Soooo, I used my Bee Mine mango scented sulfur serum for the first time - I'm not sure if I can keep up with challenge, the smell is AWFUL!!!!

Any helpful tips as to how I can doctor up my serum to mask the smell? Otherwise I might just have to admit defeat and have slow growing hair!!

I am sitting here with it on my head right now! I'm using it every other night on my hairline and scalp. Either it fades over time or I've gotten used to the smell. :ohwell:

Many people mention using scented essential oils in their homemade sulfur mixes so that's always an option.
Good luck!
Soooo, I used my Bee Mine mango scented sulfur serum for the first time - I'm not sure if I can keep up with challenge, the smell is AWFUL!!!!

Any helpful tips as to how I can doctor up my serum to mask the smell? Otherwise I might just have to admit defeat and have slow growing hair!!

p.s. apologies if this has been covered further up in the thread - I'm on my phone so it's not that easy for me to check

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Nah, don't give up. I gave up on Bee Mine for the same reason. Adding more scent to it is only going to make it stinkier.

Claudie's Elixir smells the best, hands down. But the fragrance is intense. I had so many people telling me my hair smelled delicious when I used it (creme brulee sent). But its not suitable for when you're going to be in confined spaces with other people.

You can also order Tiivia Naturals unscented. I did and I only smell the sulfur a little tiny bit. I then use a nicely scented hair butter to mask it completely.
I oiled my scalp with my sulfur oil mix and massaged it in. I find doing it at night, by morning the smell (what little smell there is) has pretty much dissipated by morning.
I've been using Sulfur 8, but it only has 2% sulfur. I found a really mild smelling oil that has 5% sulfur so I'm using that till my Sublimed (?) sulfur and black castor oil arrive. I can't wait to be whipping some waist length hair!
I would like to join. I have sulfur and several oils to mix it with.

I have tried sulfur in the pass with success but I had to much breakage to actually retain any growth. I am currrently taking nioxin with good growth but I havent been properly measuring my growth.

I dyed my hair so I am able to really see if there is growth.

Hair length: full shoulder
Hello ladies,
Happy New Year!! I pray everyone meets their goals physically, emotionally, n definitely spiritually.

Still using my sulfur mix nightly n MSM daily.
Can someone tell me how to add a starting pic from iPhone. I hit insert n image but it's not taking me to my photos? As u can tell I'm not computer tech at all. Sorry lol
LaidBak Tibbar - thanks for the advice ladies!! I think I'll persevere with the Bee Mine given that I've bought it, and then maybe try something else a little less "fragrant" once I've used it up
I made a sulfur/castor oil/MN mix that I will be using on my scalp for about 2 or 3 days a week but I will be taking msm daily.
still here yall, just checking in been working doubles...I have had enough of trying new stuff....I tried the ayuvedic pastes...not for hair is in breakage/shedding overtime...back to my regular routine before deciding whether or not to cut it all off..thinking of relaxing so i havent applied any sulfur in 2 weeks ... but yes ladies im still in it. castor oil on scalp as i type....and you know what im taking it as a learning lesson...stop jumping on everybody band wagon especially with relaxed hair...i been working to hard on this hair to be committing hair suicide.
I'm waiting on my youngest to put my sulfur mix on my scalp and I can baggy. I have to bribe her with candy to do it. LOL
Just got my stuff today. Can you add me to the list. I'll be flat ironing my hair tomorrow, so I can post a starting picture.
Spritzed my scalp and hair with aloe vera juice/water, applied my sulfur mix to my scalp, massaged it in, then sealed my strands and ends with my JBCO/Avocado/Grape seed oil mix. Then in keeping the greenhouse affect :lol: I put on my plastic cap and scarf until the morning. If I have to leave the house before the evening is over, I'm throwing on my tam hat. DONE.