I'm reading some of these posts about shedding. Why does that happen? If one is shedding then how will you really see progress? It's like the sulfur causes shedding but allows fast growth? That seems to equal long but thinned out hair.

I'm not exactly in the challenge but I made my sulfur mix and did a patch test last night before starting my own journey. I want to see good results. But I dont shed and dont want to start. Do garlic pills really help?
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Rubbed Peppermint pomade on scalp.....

*I moisturize my edges on a regular & avoid shedding..* I use HT on my scalp 2xs a week (it contains) NATURAL sulfur....*Liquid Gold oil (I Only Use ) as a pre poo...

Happy Hair Growing!
I'm reading some of these posts about shedding. Why does that happen? If one is shedding then how will you really see progress? It's like the sulfur causes shedding but allows fast growth? That seems to equal long but thinned out hair.

I'm not exactly in the challenge but I made my sulfur mix and did a patch test last night before starting my own journey. I want to see good results. But I dont shed and dont want to start. Do garlic pills really help?

ChasingBliss Sulfur speeds up the length of your hair growth cycle, by extending the anagen phase. When the anagen phase is sped up, so are the other phases, which makes your hair seem to shed faster than it would normally. The sulfur is allowing that follicle to return to the active growth stage. About 10-15% of your hair is in the telogen or shedding phase at an given time. Your hair won't thin because of sulfur use unless you are allergic, already thinning at a high rate, or neglecting your hair in other ways.


I hope that makes sense!

Just massaged scalp with herb infused sulfur oil.
massaged in my sulfur pomade, took my MSM, got my hair cornrowed to start the Wig 2012 Challenge, and my mom bought me a new lace front wig today :)
Its been a very productive day lol
@ChasingBliss Sulfur speeds up the length of your hair growth cycle, by extending the anagen phase. When the anagen phase is sped up, so are the other phases, which makes your hair seem to shed faster than it would normally. The sulfur is allowing that follicle to return to the active growth stage. About 10-15% of your hair is in the telogen or shedding phase at an given time. Your hair won't thin because of sulfur use unless you are allergic, already thinning at a high rate, or neglecting your hair in other ways.


I hope that makes sense!

Just massaged scalp with herb infused sulfur oil.

Aaah, thank you so much for this. It makes sense. You must of been the tag I received. When I first saw it (the tag) , it directed me to a previous one. I'm only seeing this post cus I found my way back in here to read some more posts. Thanks again.
ChasingBliss Sulfur speeds up the length of your hair growth cycle, by extending the anagen phase. When the anagen phase is sped up, so are the other phases, which makes your hair seem to shed faster than it would normally. The sulfur is allowing that follicle to return to the active growth stage. About 10-15% of your hair is in the telogen or shedding phase at an given time. Your hair won't thin because of sulfur use unless you are allergic, already thinning at a high rate, or neglecting your hair in other ways.


I hope that makes sense!

Just massaged scalp with herb infused sulfur oil.

Maybe I'm dense, but this doesn't make sense to me. How can the anagen phase be both sped up and extended? And if all the phases are sped up then they're all shorter, which is a bad thing. Maybe its just the wording you chose. Are you saying that the growth RATE is sped up, and the anagen phase is extended? That would make sense.
:confused: I always knew I benefited from sulfur, but now I guess I should go research why.
Starting Length:shoulder length??
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012: bsl
Regimen: still working on a real winter one as i just moved to japan once its get warmer next year ill be back cowashing on an almost daily basis
Method of Sulfur Application: modified njoy mix 3-5 times a week
Other Growth Aids:n/a
Starting Pic (optional):


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For those folks who have had no luck, irritation and had to quit etc. I'm wondering if the key is to make sure you wash it out every morning. Dont just let it sit on your scalp for days..right?

When i first used it years ago, I had BT. It caused irritation on my nape and behind my ears after a few weeks. But I would wash every 3 days or so. And maybe it was just too much sulphur too. I dunno.
Maybe I'm dense, but this doesn't make sense to me. How can the anagen phase be both sped up and extended? And if all the phases are sped up then they're all shorter, which is a bad thing. Maybe its just the wording you chose. Are you saying that the growth RATE is sped up, and the anagen phase is extended? That would make sense.
:confused: I always knew I benefited from sulfur, but now I guess I should go research why.

LaidBak No, you're not dense. Hopefully this is clearer: Sulfur will extend the length of your anagen phase (by months, years, etc), by speeding up (shorten the length of time of) the other stages (inactive follicles, shedding/release) to get you back to the anagen (active growth) phase. It is like the sulfur is directly feeding your dermal papilla to increase your growth potential.

Does that make more sense? :spinning:
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@LaidBak No, you're not dense. Hopefully this is clearer: Sulfur will extend the length of your anagen phase (by months, years, etc), by speeding up (shorten the length of time of) the other stages (inactive follicles, shedding/release) to get you back to the anagen (active growth) phase. It is like the sulfur is directly feeding your dermal papilla to increase your growth potential.

Does that make more sense? :spinning:

Much clearer-thanks!
My wait period is over started back on my sulfur regi tonight. I see some ladies are experiencing some shedding. I'm sorry to hear that. Since starting with sulfur I try to keep my moisture treatments up nightly n weekly I DC n hot oil treat my hair. So far so good no shedding. Hope that might help someone.
The sulfur pomade sample I ordered from The Pomade Shop on Etsy is just about gone. I was using it every other day on my scalp and it has cut down on the flakes I was having so much. I credit that to the Rosemary oil in. Just ordered the peppermint version yesterday, I hope it is just as good.

On another note, I've been m&s daily and doing the ghe when I remember (right now as we speak actually :yep:) Will be cowashing my in cornrows 1-2x wk and DCing the same amount. So hopefully I won't be having any shedding issues and I'll gain and retain awesome length!
Still using Peppermint pomade on my edges...Edges are doing well/no shedding..

Happy Hair Growing!
Good evening ladies,
Still hanging in with my sulfur oil regi. Sometimes the smell gets nerve racking. Next batch I'll add some more EO maybe lavender now I have a cinnamon'ish sulfur smell. Not bad smell just don't want to smell the sulfur at all if that's possible. Lol
Starting length : apl/bsl...6 inches from wl !
i will be using mtg
regime: baggie nightly with olive oil , oil scalp nightly with mtg, bun daily , wash monthly with mane n tail, deep condition with lutrasilk olive oil
i plan on trimming every 4 months

projected length: waistlength!!!!!!
HT on the rest of my scalp & Rubbed some Peppermint pomade on my edges....

Happy Hair Growing!
Seeping my herbs in my latest sulfur oil concoction. I started it on Monday, so it should be ready tonight. I have to make more pomade as well.
For the ladies that are shedding, this is what I've found: If sulfur is used at a 10% or higher concentration, then there may be adverse affects. The amount should be around 7-8% in your mixture. Also, it can cause drying so moisture retention is key.

Figuring out this moisture thing BEFORE I start this challenge. Hopefully I will have it by Jan.
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Starting Length: SL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012:mid back
Regimen:co-wash&dc&pre-poo 3x a wk
Method of Sulfur Application: oil mix on scalp every other day
Other Growth Aids:none
Starting Pic (optional): will make my profile pic
I'm interested in joining this challenge. I know this is one that I will have no issues staying committed to.

Starting Length: I am almost 2 inches below SL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012: By December I see myself at BSL! (I can visualize this in my head!)
Regimen: I'm natural and I cowash 2xs per week. Ive been rod setting my hair and pineapple during bed time. I henna every other week and dc once per week.
Method of Sulfur Application: Right now I am using MTG until I run out of the last of my bottle. Once this is up I will mix my own batch using sublime I'm pretty sure. I will use this 2-3 times a week on my scalp
Other Growth Aids: I use JBCO on my hair and I'm a vitamin junkie. So I'm doing Nioxin, MGM, Biotin, along with my multivitamin.
Starting Pic (optional):

I'm having difficulty posting pictures. Is anyone else?