so last night was my second night of sulfur application and taking my multi.
it feels really good to be back on the growth aide wagon!
hoping to see even better results this time. :yep::grin:
I don't see why not but if you want, you can also check out the Children's Hair Care Discussion Board. You might find some additional help tips in there. A lot of the mom's are in there discussing various haircare tips for their kids.

However, you can still pick up a few tidbits in here as well but I would be a wee bit cautious as some of the products we use may not be suitable for a 7 year old. For example, some of the essential oils we use may be too strong for her.

We are still glad to have you and I'm sure some other mom's are in here that can help you with your DD's hair.

Thanks it just seems like the Children's Hair Care board is always dead lol but maybe I'll skip on this one for her them I don't want to risk any setbacks. Thanks for the advice and answering me though :)
Tired of being a lurker soooo im in, maybe it will help me to be consistent:
Starting Length: Barely shoulder length hair is cut in layers.
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012: hopefully full strong health BSL
Regimen: Cowash once a week with moisturizing con, DC once a week, Henna every 4 weeks, after each wash moisturize and seal with castor oil. spray diluted moisturizer on daily in mornings and apply megatek with sulfur at night, wear protective styles,KEEP MY HANDS AND SCISSORS OUT OF MY HEAD
Method of Sulfur Application: mixture of sulfur, megatek, oils, herbs Other Growth Aids: megatek
Starting Pic (optional):


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Well guess what ladies! I just found a half of a 32oz bottle of boundless tresses and a few tubes of MN hidden away in my stash. I didn't even remember I had them. Well I just mixed the two together and applied to my scalp a few minutes ago AND I took my MSM for the day as well.
Thanks it just seems like the Children's Hair Care board is always dead lol but maybe I'll skip on this one for her them I don't want to risk any setbacks. Thanks for the advice and answering me though :)

Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that and you are quite welcomed.
About to go apply my mixture and get ready to cowash tomorrow....Im really excited about being active in challenges and not just lurking. Hopefully I will have successful progress. Happy Hair Growing.
Just applied my rosemary sulfur pomade for the first time tonight. That stuff smells soooo amazing!!! And I love the consistency. Hopefully this stuff works out well since I'm not quite sure how much sulfur is in the mixture. Also just took the other half of my 4000mg of MSM for the day.
Well I've been consistent with my sulfur for three days now. Today is my co-wash day, so I can finally get rid of the smell, woo! I think I may have to get some rosemary or lavender eo to deal with the stink haha.
Lightly oiled my scalp with Camille Rose serum & Oiled my edges with Peppermint Pomade,Moisturize with Camille Rose Milk & Sealed with Rice-bran oil....

Happy Hair Growing!
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Sulfur can be very drying....

Happy Hair Growing!
So I officially started today with the sublime sulfur and JBCO.

A couple of questions for everyone!!!

My mix seems to have clumps in it. Is everyone else's this way?

Btw, I used 1 teaspoon of sulfur to 4 ounces of JBCO.

What ratios are you all using?
Lita Thanks for that reminder!

Evallusion I am going to use NJoy's recipe for my sulfur mix....I think she used 1 heaping teaspoon of sulfur to 8 oz of oil.

I FINALLY got my sublimed sulfur today :grin: So I will make my mix soon. I plan to start after I've done my length check for Dec.
day four of sulfur & multivitamin.
other than the smell, life is great.
i've been looking at EOs on ebay, leaning heavily towards strawberry rose (sounds so yummy!)
what are y'all using?
Starting Length: A little above BSL
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012:Full Waistlength
Regimen:Wash when needed with Terrissentials Mud wash, Moisturise with KKKT, Coco oil. wear in twists. twistouts and flexirods for fun.

Method of Sulfur Application: sublimed sulphur mixed with olive oil and coco oil
Other Growth Aids:
Just applied a little Camille Rose on my scalp & Peppermint pomade on the edges...

Happy Hair Growing!
I guess I'll start posting in here instead of the 2011 thread. :)

Applied sulfur pomade, moisturized with Oyin's Juices & Berries, and sealed with Oyin's After Bath oil.
I'm unofficially joining you all here, only because I've already joined 4 challenges for 2012 and I don't want to forget to post.

I've been using sublimed sulfur/oil on the scalp, along with Natrol HSN vitamins for 3 weeks now. I use the sulfur daily or every other day depending on how I feel. My mix was still smelling a little of sulfur (used Hairveda Cocasta Shikaikai as my oil), but I added some jasmine neroli fragrance oil to the mix last night and the sulfur smell is finally conquered! Yay!! That smell was what was limiting more frequent applications. Anyway, I'm subscribing to keep up with how everyone is doing.
About to apply dc, baggy, and go to sleep. Rinse in the am, moisturizer and seal. Apply sulfur mix when dry.
Happy hair growing.
Evallusion My sulphur mix had clumps in it also. I reheated it and that seemed to lessen them and finally melt them (as much as sulfur can be).

Will apply once hair is washed etc tomorrow.
Starting Length: TWA
Projected/Goal Length for December 2012: Shoulder Length

Regimen: cowash 2 x per week, DC 2 x per week, shampoo monthly, protein dc monthly Tues / Sat
Method of Sulfur Application: MTG mixed w/ Mane n Tail conditioner, peppermint EO, Lavender EO apply 2 x per week Sun / Wed
Other Growth Aids: Probably none
Starting Pic (optional): See blog and fotki