Super Grow Out Challenge **Update Month 5**


Hair Coach
Hi Ladies!

It time to check in for the Super Grow Out Challenge.

How is everyone doing?

Are you remaining consistent with you routines?

Have you lost or gained any length?

Post your progress here no matter how much or how little!!
I have lost around 5 inches since the challenge. For some reason. I decided to get scissor happy this year. This has set me back almost a year but I am please because my ends are even and thicker. Actually I could stand to trim about another inch but I won't.

I will be getting my hair done in tree braids soon. I am ready to just braid it up and for get about it for a few months. I want to give my hair and ends of my hair a break from daily styling.

I am still consistent with my washing and air drying. I only use heat on occasion.
How is everyone doing? Doing pretty well... Hair is holding up...

Are you remaining consistent with you routines? Right now I am twisted up & am sprsying with Surge & braid spray... I also use Sulfer 8 & Scurl Sprays. I have washed my hair twice since getting the twists April 30th...

Have you lost or gained any length? I am seeing a lot of quick growth but won't know of any loss until I remove the twists this month...:look:

Post your progress here no matter how much or how little!!
I'm doing well. I have decided to keep my hair in protective styles for a while. It will be good for me. I've never kept my hair in one style for a week.

I am starting a new routine since I"m doing protective styles. I'll wash and redo my hair every two weeks.
hmm my hair is doing fine... i dunno if i mentioned this before but i trimmed off about an inch in march. now ive got my hair in two strand twists and it's ~4" long. I've slacked off on my vitamins but i've been pretty regular with the rest of my regimen and i never miss my daily condioner wash...

I'm doing okay. My hair had a little setback in March due to my untangling issues w/ my weave, but it's okay now. It's currently in a sewn-in weave to accumulate more growth during the summer.
I'm doing pretty well. No setback(knock on wood). I'm currently sportin' braids and I'm about 10 weeks post relaxer. I'm trying to stretch it unitl weeks 12 at least. I won't order my phyto until week 12.
Things are going pretty good. I'm 15 weeks post relaxer with a small amount of breakage/shedding. I've been doing air dried rollersets, which is helping me to stretch this long.

In March I trimmed about 1*2 inches and began using Glover's and Sulfer 8 and my scalp.
How is everyone doing? Overall, pretty good.

Are you remaining consistent with you routines?
I've mode some modifications, but have been pretty consistent.

Have you lost or gained any length?
2.5 inches in 3 months

Overall I think I making good progress but I have some areas of weakness:
1) being gentle when detangling
2) I have not been taking my vitamins
3) I am very lax on doing co washes mid week
4) inconsistent w/my MTG/Surge mix
I'm still hanging in there. I was trying to stretch my relaxer to 16 weeks. I'm 14 weeks as of last Friday and I'm done. I have an appointment to get my touch up this Saturday. My last touch up was a disaster so I'm pretty anxious about this one.

I wore buns, updos and flexi rod set to get me through the stretch. I really liked the flexi rod sets. They were easy to do and easy to maintain.

I hope I have made some progress. I was hoping to make bra strap by June but looks like it might not happen until fall (maybe). I have not decided if I'm going to trim this touch up or not. Not becaue my ends look thin or split. Mostly just to even up the length. Braids are in my plans for the summer but that may not happen until July.

I'll post pics after my touch up. I've been slacking up on the pics but I'll catch up after my touch up.
My hair is doing really well. I finally found a shampoo and conditioner that my hair likes. I'm going back to airdrying and protective styles for the summer.
Now this is me at the end of April/early hair is slow growing...

I'm approaching 6 weeks post touch up...I think I see 1/4 inch of new growth...

Still keeping hair moisturized, leaving it alone as much as possible seeing a lil bit more hair breakage than usual as of last it may be time for a heavier protein treatment, then I should be good.

I want to give the horsey oil a try....using very moderately, maybe I'll get a slight boost to my armpit goal for the year. A sister still needs a good 4 solid inches.

Things are going well. My hair is growing in very nicely. I am washing my hair 3 times a week now that I'm working out more. I've been pretty consistent with my regimen. No new products - sticking with what's been working. I'd say that my hair's grown about 2-2.5 inches since January.

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I am okay, but not making big strides.

I had about an inch and a half cut about two and a half months ago and I am just getting back to where I was in the beginning of the year.

The prob is overprocessed, fragile ends( about 4-5 inches of bone straight perm that was too strong for my medium-soft texured hair)) that break no matter how hard I nourish them. So I have to steadily trim them until they are no more. I guess there will be no super growing out looking legnth this year. I mean it's growing, but I'm also trimming constantly instead of BCing it. I am prepping my locks for next year's super grow out.
dontspeakdefeat said:
Hi Ladies!

It time to check in for the Super Grow Out Challenge.

How is everyone doing?

Are you remaining consistent with you routines?

Have you lost or gained any length?

Post your progress here no matter how much or how little!!

1. doing well.
2. yes, remaining consistent.
3. i trimmed 1.5" last week and gained it all back within 1 week. the only thing different i'm doing is exercising. i never realized what a difference exercise made on my hair. ;)
I'm doing very well on the challenge. It's been 16 months since my last relaxer (I'm not transitioning). I doing the crown n' glori method (but my own version) so I'm not sure how much growth I have. However, when I take my braids down to comb them out and re-braid, the back of my hair is getting very close to my waist. It will be interesting to see my hair when I relax it.

I still wash/condition daily. My crown area isn't doing well (since I don't keep this section braided) so I am going to relax the crown in a couple of weeks (it's badly underprocessed - dry and frizzy).
I'm doing good. I've gained about an inch or so, I'm 8 weeks post relaxer and all is going well, doing a lot of style experiments to help camaflouge the different textures, doing my deep treatments to avoid breakage.
My hair has been doing great. I've start doing conditioner washes twice a week and have been experiencing some major growth. I cut off about 2 inches my last relaxer to even my hair up a bit, so I'm hoping to gain it back.
How R U transitioning from relaxed to texturized? R U getting your texturizer done professionally? How is your hair responding to the 3 textures? PLEASE SHARE!:)


chicamorena said:
My hair has been doing great. I've start doing conditioner washes twice a week and have been experiencing some major growth. I cut off about 2 inches my last relaxer to even my hair up a bit, so I'm hoping to gain it back.
Everything is smooth sailing with a few minor bumps along the way. I am currently 10 weeks post relaxer and should be relaxing maybe sometime this weekend or next week. I want to put colourshines (Ginger) in my hair but I am not really sure about it.

I am still keeping up with my vitamin regimne and making sure that I do my deep conditioning treatments/ light protein treatments once weekly to prevent breakage and retain moisture.:yep:

I have been doing more CO washes more frequently b/c my hair is nappy and ready for a touchup along with the fact that I have been working out more.:D
I'm doing good here. :wave:

I'm keeping my ends moisturized even more now. The COW method is really working for me. My regrowth is smoother and stronger. My only problem I'm trying ot avoid is not using the brush. :lol:
How is everyone doing?
-Everything is going great

Are you remaining consistent with your routines?
-I switched up my routine a little bit. I've started shampooing my hair 2x a week now instead of just weekly. My is really responding well to this. I think I may even start increasing my shampoo's to 3x a week. I have no shedding or breakage and my hair is as strong as cable wire :lol:.

Have you lost or gained any length?
-My hair did grow a bit
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natalied said:
How R U transitioning from relaxed to texturized? R U getting your texturizer done professionally? How is your hair responding to the 3 textures? PLEASE SHARE!:)


I've just been leaving my relaxer on for less time. My texturized hair is curly/wavy. The 3 textures have been very easy to manage for me. When I have a lot of newgrowth, I just conditioner wash my hair twice a week and wash it once a week and then pull it back into a bun. I've found it's just as easy to rollerset my texturized hair as my relaxed hair, so when I'm dealing with the two textures I just rollerset my hair.
My hair is holding up.

I've modified my routine a bit. I have my hair braided underneath my wigs

I'm not going to get a retouch until the end of July. I'm just going to continue to get my hair rebraided every 2 weeks.

I'm still using Surge and S-Curl. I'm taking Biotin.

I don't know whether i've lost or gained until i get a retouch in July. My hair did stop shedding once I started ot braid my hair.
I did the bid chop at the beginning of May [hooray for me!]. I have been doing finger coils since that time. I wash my hair every week and redo the coils. Well, today I look my hair down so that I could "wash & redo." I swear I noticed that my hair had growth a half an inch or so! This is quite a shock to me as my never seemed as if it was retaining length when I was relaxed. I am so happy; I cannot wait to see what the future brings!
I just relaxed my hair today and I gain about 2 inches Viviscal is really working great for me.
I was able to stretch relaxer longer because of BBD Stretch Creme because I had a lot of newgrowth I love this stuff.
I will try to stay consistent with my vitamin regimen and increase water intake.
babyblue, love your hair!

My hair is doing lol. I'm now 17 weeks post and really didn't see any growth. So I attempted to blow dry and flat iron to see the length and it looks as if it's growing back from the cut in March. I would still like to boost my growth though. I've been consistent with my products and no daily styling. :grin:
I’m a little discouraged! :( I’ve been taking care of my hair for over a year now and it hasn’t shown any signs of significant growth. I understand that last year’s color damage set me back 3 inches, however, once it grew back my hair growth has since then taken a vacation. :( I posted in my signature a picture my growth since I’ve been a member of this board and it doesn’t resemble where I should be! And to top things off, I scheduled an appointment with my stylist to get my hair cut in layers again next week. It seems as though my layers ALWAYS grow out, however, once they do, they don’t want to grow any further. I think I’m going to be a shoulder-length sista for life! :(

Have I been consistent with my routine? Sure have, except now I’m not braiding anymore. I want a style to keep me through the summer months but I don’t want to stress my hairline with braids (individuals). I was interested in getting a weave but $150 for a partial sew-in is too much money and I’m honestly having mixed feelings about it because I don’t feel too comfortable wearing hair that isn’t mine…unless it’s a ponytail that I wrap into a bun. Oh well...

Signing off...

-discouraged hair grower
Everything is going well over here. I can't believe I'm already 11 weeks post relaxer! Last relaxer around this time, I was going crazy, but I'm handling everything pretty well. I'm stretching for about 20 weeks, so I'm more than half way done. I hate to deep condition, but I've committed myself to doing so for the next 6 weeks, so we shall see how that experiment holds up and if I'm even able to do it! I could use a trim now, but that's not unusual as I usually get one every 12 weeks with my relaxer anyway. I'll be doing a lot of braidouts so having perfect ends isn't going to be much of an issue! I've been okay with my regimine, been using heat too much and don't have as much new growth as I usually would around this time and IDK what's up with that! :)
I'm doing well. I am in my 18th(yes, it's true) week post relaxer. I thought I'd be going crazy by now, but my hair is surprisingly not that difficult to manage. Still, I'll be getting a touch-up in 2 weeks because I need to be cute for a graduation.

Since the challenge began I haven't really altered my routine much except now I use shea butter after every wash and I absolutely love it. My new growth is SO soft and I really believe it's helped me to stretch to almost 20 weeks with minimal effort.

I also have been doing the baggie method for about 5 months and my ends couldn't be better.

My hair is growing at the same rate it always does, so no change there.