Super Healthy Ends Challenge 2010!

I want to join the 2nd round. My biggest problem has been hard water issues. My hair just does not act right with all the mineral build up. We have a few plumbers coming out today for estimates to have a water softener installed.
I want to join the 2nd round. My biggest problem has been hard water issues. My hair just does not act right with all the mineral build up. We have a few plumbers coming out today for estimates to have a water softener installed.

You can get a WaterStick in shower water softener for under $200. I have one and my hair has thanked me for it.
So far, so good. I have been alternating between whole head and ponytail baggying several night per week. My ends are very healthy. I use Jane Carter Leave In Conditioner everyday, but I have been trying different oils since the weather has gotten warmer. In the winter months I use a 50/50 mix of JBCO and EVOO. Now I have been trying coconut oil, argan oil and safflower oil. I will know in a few weeks which one I like best for the summer months.
Ok, I'm shameless now. I have a baggied bun with a scrunchie around it. No cover over the baggy. Nada. I wonder what people are thinking. Ah well. :rolleyes:
L M A O!!
you have your bun with a baggie around it and then a scrunchie...
GURL you SOOOOOOO silly!!
ooh but lookin' at your growth...can't be madatcha....would be a:nono:
to me...
They're probably wondering if you KNOW you have a baggie showing:yep:
and you're probably like....ermmm yah...*shrug*
well my end are looking good, even though they are only down once a week, for my wash and etc...(i do this , so i don't play in my hair, or comb too much just once a week) i keep em cornrowed under my half wig, and my growth with mn, n mt is crazy, and i'm doing my first 6 month stretch i got 4 more months to go, i normally relax 10-12 weeks, but i wanted to try so we will see. lol!! i am contemplating on going for a blow out, and a trim, just to maintain, but i have been doing great using no heat at all since the end of last year, and my hair is already thick but thicker, and my ends have improved i cant even see through them. i will continue to moisturize n seal daily and baggy(full head) atleast 3-4 hours if i dont have the time to baggy overnight.
I am in for the second season.

I'm starting the second session today. I've got my hair braided under a wig and since my hair seems to like Sulfur 8 and Parnevu Extra Dry Leave-In conditioner, I've been doing that again. I leave it alone for a week and then oil and braid it up again. I'm stretching my washes since I lose a lot of hair then. I'm also drinking my 8 glasses of water again and want to start an exercise program this month.
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I"m in for the second session. I had so much growth but my ends broke off -- what's the point of growing if I can't retain it.............
my ends are fab, even though i will not be gettin a trim or dusting till my next relaxer in october!(6 month stretch)
I will b washing this sat, after taking down my cornrows i have in for 2 weeks. (i keep them cornrowed under my half wig.) I will do my usual deep condition(1hour). spray in my motions cpr... and then air dry, after that re-braid and and use my megatek and mn mix... alternate days till the next time... my growth is looking great... very thick n full (keeping things simple), i am also not using any type of heat! i am also baggyin 3-5 times a week and hopefully(fingers crossed) by october my six month stretch im at least shoulder length or beyond!
I have been spraying my ends with glycerin-evco-water mix and sealing with my oils when needed and my end feel much better. No breakage! :)
i've been sealing with castor oil but i don't even know what type of castor oil it is lol it might be haitian castor oil. whenever a label-less bottle of something is lying around, i just assume it's from haiti because my grandmother is always bringing things back from there :shrugs:
I haven't been posting in this challenge regularly but I've been keeping up with it. I've been moisturizing every morning and every night with my beloved Qhemet's BRBC and sealing with KeraCare Essential Oils (love this stuff), and my ends love me for it. No breakage!
I might as well go on to session 2 also. I've been consistent on my routine using Lacio, Lacio and then sealing with an Amla and Brahmi oil mix.
washed ,dc'ed,and air dried my hair last night, used my megatek this morning and rebraided my hair, and will keep doing this till i hit my 6 month stretch, half wig it is!my ends look ok, i won't b getting a trim till my next relaxer.
Checking in.. re-upped on the qhemet burdock root butter cream to moisturize with, still sealing with coconut oil. Looking for a realistic ponytail to wear for a couple of days to protect these ends.
Hi Ladies!
I have to apologize for not abiding by the rules fo the Challenge. I have had some health challenges (see my blog) but I am back in the game! I am at this moment mixing my concoction for tonight's hair love fest!
Sher, with all of the challenges you have recently been through, it is a blessing to have you back, so no apologies necessary. I hope you are feeling well now.
I'm in for the 2nd session. I am in kinky twists right now, trying to figure out what is going to be best to moisturize my hair. Thinking about just getting some old school braid spray from the beauty supply store.

I haven't trimmed since I got a really big cut (not by my own desire) near the end of April. Coming out of these braids probably mid August, so that will only have been 3.5 months, so I am debating on whether I will trim or not when I come out of them. They already looked a little choppy from growing out of the cut, but no splits, so a trim would be strictly for appearance. The ladies I go to now understand the meaning of really trimming and not cutting my hair. But still, I have goals to meet and not sure if I should be trimming after only 3.5 months.
My ends are in good shape, but I have been shedding a lot more than usual lately.:perplexed: I need to examine my diet and perhaps make some changes in my regi.
checking in: I have posted some pics in my album to show my ends, because I don't know how to post pics over here, so that is easiest! but my ends are looking fab!
Imma Go Ahead and post in here even though I thought someone was going to start a 2nd Session of this very important challenge.

I have really been focusing on my ends. I am currently using & loving: Claudie's Ends Insurance #1 and Hairveda Whipped Ends Hydration.

My ends are improving. They'll be great after I get a light dusting/trim in October.
hair check.jpg

here's my a pic of my ends, I haven't had a trim since january of this year, and I am 15 weeks post and I pressed my hair today, oh n by the way my has it grown!
so...i've been slacking off. i'm pretty sure i need a trim too. and guess what? that bottle that i thought was castor oil was really some french hair pouss product smh i hated it anyway. i think this week or next week, i'm going to figure out something for my hair. i spray my hair with care free curl gold mixed with water though so maybe that does do something for my ends? it's not like my ends are horrible but i think i just need a trim