Surge - Newgrowth feels ummm... strange


New Member
I just started using surge on the 14th. I don't mind spraying my scalp 2x a day, but what bothers me is how my new growth feels afterwards. Kind of sticky, extra thick and bushy all at the same time. That's the only way i can describe this. Is this normal? Is anyone else having this 'problem'? Also, what's up with the itchy scalp? I just washed my hair on Fri nite and only used the surge 3x (fell off the bandwagon a little bit
) but my scalp really itches (tingles) a little. Is that also normal? And no, I haven't seen any flaking (thank God).
Hmm...My new growth feels very soft and wavy. It feels differently than it used to but in a good way. I haven't experienced any stickiness with my new growth. It is bushy though but very soft. As far as the itchiness. I had this and then I started using ORS olive oil spray on my scalp right after the surge and I have never had that problem again. I think the itchiness comes from it drying your scalp so most follow up with some type of oil. and I have to wash like every 3 days.
CaramelHonee said:
but what bothers me is how my new growth feels afterwards. Kind of sticky, extra thick and bushy all at the same time. That's the only way i can describe this. Is this normal? Is anyone else having this 'problem'?

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Yeah, my new growth felt like this also. But because I'm 4a/b, there was matting too. All the sticky coils grabbed each other and wouldn't let go. It didn't help that I'd apply daily but only comb every other week.

For now I'm laying off Surge. Later I might apply it only after CO washes and before addng coconut oil and combing thoroughly.
That's the thing. My newgrowth is naturally soft and wavy but when i use the surge, it just Plumps Up for some reason. I mean, it's still s&w but it's just Uberthick and bushy feeling. Also, when I try to comb it, i have a little trouble b/c it's so thick. Do you think that's b/c I am 18 weeks post relaxer?

I'll give myself a daily scalp massage afterwards using my oil combo, thanks WT.
megonw said:
CaramelHonee said:
but what bothers me is how my new growth feels afterwards. Kind of sticky, extra thick and bushy all at the same time. That's the only way i can describe this. Is this normal? Is anyone else having this 'problem'?

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Yeah, my new growth felt like this also. But because I'm 4a/b, there was matting too. All the sticky coils grabbed each other and wouldn't let go. It didn't help that I'd apply daily but only comb every other week.

For now I'm laying off Surge. Later I might apply it only after CO washes and before addng coconut oil and combing thoroughly.

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Glad i'm not the only one, did u try oiling ur scalp afterwards or applying oil to the surge itself? if so, did it help with the stickiness?
Surge is a water-based solution so that is the reason for the thick, bushy feeling of your roots. When I first begun using the product, my scalp was itching like crazy. It felt like a a million ants were using my head as a punching bag. I think the itching (less the dry scalp and flaking) means that your hair is growing. Celebrate! I would only be concerned if redness and irritation are present. I also wash/rinse my hair 2x per week.
Ive never had any itching problems with Surge. I begin using Surge hair Revitalizer Plus 14 on May 1st and have experimented with it on dry and wet hair...

For the first 14 days of using it, I used it twice daily, on wet and dry hair. When I applied it to wet hair, it made my new growth soft. When I applied it to dry hair, it made my new growth and relaxed hair feel like two different textures. Thats why I stopped using it twice a day because I did not like how it worked on my dry hair. Now, I use it just after I wash my hair. I only spray it on my scalp, not all over my hair. Ive sprayed it all over my hair before and its a good detangler.
I've been on Surge 14 for 2.5 wks now and my roots are coming in really thick. I only comb and brush my wet when it is soaking wet. Otherwise the brush (denman)gets stuck and it takes 1/2 an hour or more to comb it (with a wide toothed comb). My scalp itches a lot too.
My new growth feels weird right after I use Surge too, probably because it makes it a little "wet", but once it dries it goes back to normal.
I use it one week and then stop and then surge again. i haven't had any problems so far. i love it and wil continue to use it. i am 11 weeks with out relaxing and i have puffiness too. your 18 weeks, well maybe that is why.
i don't have a very coarse texture and my new growth is pretty manageable but when using surge and i need a touch up, i expected the puffiness but it's a welcome side effect. my hair has really been doing great. i know that once i relax again, i will have plenty of growth. as for the itchiness, that happned to me the first couple of times but it did stop. i just watched out for irritaion and redness, when i didn't see those effects, i didn't worry anymore. i think you should give it a little time and work with it. i do slather on the break free and some VO5 conditioner before going out the door. i don't know if your hair will react the same way mine did but try the VO5 conditioner for curly hair, i think it's mango and some other fruit. I spray my scalp with surge and then i glop, yes glop on that conditioner. i then scrunch as i am getting dressed in the morning. girl, you would think i did a braid out. it also keeps my hair soft all day long. my hair looks very wavy when i do this, it shocked me the last time i did it, it came out so pretty. that was the reason i decided to go even longer without perming, i loved how my hair looked. your hair will be a little wet when you walk out but by the time you get to work, it will be fine. i have to take a picture the next time i do it. i plan on using that with the surge. good luck girl.
Thanks E.
And yes, make sure you post pics, whenever i decide to go outside with my wet hair, it dries up into something out of a horror show
My new growths felt sticky, bushy, dry and my scalp was stinging too after using surge 2xday for 3 days. Then, I started CO washes 4 x week, spray Surge 2 x day followed by my oil "combo" 2 x day also. My hair is still sticky but not bushy and the stinging is gone. My only complaint is that my hair is growing like weeds (lol).
I have been using Surge since Jan 2004. I like using it on both wet and dry hair. I add castor oil to my bottle and that solves my itchy, flake problem. I do use it twice daily (I'm currently in braids) but when I am not braided up I use it once a day.

CH: I would use it at night if I were you and then tie a scarf on my hair (should help with the puffiness).

I am 4a/b and never have a problem with matting but the longest I have ever gone between touch ups is 13 weeks. I find that Surge does detangle for me too if I use it all over when wet. HTH
I noticed the same thing on my hair & scalp also. I just increased my hair washes to 2x a week. that really helped! I also use a light oil spritz on my scalp after each wash. The bottle says for best results shampoo hair then use 2x daily.
I experienced similiar results, I used surge for a month and I swear my hair grew an inch, but that was too weird for me and I quit. My roots did grow thicker and faster, but I was also a little concerned about all this strong new hair coming out versus the weaker hair already there....I didnt want my other hair to break off. Not sure if this is a valid concern though...havent heard of it happening to anyone else. Also I am not relaxed and assumed all my hair was strong anyway...whatever!! That surge can make it stronger.
Also, I forgot to add...I am in no way saying surge caused this but......I used to apply surge aroung my hairline faithfully. I now have a hair line that is a very slight shade or two lighter than my face. I dont particulary care for this, but you can only see it if youre really, really up close. I am wondering if the surge has a bleaching product in it? I am also using acne medication on my face but I am thinking than can not be the cause because my face would then appear lighter than my hairline right? Also I am talking hairline only cuz I know the scalp can be lighter than the face anyway. There is quarter inch area from my hairline to my scalp thats slightly discolored. This was the only place I actually consistently placed surge. The rest of my scalp I would just randomly part and place. Could someone who actually placed surge along their hairline consistantly see if there is any discolartion no matter how slight for me. It could very well be something else that caused this, Id just like to know for sure. thanx a lot!!
I have been surging since OCT 03 with no problems.
Surge makes my new growth soft and wavy I usally follow up with oil,roothealth and bring out sta so fro when newgrowth gets tough.
I spray my scalp and hair twice daily the best benifit of using surge for me is stronger hair.
keni5 said:
Also, I forgot to add...I am in no way saying surge caused this but......I used to apply surge aroung my hairline faithfully. I now have a hair line that is a very slight shade or two lighter than my face. I dont particulary care for this, but you can only see it if youre really, really up close. I am wondering if the surge has a bleaching product in it? I am also using acne medication on my face but I am thinking than can not be the cause because my face would then appear lighter than my hairline right? Also I am talking hairline only cuz I know the scalp can be lighter than the face anyway. There is quarter inch area from my hairline to my scalp thats slightly discolored. This was the only place I actually consistently placed surge. The rest of my scalp I would just randomly part and place. Could someone who actually placed surge along their hairline consistantly see if there is any discolartion no matter how slight for me. It could very well be something else that caused this, Id just like to know for sure. thanx a lot!!

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If you acne meds contain benzoyl peroxide, that's most likely trhe cause of the bleached hair at the hairline - not the Surge. Benzoyl peroxide can bleach the hair and not the skin. I use Surge on my hairline and its not lighter. But I have color in my hair so someone else's exerience may be more accurate on that tip.
Tracy, I hadnt thought of that. That may very well be the case. But my skin is bleached under the hair, the hair isnt bleached at all, unless its just very subtle. Either way I am going to make great effort not to put medication close to hairline. thanx for responding!!
I use Surge 2 times a day and I have never experienced the itching or burning that some of you complained about. It has definitely made my new growth softer and much more managable. I'm almost 12 weeks post relaxer, and I feel like I could go 12 more