Super Grow Out Challenge **Updates Months 8&9&10** catching up!!


Hair Coach
Hi Ladies! :wave:

I know it's been a few months since we have updated for the SGO challenge. It is still on and I haven't forgotten about all you gorgeous heads of hair.

We are going to update for the Months of August and September and October(being that October is almost finished)

Here I go.

I have not made much progress so far. I have been extremely scissor happy and I am completely tired of hiding my hair. I think I may have retained about an inch or two of grow since that challenge started.

My hair is however very healthy and looks great. I don't think I will be doing any trims until after the New Year and I may have to wear a series of braids to keep myself from cutting off my progress but I know I will reach brastrap real soon. I have just mellowed out and stopped constantly thinking about my hair and I have just been having fun with it!

I haven't been using a lot of heat but I have beenn wearing my hair out quite often. I think so far I measure at around 20 inches(give or take a little). That leaves me around 4-5 inches from my first goal of brastrap. I am pressing on.

How are you ladies doing?? I want to hear details please:grin:
Wow DSD, we are in the same boat. I had to throw my scissors away the other day(of course I went back and retrieved them). I realized that I'm more concerned about hair health than growth. I just don't want long thin hair. I've learned a lot about my hair though over the months. Which is cool.
I'm currently in braids, but will be removing them in 2 weeks. My hair was a few inches below shoulder at its longest. I am hoping that the braids gave it a nice, healthy break. I use MTG, S-Curl, and try to keep it well moisturized.

My first goal is bra strap, and I will set others when I reach that goal. My hair was healthy, but I had a setback before the braids, due to some serious tangling in the middle of my hair. But I won't speak defeat, only victory!
shawniegee said:
Wow DSD, we are in the same boat. I had to throw my scissors away the other day(of course I went back and retrieved them). I realized that I'm more concerned about hair health than growth. I just don't want long thin hair. I've learned a lot about my hair though over the months. Which is cool.
Yeah, I feel the same way. I don't want long thin hair so I have cut a total of around 5 inches this year setting me back an entire year but I don't fret over it. It will grow back, it always does.
cocoberry10 said:
I'm currently in braids, but will be removing them in 2 weeks. My hair was a few inches below shoulder at its longest. I am hoping that the braids gave it a nice, healthy break. I use MTG, S-Curl, and try to keep it well moisturized.

My first goal is bra strap, and I will set others when I reach that goal. My hair was healthy, but I had a setback before the braids, due to some serious tangling in the middle of my hair. But I won't speak defeat, only victory!
No, don't ever, ever speak defeat! It sounds like you are doing well despite the setback!
Well I re-reached bsl sometime this month I guess. A few months ago I got frustrated to the point of tears because of a hair mishap a while back where a stylist screwed up my hair. There was a small patch that broke off and it seemed to be growing so slowly. I wanted to just cut all my hair to the same length and give up on the battle I felt I was losing. So I cut some of the length, the patch was at shoulder and the rest at bsl, I cut it to about the halfway point, and it's already back :yay: Now to cut or not to cut, that is the question :confused:
So glad to have ya back DSD. I got details for ya....

Well I made bra strap. I was kinda like :ohwell: about it cause it was only to the top. It seemed to take forever and a week to get that far. My goal is mid back and I need at least 3 solid inches to make that, seems like a mile though.

Had a recent visit from the breakage fairy. :mad: Not much but enough to get my attention. I used stinky Aphogee and sent her on her way.:lol:

I ended my personal year long bun challenge. I was surprised how much legnth I gained. I have been wearing my hair out a little more but I already know its back to the bun for me this winter.

Finally, my nape area is growing out nicely. Its about 8 inches long (root to ends). My stylist refuses to come near me with scissors. She is telling me to be patient and let that area catch up with the rest of my hair. Her theory is that my ends won't look as thin to me when that area has caught up. We'll see. I really want that blunt cut.

Oh before I forget..... where are your update pics, young lady? You know you can't be gone that long and give us some pics! Get to it!
I haven't had a whole lot of growth either these pass couple months. But I can tell it's growing just slower than what it use to. Last year I was getting tons of growth. So I started back using my mixture of surge and hairever II hair and scalp tonic and I'm getting good growth. Next Tuesday I'm getting micros put in and I will keep them in for a couple of months.
Currently 20 weeks post relaxer with approximately 1.5" new growth. I'm not very happy with my hair right now. The kinky twists caused a major setback in my hair's health and my morale. My thoughts have been going back and forth between grabbing a scissors and cutting the entire mess off and holding out for the next two and half weeks until my touch up.

I feel mad bitter. It's been 15 months since my first relaxer and during that entire time I kept it protected and wore it out for less than 7 weeks total, kept it moisturized, and used no direct heat except when I get my touch up (never less than 12 weeks, except the 2 times I tried to correct underprocessing with Motions oil after 4 weeks). So why is it that my hair never stops breaking? Why do I have split ends like nobody's business even though I get a trim with every touch up? I've tried every products there is scurl, humecto, humectres, CON, etc., etc... Things were going great after I switched to this regime, but the kinky twists killed that. I know it's not because my hair is relaxed because I used to get worse breakage and split ends when I was natural. I think it's just my hair.

DSD, I am feeling so down regarding my hair right now. When I get the cut in Nov. I'll only be may 3" longer than when I first started and not any healthier. I may even be shorter than when I first start out depending on if the hairdresser think it is as awful as I think it is.

This December will officially be 2 years since I found this site, but this past August marked 5 years since I've been trying to AT LEAST gain and keep a healthy head of hair. Bra strap was never my original, I only wanted strong, healthy, shoulder length hair and after 5 years I still haven't been able to achieve that...
I'm doing okay...been following this along with the C&G method. My hair has grown alot but I'm afraid about my ends...other than that I get braids every month or 2 and I spray with Sta-Sof-Fro to keep it moist. I just took out my braids and I am happy to say that I'm closer to Bra length than I had expected (I had estimated getting to bra length by May of 06) but I'm almost there and I am so excited. I've also been using MTG which I believe has been helping, I've taken pics and I will be updating my FOTKI album in several days...stay tuned!
Missed you DSD!

I am doing pretty good. I haven't trimmed or straightened my hair since January 2005. This is the first time I have ever gone this long without a trim. I am hoping that I will not have to chop my hair due to neglected split ends gone wild. I've finally found a way to take MSM without gagging. I am trying to stay on the vitamin wagon, off which I have fallen off already, for the last three months of the year and take my biotin and MSM regularly. I have never taken them for more than 8 eight days at a time. All in all, things are going pretty well. I hope I can hold off from a trim at least until January 2006.
Doing a drive by and I was wondering where the **I((&*^*&^ you were at DSD....was wondering...glad ur cool....

Nothing to report here. I was hoping to make armpit in December...but I just don't see it...and I don't know if I'm touching up by years end or not...I may not see a difference until 2006.:ohwell:

But I'm supporting and peeping everyone else's progress for the challenge!:D

Ya'll keep growin and maintainin!
Wow missed you DSD!!!

Anyway, I did a 3-4 inch cut in August and I just had my 1 yr anniversary this month. I did not retain a lot of length but I am really happy at the condition of my hair compared to last year. HHG
I had a relaxer about a week and a half ago. I reached my next goal of bottom bra strap..and I haven't made another goal yet. My latest pics are in my siggy. That's October 03, 04 and 05. I didn't retain that much length this last year, but I've been pleased.

I'm on the same regimine, but plan to start deep conditioning faithfully once or twice a week :)
I am glad to hear from you...
I am doing better than I was last year at this time...
I am hoping to gain some more length.. but since the weather has changed... I am fighting some shedding... I did a mini trim and that helped for a short while, I did a protein treatment and that helped for a short time also... I am also stretching and that is when the shedding starts too.... Well, I will get a touch-up next week and time will tell if the shedding took a toll or not:cry: ... Either way, I will continue to treat my hair good... I have become a slave to it:look: ... because it will rebel on me in a moments notice:cry3: :angry2: :whyme: ...

So now, I am starting my own challenge... MTG until I reach (or come near) brastrap length... I know it's cheating to use this stuff:naughty: :bud: :Devil: ... but, oh well...

DSD, please don't stay away:o ... You are our mentor:notworthy :yep: :kisses:

I appreciate, what you have done for all of us....
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Hey DSD! :wave:

I'm still on the challenge and doing well. I haven't trimmed in almost a year and hope to be able to go for about another 6 months. I'm 19 weeks post relaxer so I'm not exactly sure how long my hair is, but I hope it's pretty close to waist length. I'll know next week when I touch up.
For some reason, I think I've failed this challenge.I doubt i'll reach my goal of bra-strap before the end of the year :(
I just can't see the progress. Maybe it's because I've not seen what my hair looks like bone straight, since april.
I'm quite disappointed, but maybe I'm just over-reacting.. I don't really know.
* I noticed that my growth rate was really slow during the summer, so I didn't see much progress.
* I also slacked with my vitamins.
* Besides, I don't have access to all the products people are raving about because in paris you can't even find nexxus or 70% of the products you guys talk about. Ppl are still using luster's pink oil & dark & lovely.
Maybe if I had some surge or MTG, it would have made a noticeable difference. I just have to make due with sulphur 8 (it does seem to help a little tho').
In september I moved to england for my studies , so maybe I'll have more luck when I go to london.
I'm taking these braids out in a week or two. There seems to be a good amount of growth underneath. I think the scalp massages, sulphur 8 and biomass lotion have helped.Hopefully, when I relax my hair, it won't be too far from brastrap.
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DSD is back!!:yay: :cheers: :yay: Whoo hoo! I'm doing pretty good. Fully relaxed now and finally at neck-length. Working on a new regimen now for my relaxed hair. I bought some MTG, mixed with CD Khoret Amen oil and HotSix and the smell didn't bother me. Only used it once so far. Hoping it will thicken up my kitchen/nape area. Even though the nape area is growing slowly it is still thinner (and dryer) than the rest of my hair. Overall I am pleased with my progress. I figure if I could make the kind of progress I have made over a 10-month period, in another 10 months my hair could be close to shoulder-length. A good regimen, a cute protective style and patience is key I guess.
Well last week I got 3 inches chopped off. I was a little sad but my ends look great I was bottom bs lenght now i am a inch from bs. I will grow back. :ohwell:

I missed you DSD :kiss: glad you are back :grin:

I just started going back to the hair dresser does anyone think heat every two weeks is too much? (I am natural- if that matters :ohwell: )
i honestly don't know how my hair is looks longer but when i measure it i don't see much progress.I'm just gonna stop measuring and let it do it's thing oh and i'm doing protective styles till around april because it's really cold over here already
Hello Everyone: It's nice to know that you're still lurking DSD! I know we all get busy, but it's good to see you're still here.
My progress is coming along great. I've been in braids since May. I re-braid the braids along my edges almost every week, and the crown whenever I notice that they are growing too long. So far I have retained about 2.5 inches of growth. Braids are really working for me, but I've learned over the years how to wear them successfully without breakage along my edges and how to keep my hair moist and clean. I've been putting on MTG once a week and Surge with braid spray every day. My hair was 3.5 inches last hear and I've gained 5 inches so far so I'm really happy.
cincybrownsugar said:
Well I re-reached bsl sometime this month I guess. A few months ago I got frustrated to the point of tears because of a hair mishap a while back where a stylist screwed up my hair. There was a small patch that broke off and it seemed to be growing so slowly. I wanted to just cut all my hair to the same length and give up on the battle I felt I was losing. So I cut some of the length, the patch was at shoulder and the rest at bsl, I cut it to about the halfway point, and it's already back :yay: Now to cut or not to cut, that is the question :confused:
Wow! What a success story. You grow girl;)
simplycee said:
So glad to have ya back DSD. I got details for ya....

Well I made bra strap. I was kinda like :ohwell: about it cause it was only to the top. It seemed to take forever and a week to get that far. My goal is mid back and I need at least 3 solid inches to make that, seems like a mile though.

Had a recent visit from the breakage fairy. :mad: Not much but enough to get my attention. I used stinky Aphogee and sent her on her way.:lol:

I ended my personal year long bun challenge. I was surprised how much legnth I gained. I have been wearing my hair out a little more but I already know its back to the bun for me this winter.

Finally, my nape area is growing out nicely. Its about 8 inches long (root to ends). My stylist refuses to come near me with scissors. She is telling me to be patient and let that area catch up with the rest of my hair. Her theory is that my ends won't look as thin to me when that area has caught up. We'll see. I really want that blunt cut.

Oh before I forget..... where are your update pics, young lady? You know you can't be gone that long and give us some pics! Get to it!
Congrats on making it to brastrap!!

It sounds like you are doing all the right things with your hair. I agree with staying away from the scissors. They hinder progress. I know this very well because they have done a great job at hindering mine.

I have no update pics whatsoever. I have not thought too much about hair the past few months. I have been to busy. Even if I do post pics it won't be anything to write home about!! lol
Tene said:
I haven't had a whole lot of growth either these pass couple months. But I can tell it's growing just slower than what it use to. Last year I was getting tons of growth. So I started back using my mixture of surge and hairever II hair and scalp tonic and I'm getting good growth. Next Tuesday I'm getting micros put in and I will keep them in for a couple of months.
I am glad you decided to go back to what works. Good Luck with the braids. They work well for me too.
mzjones said:
Currently 20 weeks post relaxer with approximately 1.5" new growth. I'm not very happy with my hair right now. The kinky twists caused a major setback in my hair's health and my morale. My thoughts have been going back and forth between grabbing a scissors and cutting the entire mess off and holding out for the next two and half weeks until my touch up.

I feel mad bitter. It's been 15 months since my first relaxer and during that entire time I kept it protected and wore it out for less than 7 weeks total, kept it moisturized, and used no direct heat except when I get my touch up (never less than 12 weeks, except the 2 times I tried to correct underprocessing with Motions oil after 4 weeks). So why is it that my hair never stops breaking? Why do I have split ends like nobody's business even though I get a trim with every touch up? I've tried every products there is scurl, humecto, humectres, CON, etc., etc... Things were going great after I switched to this regime, but the kinky twists killed that. I know it's not because my hair is relaxed because I used to get worse breakage and split ends when I was natural. I think it's just my hair.

DSD, I am feeling so down regarding my hair right now. When I get the cut in Nov. I'll only be may 3" longer than when I first started and not any healthier. I may even be shorter than when I first start out depending on if the hairdresser think it is as awful as I think it is.

This December will officially be 2 years since I found this site, but this past August marked 5 years since I've been trying to AT LEAST gain and keep a healthy head of hair. Bra strap was never my original, I only wanted strong, healthy, shoulder length hair and after 5 years I still haven't been able to achieve that...
Whoa, that was an earful. First let me say this. Don't give up. There is a solution. We just have to pinpoint what the problem is.

You situation reminds me so much of my daughter's hair situation. I absolutely do not like my daughter's hair. I don't care how many people tell me how nice it is. I just don't like it, it gives me too many problems. It's thin, it creeps, it won't keep a style and so much more but guess what. I didn't give up. The solution for my daughter's hair was to stop using the no lye relaxers. After I did the switch her hair did a 360 degree turn. I then decided to transition her to remove all of the old no lye relaxed ends. Her hair would split and break regardless of what I did and it just got on my nerves because it seemed like it was just getting shorter and shorter. What works best for her hair is just washing and deep conditioning 2 times monthly and putting a little moisturizer on it every other day. I generally don't use heat on her hair unless she wants it pressed and I just leave it be. It seems to be thriving despite the fact that I feel like I am neglecting it! Go figure. I tell you this story because they is alway light at the end of a tunnel.

Now, I would like look a little deeper into your routine to see exactly what you are doing and what products you are using and the frequency. I am going to send you a pm.

Don't give up lady. Hang in there and don't reach for the scissors just yet!
Alli77 said:
I'm doing okay...been following this along with the C&G method. My hair has grown alot but I'm afraid about my ends...other than that I get braids every month or 2 and I spray with Sta-Sof-Fro to keep it moist. I just took out my braids and I am happy to say that I'm closer to Bra length than I had expected (I had estimated getting to bra length by May of 06) but I'm almost there and I am so excited. I've also been using MTG which I believe has been helping, I've taken pics and I will be updating my FOTKI album in several days...stay tuned!
It's always good to hear the someone is reaching a goal sooner than they think!! Congrats!! I can't wait to see the pics!!!!
Chicoro said:
Missed you DSD!

I am doing pretty good. I haven't trimmed or straightened my hair since January 2005. This is the first time I have ever gone this long without a trim. I am hoping that I will not have to chop my hair due to neglected split ends gone wild. I've finally found a way to take MSM without gagging. I am trying to stay on the vitamin wagon, off which I have fallen off already, for the last three months of the year and take my biotin and MSM regularly. I have never taken them for more than 8 eight days at a time. All in all, things are going pretty well. I hope I can hold off from a trim at least until January 2006.
Thank you!

I am sure your ends will be just fine. Yo have been doing such a wonderful job at keep your hair all baggied up! I can't wait to see your updates.

And yes, msm is nasty but the results are great. I need to get on vits again.
MonaLisa said:
Doing a drive by and I was wondering where the **I((&*^*&^ you were at DSD....was wondering...glad ur cool....

Nothing to report here. I was hoping to make armpit in December...but I just don't see it...and I don't know if I'm touching up by years end or not...I may not see a difference until 2006.:ohwell:

But I'm supporting and peeping everyone else's progress for the challenge!:D

Ya'll keep growin and maintainin!
Hey Mona, where have you been??

I thought you had already made it to armpit. I think you will see it by the end of this year. You probably just got hair anorexia.