Healthy Hair Stylists???


New Member
I've been reading up on how you shouldn't allow your stylists to use certain tools or techniques on your hair, but most of the salons I've visited break ALL the rules.
Anyone here go to a salon where they:

Don't use the marcel stove on permed hair (a Cathy no)

Don't overlap the relaxer onto prerelaxed hair.

Use shampoos w/o SLS

Allow you to bring your own products

Don't roll their eyes at you when you say "no trim this time".

If any of you visit a salon like this, is it in the Baltimore, D.C. area?
Girl, this is a rarity. I too, am looking for a decent salon in the DC Metro area, and I have yet to find one. I was seeing a pretty good stylist for a while, but ended up leaving her, all because a trim was a cut in her head.
Yeah girl. And when you worked extra hard to grow your out your two inches like I have (and I'm sure all of us have), you don't want that hair to wind up on the cutting room floor within a matter of moments. That's why I'm scared to go back to my stylist. She cuts off way too much. I read about those who bring their own products, but mine doesn't like this unless you have a medical condition. Also, it appears that she doesn't use the best quality products like she used to, but her prices are higher. Anyway, hopefully someon out there will have the answer for us, Karonica!!
umm no. most of the salons i go to dont really care about the health of my hair. some are just bad while others dont leave me bald so maybe that is a plus. i havent found one yet that is within my price range that will make my hair healthy. of course for wash and sets i am cool. God bless you all.