Summer Bun Challenge

Although I have been wearing a bun more like 5-6 days a week, I am still going to keep myself at entry level just in case I decide to fall off later in the summer.
Checking in.

Still bunning. I will probably wash and DC next Friday. I want to get a weave bob later on in July for vacation, but maybe I will just stick with the bun.
I have a question. Perhaps some one might be able to help me. My hair is pretty nappy 4b maybe. It looks lovely wet. When I braid it, it stretches out and will go in a pony tail. I flat ironed it at 375 to try a bun. There is enough length for a pony tail and a small bun. I did not use gel and it does not just lay down like anyone else's. I thought that the liquid in the gel would make it frizz and revert. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
I have a question. Perhaps some one might be able to help me. My hair is pretty nappy 4b maybe. It looks lovely wet. When I braid it, it stretches out and will go in a pony tail. I flat ironed it at 375 to try a bun. There is enough length for a pony tail and a small bun. I did not use gel and it does not just lay down like anyone else's. I thought that the liquid in the gel would make it frizz and revert. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

felic1, I'm assuming you want to get the edges, hairline, and nape? Those are my nappiest bits. :) I used a small amount of Ecostyler in my hair yesterday and it didn't revert my two week old straight hair at all. And surprisingly, my hair didn't harden. If you want to experiment with gel on your straight hair use a tiny bit at first, and then tie the hair down for a few minutes. After you untie your hair, check for reversion, and add a little more if you need it. Hopefully that does the trick.

I have also found that using a heavier oil without gel, can help to keep the hair laid without the fear of reversion. Follow the application of oil by covering with a scarf and your edges should lay down nicely.
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A few days ago I put in some big box braids no extensions so I can bun. We are headed to the beach at the end of next week for 9 days and I need this style to work. I may pick up some hair accessories because DH is not feeling this style at all. He better stop tripping, he doesn't want to see what my head would look like after 9 days on the beach in a regular bun with 4b hair:lachen:
I wore my hair out this weekend so today I dunked it in water, slathered it in Suave naturals coconut conditioner, finger combed and swept it into a bun. It feels much better.
[USER=313741]felic1[/USER];20237207 said:
I have a question. Perhaps some one might be able to help me. My hair is pretty nappy 4b maybe. It looks lovely wet. When I braid it, it stretches out and will go in a pony tail. I flat ironed it at 375 to try a bun. There is enough length for a pony tail and a small bun. I did not use gel and it does not just lay down like anyone else's. I thought that the liquid in the gel would make it frizz and revert. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

I think a good gel applied in seconds on your wet, moisturized hair will help you achieve a sleeker bun.
So even tho I've stayed away from hair ties because they've caused setbacks every single time I used them, I saw these kids scrunchies at the BSS and will give them a try. The further I get into my transition, the harder it is to bun with just hair pins and spin pins. My buns look so much neater with hair ties and I'll try it for a week to see if they cause any damage.


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There's a bun in there somewhere lol
Not sure why is sideways. My phone is being bratty.


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PlainJane have u tried not tying the hair ties tightly? I normally loosen my hair ties my just jiggling (for want of a better word lol) it up and side to side. Then I may slick down the edges and tie with a scarf if I need to.

Or I wear a black headband to keep the flyaways at bay.

I've never had an issue with damage from hair ties (relaxed or natural) and I've also always been careful taking them out and putting them in. I rather just cut the hair tie than rip out hair that may get tangled in it

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So even tho I've stayed away from hair ties because they've caused setbacks every single time I used them, I saw these kids scrunchies at the BSS and will give them a try. The further I get into my transition, the harder it is to bun with just hair pins and spin pins. My buns look so much neater with hair ties and I'll try it for a week to see if they cause any damage.

Lately I've been cutting a pair of old stockings for hair ties, and every time I yank them out at the end of the day there are no pulled hairs in them.
Lately I've been cutting a pair of old stockings for hair ties, and every time I yank them out at the end of the day there are no pulled hairs in them.

I have these too. In fact they're my favorite hair ties and it's a good way to recycle.

Tip for anyone interested in these hair ties,

To shrink up overstretched pantyhose hair ties, wet them completely, reshape and lay flat to dry.
I've been wearing a braid out in a bun for the past two weeks. My birthday is Sunday and I'm wondering if I should straighten my hair or just wear a wash n go.
can the buns we wear in this challenge also include french rolls/french twists?
My bun today was more like a french twist... On another note my scalp is sore from the spin pin :( Maybe I am twisting it too many times. I wil try to insert the pins looser next time
I made my bun today by cowashing, forgot to rinse out the conditioner, t-shirt dried, sealed with grease and used two ponytail holders to make a spiral. I won't mess with it until tomorrow.
My bun today was more like a french twist... On another note my scalp is sore from the spin pin :( Maybe I am twisting it too many times. I will try to insert the pins looser next time

Prettymetty I've had that happen before. Usually if I start it too close to the bottom of the bun and grab too much hair from my head while spinning into the bun (like where the end of the bun meets my hair/head if that makes sense). I just take it out, angle it up very slightly and I'm ok again.
So even tho I've stayed away from hair ties because they've caused setbacks every single time I used them, I saw these kids scrunchies at the BSS and will give them a try. The further I get into my transition, the harder it is to bun with just hair pins and spin pins. My buns look so much neater with hair ties and I'll try it for a week to see if they cause any damage.


I use the fabric scrunchie for my buns. They are smoother than the ones in your picture, so there aren't as many places for the hair to snag. Essentially I just tuck the end in the scrunchie to have a neat bun. I don't think that my hair is long enough to twist in a bun.

I use the fabric scrunchie for my buns. They are smoother than the ones in your picture, so there aren't as many places for the hair to snag. Essentially I just tuck the end in the scrunchie to have a neat bun. I don't think that my hair is long enough to twist in a bun.


I use satin scrunches, hair ties soaked in conditioner and oil, or cut nylon stockings soaked in conditioner and oil. These have helped me while bunning. I also use a bun net to make the bun look neat. divachyk has a tutorial on her YouTube channel for the nylon stocking.
Thanks Rozlewis. I found her video, but her hair twice as long as mine, so that wouldn't work. I thought that this bun video was interesting. It has never occurred to me to do sections. I have to look for a video using one of those doughnuts. I'm curious about how they work, but I also think that they might pull out hair.

There are tricks that you can use for shorter hair that will allow you to bun. Check out some of the videos on YouTube. Also, for the sock bun, I use them but mine is covered in silk to avoid any issues. You can cover it yourself or you can purchase one already wrapped in satin or silk. I purchased one from and also from a vendor on Etsy. Good luck.
I have to re-wash tomorrow, I washed last night, but Ecostyler does not play well with my grease I'm learning. Flakes galore.
PlainJane Pennefeather I use satin scrunches, hair ties soaked in conditioner and oil, or cut nylon stockings soaked in conditioner and oil. These have helped me while bunning. I also use a bun net to make the bun look neat.

Thanks for the tip about soaking the hair tie in conditioner or oil! I haven't heard that one before. I'll have to remember the hair net tip for later. My buns are pretty small at the moment so maybe I'll need them after I get more growth.
twist bun and pompadour today ... forgot my hairstick to complete the look ... mildly pissed :look:

will pull out my twists tomorrow ... still Bunning :drunk:
Thanks Rozlewis. I found her video, but her hair twice as long as mine, so that wouldn't work. I thought that this bun video was interesting. It has never occurred to me to do sections. I have to look for a video using one of those doughnuts. I'm curious about how they work, but I also think that they might pull out hair.

:wave: what are you trying to accomplish Pennefeather, maybe I can help you brainstorm some things.
Today it is cloudy, windy and cool. My hair feels super moisturized and soft. I used my spin pin to create a low bun today.