Starting Length: APL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012: MBL


This is what I'm currently doing but I feel a change coming

Once a week
  • dry detangle/ prepoo with oil
  • add ORS to oiled hair and heat under hooded dryer
  • wash with Wen or SM shampoo
    sometimes if I washed with wen I'll stop here since wen acts as a light DC/ leave-in.
  • DC with NTM or Giovanni SAS

Then I dry in braids and wear a braid-out bun, or do a bantu knot-out on the stretched hair. lightly spray w/ water and seal with castor oil, olive oil, or coconut oil throughout the week as needed. Also, I apply henna once a month.

Method of Sulfur Application: Topically, I plan to mix 1 tsp sulfur with a mix of vatika oil and castor oil. massaging into scalp 3-4x a week and GHE overnight in chunky braids/ bantu knots.
Other Growth Aids: GNC HSN, excersise (just ordered INSANITY :drunk:), Increasing water intake
Starting Pic (optional):
Discussed MTG with my hubby and he's game:grin: think he is just excited of me wanting to grow my hair back to its glory days of 3yrs ago, b4 he met me:lol:

So I'll be using a mixture of MTG and castor oil (worked well for me before)

Starting Length: SL (bad ends, thinned out sides and kitchen)
Goal for Dec 2012: APL

Starting Daily MTG/castor oil mix, massage into hair at night.
Cowash 2-3x a week
Nioxin vitamins, Biotin and Buried Treasure Hair, Skin and Nails Liquid vitamins. My hair grew like a weed with it last time.

Covering up my hair for time being
Ques: I've read that you should wait at least one week after getting a relaxer to apply the sulfur mix but does that include a pomade with sulfur in it?
I would like to officially join too if possible :).

Starting Length: Bra strap length, transitioning 6 months so far
Goal: Full waist length by my wedding date in October 2012
Regimen: Bunning, twists, twist outs, sulfur mix applied to scalp Mon/Wed/Fri rinse out in morning and co wash.On weekends full wash and deep conditioning
Other growth aids: msm, Freeda Biotin 10mg, flaxseed oil, green powder, aloe vera juice, green drinks and healthy eating, exercise, meditation

Sulfur mix consists of JBCO, Jojoba oil, olive oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil sage oil and sulfur powder...

Will be adding starting pic later.
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Starting Length:APL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012: BSL
Regimen: Bunning 99% of the time, heat pass once a month or so, shampoo/wash with terressentials mud wash, deep conditioning every week, moisturizing and sealing daily.
Method of Sulfur Application: Mix with castor oil and apply daily to scalp
Other Growth Aids: Biotin and MSM
Starting Pic (optional): In my siggy
ok dumb question is msm poweder the same as sulfer powder? im so confused, and what are the actual label names of the sulfer products that you guys are using? thanks


That's not a dumb question. MSM is a sulfur taken internally. But, it's not the same sulfur that we're using topically (although some do try to use msm topically but find that it leaves a white residue in the hair).

The powder that we're using is "Sublimed Sulfur" or "flowers of sulphur".

Hope that helps.
Hi Everyone. There's a lot going on in my life right now so I will not be joining this challenge officially. However, I started using my Grisi Sulfur Soap on my face again (it exploded a third time, le sigh) and will begin to wash my scalp with the soap this year. I have been APL for almost two years, possibly due to stress + mishandling but I really need to get on track. I NEED to be "That girl with the hair" if you know what I mean!

Starting Length:APL :(

Projected/Goal Length for December 2012: Full Bra Strap Length

Regimen: Wash scalp with Grisi Sulfur Soap twice a week, then condition and style as normal (Suave, Silk Dreams brands).

Method of Sulfur Application: Washing my hair in sections, paying close attention to my scalp.

Other Growth Aids: Diet and Exercise. I am incorporating more fresh juices in my diet. I am limiting meat consumption and increasing vegetable intake. Foods high in sulfur include: Garlic, onions, Parsley, Bananas, Tomatoes , Nuts and Seeds, Broccoli. I am striving to lose about 30 lbs and will commit to exercising six times a week. I really got to get my life and body back!

I do not have a starting pic, lol I am so ashamed that my hair is not waist length :cry3:
I have been doing this for about a month now and I want to join if it's not too late but I have a question. Am I supposed to wash my hair on the days I use sulfur? If so should it be a wash and dc or would a co wash work?

Eta: I seen that this question has been asked and answered :yep:
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I've been slacking on my sulfur mix since I took my braids out. I will start back up once I get my hair braided this weekend.
I haven't been applying my sulfur pomade reguarly, but I have been taking my MSM internally everyday. I have to figure out a better schedule for my hair. smh Right now I've just been winging it.
Starting Length: Earlength on sides/neck length back (TWA)
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012: SL
Regimen: Co-wash every other day, DC Weekly
Method of Sulfur Application: Sulfur 8 (applied 2-3x a week)
Other growth aids: hair vitamins
Starting pic (will add to profile soon)
I'm in. I need to wait till payday for me products! Ya'll got a sister spending some money. I'm a PJ fo life! Rosemary Sulfur pomade, Vadik real? I'ma be broke, but my hair is going to be fly! I'm going with the Njoy method of applying sulfur mixture to hair at night, and washing out the next day. That girl has got some beautiful hair on her head! I'll keep ya'll posted.
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I have been doing this for about a month now and I want to join if it's not too late but I have a question. Am I supposed to wash my hair on the days I use sulfur? If so should it be a wash and dc or would a co wash work?

Eta: I seen that this question has been asked and answered :yep:

Welcome! It's never too late. There is no cut off date for joining. Come on in!
I've been thinking if I should join this challenge for a while. :/ I've been using Sulfur nightly, but I'm already in so many challenges. (see siggy) lol I'll give it a go.

Starting Length: Between SL and APL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012: Hoping for BSL :grin:
Regimen: Wigging it! Leaving flat twists/braids under wig in for 1 month. Applying sulfur shea butter 5-7 days a week around 5 when I get home from school and washing scalp 3-4x a week in the morning.
Method of Sulfur Application: A home made sulfur-shea butter
Other Growth Aids: I'm going to try and take Vitamins but I need to buy some first!:spinning:
Starting Pic (optional):
Rubbed peppermint Pomade on my edges....

*I have my mom using the peppermint pomade & she loves it...She applies it on her entire scalp...

Happy Hair Growing!
I have a question.
Is Sulfur powder supposed to smell? When I first got my sulfur powder last summer, It had a really eggy smell to it and I stopped using it. Now, it doesn't smell anymore. Is it expired or less potent?
Can I still join? I can't thank using my phone.

Starting length: SL/CBL
Application Method: Bee mine sulphur serum
Other aids: maybe Nixion or MSM pills.
2012 Goal: MBL


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sugarwater and marta9227 Yes, sulfur can smell like rotten eggs. LOL It has not gone bad, nor is it more potent that way. Many of us are masking the smell with essential oils, other oils, fragrant oils... This is actually one reason why people purchase sulfur products from vendors - the vendors make it a point to mask the smell for you.

Just did a scalp massage with my herbal sulfur oil mix.
Already took my msm supplement for the day. I am glad for this challenge as a reminder to take them.
Just drank a level teaspoon of my MSM in water.. still yuckkk (not sure if I will ever get used to the taste of MSM).

Last night I applied my JBCO+peppermint+sulfur to my scalp.
I'm back on my internal and external sulfur grind. I'm taking 1t of MSM. I'm using a homemade ayurvedic sulfur mix
Soooo, I used my Bee Mine mango scented sulfur serum for the first time - I'm not sure if I can keep up with challenge, the smell is AWFUL!!!!

Any helpful tips as to how I can doctor up my serum to mask the smell? Otherwise I might just have to admit defeat and have slow growing hair!!

p.s. apologies if this has been covered further up in the thread - I'm on my phone so it's not that easy for me to check

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