, etc. So flaking could be noticed during this
period while Plus 14 is working to break up the sebum build up. If your scalp
is dry, apply the Surge Lotion Motion #9 to the scalp to reduce flaking and

Q: Can Plus 14 or Woojee Cream cause redness or irritation?
A: Because Mucopolysaccharides actually stimulate the scalp and skin, in
some cases you could notice redness. This should go away, however, if it
continues for more then 1 day, reduce the use of spraying directly to the
scalp to every other day or once a day. However, you can continue
spraying directly to the hair.

Q: Can you mix other brand name products with Surge Plus 14?
A: We recommend you only use the Surge family of products. We know our
product ingredients work together and therefore we can not guarantee the
results of Surge if other brand name products are mixed with Surge.

Q: What is different about the Power Wash Shampoo?
A: Power Wash shampoo also has Mucopolysaccharies as an ingredient listing.
With regular use of the Power Wash Shampoo, you should notice less loss
of hair when in the shower. It is a great Professional shampoo at a great

Q: What is different about Surge?
A: Surge offers a high quality product at a reasonable price. We also try to
stay away from waxes and petroleum as a base ingredient, which can clog
pours and cause a build up of sebum on the scalp and therefore stop or
slow down hair growth.

Q: Is there any place where I can buy Surge products on the Internet?
A: There are many retailers who are currently selling our Surge products
online. In addition, we are in the process of obtaining an official dealer’s
application for Internet e-Commerce.

Q: Do you have a store listing?
A: Please contact us toll-free at 1-888-816-8144 to obtain the store listing
nearest you.

Q: Where are the Surge products advertised?
A: You can find advertisements for our products in nationwide magazines,
including Black Hair and Hype Hair.

Q: Where is the manufacturer located?
A: C&L USA, manufacturers of the Surge product line, is located in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In addition, we have other divisions in Atlanta,
Georgia, and Dallas, Texas.

Q: What is your customer service number?
A: For answers to your questions or solutions to your needs, please contact
us at our toll-free number, 1-888-816-8144.

hope this helps
justtogood said:
Life is like a box of chocolates (Quote)
We all loved Surge like chocolates, but as we know if you eat the whole box some of us can break out and others get stomach aches. So maybe Surge Plus 14 wasn't intended to be used everyday, the directons as I read it , didn't say daily ! and if some have irritations then they should only use it less often then other. Lets not throw that chocolates in the trash its still a good stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just to clarify: The directions on the bottle say.."for best results, use twice...daily" is meant to be used daily.
Though this is not about Surge, I wonder about the results of other products, such as hair conditioners, that contain cetrimoniun chloride. I own or have owned some hair conditioners that contain this ingredient. I suppose that fact that these are rinse out products makes the difference. I'm not worried though.
Black Cardinal thanks a bunch! I use Surge 2x daily but I have been co washing my hair every other day. So far so good, no breakouts, flakes or itches, I did notice that the hair in my nape area is much softer and thicker. I only purchased one bottle in case I didn't like it. I'll do my homework on the chemical you mentioned. Glad you're on our side!
I used Surge twice a day and still shampooed once a week. I had no problems whatsoever. I stopped because of the cold, dry weather because I wanted to concentrate on moisture...
Thanks BlackCardinal!

I knew that there was a link between my reaction to this product and similar reactions I read about on the boards. AT first, when I suggested there could have been a link, many people thought I was crazy, responding "I haven't had any problems". But the risk is there.
Wow, I'm glad the info was of some benefit to you all.
Let's see...
Eclipse: Yes, I'm pretty positive it's just misspelled on the bottle. I was like CHIORIDE?? Then I realized they must have meant chloride. I looked up chioride just in case and didn't get any results, so I figured it was just a typo.

blueMoon: Thanks for posting those FAQ's. I read those too, and to tell you the truth I don't buy some of their "reasons" for flaking and irritation. If you shampoo your hair regularly, then you won't have any sebum or product build up. And if you do have build up, it wouldn't have been invisible all this time and then suddenly show up when you start using surge, would it? You would have been itching and flaking all along.

caress: LOTS of other conditioners use cetrimonium chloride because it is apparently a good hair conditioner. But I've never seen it as a MAJOR ingredient before. And also, like you said, I think it's a big difference when you rinse it out a couple minutes later as opposed to leaving it on at least 24 hours until your next wash. That's also what that article was saying.

I wasn't trying to start a revolution or anything
I just wanted some answers. I'm sure not everybody will experience side effects from Surge, but it's just that there were more than just a couple rare cases of flaking or irritation, and that seems significant to me. At first no one had any problems, but I think as more and more people tried it, we approached the point where we could witness the percentage of people who DO have a reaction to it. For instance, if 10% of everyone who tries surge for 2 weeks or more experiences irritation, we will most likely not see any individuals with the symptoms until quite a few have been trying it for a while, since 90% will be just fine. Does that make sense?

I've also been wondering why people noticed the problem behind their ears even though the middle of their scalps where they were regularly spraying may not have been irritated. Feel the skin back there. It's pretty "delicate" right? I think because that area back there is so sensitive, it tends to react the most. Most of the rest of your skin is always exposed to the elements and rubbing against your clothes and whatnot, but that little area behind your ears is pretty protected and hasn't really been forced to get "tough." So it's probably going to be more susceptible to harsh chemicals. That's my guess.

I'm not trying to tell people to just give up the surge, no questions asked. If you did experience problems and you weren't washing frequently, maybe this means you'll give it a try with increased washing before you toss it out. Or if you were going to try it and don't see washing everyday as fitting well into your regime, you might reconsider trying it now that you know about the risk. It's pretty apparent at this point that there is more risk involved with Surge than your average leave-in conditioner.

Alright, that's enough for me. I have homework to do
Hi i'm susanna i've been lurking in the background for a couple of years and have aquired a great deal of information.
I would just like to add generally. Anything that you put on you skin should be patch tested for a reaction ( to leave it on a small part of you skin for 24/48 hours). If you know you have sensitive skin, I would do it for a month, just to check. We all know with products that what works for one person, might not work for everyone, it just our chemical makeup. That is the same for surge, protien conditioner or relaxers. Personally, I cannot use relaxers , my hair hates it and it doesn't help my scalp.
So while we are lucky to have BlackCardinal wealth of knowledge, we can help ourselves more, if we treat all chemical product with a little extra caution.
OK, ladies, carry on the good work

Whoa! Thanks for the info. I have been scared to try Surge due to others reporting irritations. But I think I'll pick up some tonight. I have been meaning to wash twice a week anyway.
Has anyone thought about e-mailin the company and asking them why this ingredient is in there and secondly is it really necessary to be in there in the first place??
Oh I looked at some of my products and realized that this ingredient is in some of my leav-in products as well. I've had no allergic reactions or anything like that with any product that I've used.
Awesome looking out! Thanks for the info. I'm new the board and just purchased my first bottle which I started using two days ago. I will definitely keep this information handy and use the product as recommended.

Thanks again!
my question is do you shampoo then spray in surge and then continue with ur conditioning process. I have surge and I usually use it after the washing product as a leave in. But I haven't really seen any major growth so I was going to step it up and shampoo everyday like the bottle reads but im not exactly sure how to go about that.

Help you'll?

Well I don't shampoo every day, just 2x a week. I haven't had any of the problems that some have had but my scalp has always been a bit of a tough ole gal! I'm getting pretty good growth so far but I also take a buttload of vitamins so it's hard to separate what is doing what. I have some "Post Surge" update pics in my album now. I will say though I felt like my hair was at a standstill for a while and now I feel like I'm making progress again.
You get an A+ for a job well done....can I hire you to do some research papers for me!
Thanks BC. I too am guilty of not reading the Surge bottle instructions and going with the flow. I've learned a hard lesson at the expense of one of my girl's scalp. I plan to scrutinize products more closely before putting them on my children's hair from here on.

I just read Suave Humectant Conditioner, it too has Cetrimonium Chloride listed as its 3rd ingredient. I won't be using this experimental mixed into any concoction as a leave-in for my girls.

Time for me to do spring cleaning early on my product stash.

Edited to add: My Bumble and Bumble leave-in has a form of Cetrimonium (cetrimonium bromide). I hope this doesn't cause reactions. To be on the safe side this won't be going on my child's hair any more either.
Thanks for the info! I had been thinking about using surge for a while now. I think I'm going to pick up a bottle and give it a try.
deeshortesthair said:
I used surge and had 1/2 growth in 1 month and i never had itching even when i had in braids.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have never used Surge but I was considering but I wanted to do some research and see what everyone elses experience was. I hope I am understanding this have to wash your hair everytime you use it? So if I spray it in the morning I have to wash my hair at night?
My regimen involves CO washing my hair and applying the Surge every evening. I don't reapply the Surge, except for on the hair line again (or wash) until the next evening. My shampoo wash and deep conditioning is reserved for Saturday.

Whether you 'HAVE TO' or not depends largely I suppose on your tolerance to the product. For me, I MUST oil my scalp after the Surge application and lightly again in the morning or I develop mild irritation. I found after doing this, the irritation is non existent. However, my mother who's hair is thick as nylon thread (and mine - angel hair), applies Surge daily followed by carrot oil and washes/conditions only once a week. She's fine.

Thanks. I think I'm going to try it and see what happens. I have braids and am getting my hair braided again so I want to try it with the braids. I always read any product before I or anybody else puts it in my hair.
LaNecia, I know the woman you have as your Icon pic. I am a summer camp couselor for her 4 children. She is so beautiful and her hair is so lovely.

Is that right?! Wow! I've seen her pics a few times in different magazines and I still just sit and look at her hair in amazement. Tell her she has a 'hair fan'!

The world is really a small place afterall....
I wanted to bump of this thread. I also wanted to ask people to check some of their other products, particularly hair conditioners, and see how many contain cetrimonium chloride. I know a few of mine do and I have had no reaction to them.
I mixed my surge with a braid spray and I always apply a creme or something to my scalp prior to applying surge. Thanks for the bump caress.