Summer Challenge Bi Weekly Check UP

Beautiful flower...
Anyhoo, I will be posting this in another thread but Ive been frustrated lately because I cant seem to feel really good about my hair unless I go to the hairdresser. I have been experimenting w/ different regimens and products but my hair looks terrible when airdried and I refuse to go back to blowdrying. Rollersetting was OK most of the time but it is time consuming and hit-or-miss in terms of the results. Some products/techniques seem to work wonderfully one day then not so hot the next. Ive got a good collection of poos and condits but its the styling I cant seem to get down...Im tired of looking busted even though my hair is more moisturized than it was prior to joining this board...oh well...Ill keep trying...sorry so long...
My hair is doing very well. I am noticing a lot o new growth. I have been in braids for about 3 weeks and it seems I may already achieved 1/2 of new growth. I have been doing conditioner washes daily and my hair is so soft.

In the back kitchen where I was experiencing some breakage I now have a least 2 inches of hair. More than what I have ever had in 10 years. I am so excited.

I have taken the braids out in the back kitchen so I can concentrate more on keeping this area conditioned and moisturized. For some reason the hair in that area is very fine and thin. I have to give it extra TLC. Thanks to the advice from the ladies on this board I was able to achieve this.

I will wear the braids until the end of July or beginning of August. I have decided to relax but that probably won't be until early fall.

I really believe that I can do this. Thanks ladies!!!!
Hair is doing fine. I gave myself a trim on Saturday, knocking off about a half an inch. That puts me behind a little bit in my hair goals, but I'm not giving up.

Gotta start back taking my vitamins. Wearing my hair in a braid-out this week. That's pretty much it for now.
My hair is definitely growing but I've experienced a few setbacks:

1.) I switched to Nexxus Humectress for my leave in conditioner. I didn't get the slip I wanted and you could really tell when my hair was dry. So this week I went back to the my Herbal Essence conditioner. Guess I'll use the Humectress as an instant conditioner in the future.

2.) Started taking MSM. I'm not sure if its the cause of all this new growth but it looks like I'm in the 10th week of a relaxer instead of the 5th! I've been having a hard time styling my hair as a result. But I think changing my leave in will soften my new growth and resolve this problem.

3.) I went on a business trip a couple of weeks ago and didn't do my daily rinses. My hair was so DRY! So I've gone back to that now.

4.) Also, since the temperature is hovering around 90 degrees most days I'm having trouble finding products that soften my hair. My braidouts look a mess as a result.

5.) Noticed my hair looked awfully thin in the back, Turns out my stylist thins it on purpose! I mean, I like layers but not that much! Last time I went to the salon I asked her to lose some of the layers and she refused. She likes the cut. So I went home and cut it myself. It looks much thicker and even now. Think I'm going tback to my old stylist though. She doesn't "thin" my hair.

Last time I went to the salon I asked her to lose some of the layers and she refused. She likes the cut

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Are you serious? She needs a good

What is wrong with these hairdressers, my goodness!
Sometimes stylist think you don't know what you're talking about. I had one pressure me to cut my hair. Every time I sat in his chair he'd start. He kept saying, "don't be a part-time diva, be a real one!" He didn't realize I have J-O-B! I don't like high maintenance hair dos.
Hair looks good. I am getting really lazy on the vitamins. I am about an inch and a half away from bra strap. I condtion wash about four times a week and I trimmed a little bit about a week or so ago. I normally have been wearing my hair in a wavy ponytail after letting it air dry. I blowdry my hair once a week after a Nexxus Emergence protein treatment on cool air and in tiny sections. It looked soooooooo Good!!! I recently tried the VO5 Cucumber melon conditoner--It worked very well. I am hoping to post some pictures real soon! Happy growing everyone!
Sometimes stylist think you don't know what you're talking about. I had one pressure me to cut my hair. Every time I sat in his chair he'd start. He kept saying, "don't be a part-time diva, be a real one!" He didn't realize I have J-O-B! I don't like high maintenance hair dos.

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No he didn't!
These hairdressers have officially lost their minds!
<font color="blue"> I am keeping up with washing every 2-3 days, conditioning and moisturizing, I did an Adore rinse on Sat and that came out okay, I am still having issues with taking my vitamins, I take them every now and then..overall I think everything is coming along pretty good I am having issues with syling as someone mentioned earlier but my hair is short so there is not much I can do with it, unless someone has suggestions...
..Right now, for me, patience is the key
i feel like i am going down hill. i have been un able to purchase any vitamins so it looks like i'm going to have 2 inches instead of 4. also my braids look ugly and need to be taken out. but i'm un sure of my next style. my friend died and i want to look beautiful at his funeral, so you know gotta have your hair did. but i have no money( big surprise) and i'm thinking of going back to the press&amp; curl. but if i can get some $$ then i'm gonna get a cute curly interlock weave. ya'l pray for me and my hair. thank you

Last time I went to the salon I asked her to lose some of the layers and she refused. She likes the cut

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Are you serious? She needs a good

What is wrong with these hairdressers, my goodness!

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we need to put these people on blast! put signs out side their shops that read "say no to siscor happy stylist!!!"
My challenge is going well. No setbacks at all. I'm still only washing weekly. This week I airdried loose then wrapped it, so I'm wearing it straight this week. I might wash it again on Wednesday night &amp; wear it in a twist-out for the July 4th weekend. We'll see.

I've slacked off on my vitamins - just can't deal with that increased appetite!! Now's not the time I want to be gaining any weight!! I'm thinking about just stopping them totally until the fall/winter. I'm not sure if they were doing any good anyhow!!

**Edited to add** I just bought a satin pillowcase!!
I'm trying to be EXTRA good to my hair so that I can (MAYBE!!) reach my goal by September!!!
<font color="purple">My summer challenge is doing well, except that I'm out of my multivitamins, MSM and biotin (I'm expecting to get some from a swap this week). Other than that, I've been misting and doing conditioner washes on a daily basis because of the heat and the humidity. I bought some VO5 Creamy Peaches conditioner today and am going to use it in place of my Suave conditioners (still have 3, and want to take a rest from using them). I've experienced some bloatness from taking the B-complex with Vitamin C, and want to lose a lot of weight. I'll stop taking them for the time being until I buy the multi and the MSM. My hair has grown so well with both items, and I gave myself a little trim of split ends (bit of a big delema, 'ya know?). Sorry that my post is so long, but I have to really give you my update on this challenge. My next steps for this month are getting my hair colored with Natural Instincts, and to have a friend of mine put cornrow extensions in my hair. Can't wait until then. Toodles. </font>
well, i got a touch-up last week (9-10 weeks). unfortunately, due to prior damage (which led me to this site), she had to cut off bout an inch to even it up. it's not so bad, because due the growth i had experienced, i still have a decent amount of hair. after about 2 months, i have not been using my flexirods. i'm wearing my hair straight (takes too much time to do) and i've been using heat!!!! boo! i know. i will be experimenting with a twist out over the holiday weekend, so hopefully i'll be on those and flexi-rods. on the plus side, i started working out again last night!
I'm doing daily distilled water co washes, alternating between Clairol Intensive Blends and Fantasia Tea Tree Naturals with a bit of Africa's Best Olive and Clove Oil Therapy. I've been using Daily Dr. as a leave in and deep conditioning once a week. Nightly I apply Africa's Best Carrot Oil Creme to my ends(love this) followed by a light coating of Protectiv 3-1 and covering my hair with a silk scarf at night. My challenge is going well and my hair has grown more than I realized or expected.
I am actually pleased with how my hair is going. After taking down my weave a few weeks ago, I let it rest by slapping on my phony afro misting and go! I braided my hair in extensions two weekends ago, I'm hoping to keep them in until mid august, but that may be a ppipe dream, since they are already fuzzing up. I'll probably just retouch the top and the edges and we'll see.
well this past 2 weeks have been pretty rough on me-- like i said in my previous post i went to a stylists and she told me i need to cut off 6 inches-- although i was tempted to cut it I didnt but i have become pretty discourage. I am currently trying to decide what to dso. She did cut off about 2 inches even though i told her to only take off one. i am gonna get a second opinion but my ends are sooo thin and it is starting to make me believe that I cannot have thick long hair. I am this close to cutting it off and calling it a day.

My vitamins have run out and so I have not been taking them but i got restocked so I am starting back up tomorrow. and i haven't been drinking water like I should be. And i havent been exercising.

I havent been dieting ither but I heard about something called laminaria so i am gonna give it a try because it also has kelp and various minerals.

One question-- I have stopped using scurl and the breakthru anti breakage lotion but i need something that will moisten and soften my hair between conditioner washes. I do not like the profective anti breakage strengthener or the anti breakage strengthener megamoisturizer. Any suggestions???
well, i got a touch-up last week (9-10 weeks). unfortunately, due to prior damage (which led me to this site), she had to cut off bout an inch to even it up. it's not so bad, because due the growth i had experienced, i still have a decent amount of hair. after about 2 months, i have not been using my flexirods. i'm wearing my hair straight (takes too much time to do) and i've been using heat!!!! boo! i know. i will be experimenting with a twist out over the holiday weekend, so hopefully i'll be on those and flexi-rods. on the plus side, i started working out again last night!

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What "heat" tool are u using? .... I KNOW IT BETTA NOT B THAT CURLING IRON
well, i got a touch-up last week (9-10 weeks). unfortunately, due to prior damage (which led me to this site), she had to cut off bout an inch to even it up. it's not so bad, because due the growth i had experienced, i still have a decent amount of hair. after about 2 months, i have not been using my flexirods. i'm wearing my hair straight (takes too much time to do) and i've been using heat!!!! boo! i know. i will be experimenting with a twist out over the holiday weekend, so hopefully i'll be on those and flexi-rods. on the plus side, i started working out again last night!

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What "heat" tool are u using? .... I KNOW IT BETTA NOT B THAT CURLING IRON

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go 'head and beat me cuz that's what i've been using. i am trying the twist out tomorrow......
I am doing good. I got an inch of new growth since my last relaxer. Just got it done one inch in four weeks was awesome for me. BUT she cut and inch of the back and 6 off the sides to cut off all the highlighted hair and help me maintain healthy hair. I like to died. I have been keeping up with the washes daily, but I still don't know what to do with my hair now that it is cut. So needless to say I look like poo poo on a stick. I won't quit though. I have to meet my goal.
I haven't been posting on the board as much as I used to and I probably missed the last two checks, but I am doing good. I slacked a bit on my vitamins but have started taking them again. My hair is growing and it hasn't been this healthy in a very very long time. I am pleased with the products I have been using. I have returned to the staple products that I love but I am trying new products here and there.

A few weeks ago, Beana3 introduced me to twist outs using bantu knots and I must say that I really loved that. It made my hair really easy to do, but for the last two weeks I've been rollersetting.

Tomorrow I will get a touchup after 8 weeks. I honestly don't want to go another week because I've experienced A LOT of shedding. I think I will do touchups every 8-9 weeks because that is what works best for me.

I'm slowing down on the PJism because after trying a bunch of new products and experiencing hits and misses, I returned to my staples and realized why I loved them so much. And that they were just as good (if not better) for me as many of the products that were mentioned here. I still would like to try a few new products here and there, but not at the rate that I had wanted to in the past. I think my "collection" is finally complete, but I'm not opposed to trying new things every now and again to spice things up...

Hopefully, keeping fingers crossed, I will be at bra strap after tomorrow. I also don't think I need a trim because my ends aren't thin or split. I must say that protective styles (I started wearing buns a lot more than I usually do--I was being good
) my ends are doing a lot better and my hair is more moisturized than it has ever been.
I'm still:
*rinsing/conditioner-washing my hair daily except now I'm using distilled water, which has made all the difference.
*taking my supplements and exercising.
*pleased with my moisturizer/leave-in/oil combo of L'Oreal Unfrizz Taming Creme, Infusium 23 leave-in, and WGO.

In fact, I'm finding it hard to pick up the phone to schedule a relaxer touchup's been 14 weeks, the longest I can currently remember going...and I feel as if I can go longer. Keeping my hair in a bun w/ a plastic baggie and a curly phonytail over it is a quick and easy style that matches my new growth (i.e., curly ends with wavy roots as opposed to a silky straight phonytail with my wavy roots). I've gotten back to ACV rinses, which make my scalp very happy.
God bless you all.
Sorry to hear about your loss!

I'm not sure how I'm doing right now. I'll check back with y'all later.
Hi Nyambura,
would you mind telling me where you buy your curly phony tails and what brand,etc.?
I'm in my 9th week, and I'm going to a new stylist (again) for a touch up tomorrow, wish me luck! Fortunately I haven't had as much breakage as usual because I've been using Joico Kpak recontructor to prepare for my touch up. I think I'm going to have to get a trim because my ends are looking nasty after months of overprocessing, but I just hope this stylist isn't scissor happy! I'll let you know how it goes.
Okay, I'm not doing as bad as I thought. I'm two inches from bra strap!!! This is the first day in 2 1/2 months that I heat styled my hair, and I won't be doing it again for a while.