Stylists & Professionals, Stand Up!


New Member
Just wondering who on the board has an occupation dealing with hair: i.e., stylists, salon owners, etc..

Whats your salon's name?
Where is the salon (if you want to say)?
What is your occupation?
Whats your salon's name?
(this has to be said with a hard, long southern accent) Ms Neeeeeta's
Where is the salon (if you want to say)?
I mainly work out of da kitchin but I has been known to do some of my best in the bathroom
What is your occupation?
I's a kitchenbeautician
Been working in this location for 4yrs. I was previously located on the West coast (20yrs) where I mainly worked with children and teens - did braids, twist and press. Mostly natural styles.

:lachen:but for real started working with the kids in the neighborhood of parents who didn't have time (or to lazy) and the next thing you know I had 3-4 clients a day. (It just bothered me to see little lint filled, fuzzy headed girls & their moms hair laid) Started doing it for free and when the kids hair started to thrive their mammies came running ...:ohwell: but NOPE ... 18 and under was my age group. Had a good little hustle for a few years.