Stunted Hair Growth :[ PLEASE help!


New Member
My hair grows faster in the front and on the sides, than it does in the back. My hair seems so much shorter in the back that it's completely thin and see through, which is the total OPPOSITE than the front/sides of my hair (Which is almost full shoulder length. My back is like HALF of shoulder length. I moisturize my hair at night, I keep it in a bun, I do NOT wear my hair in tight ponytails, I keep my ends trimmed/dusted, I co-wash my hair like 2-3 times a week, I shampoo once a week, I rarely wrap my hair up, and I stretch my relaxer for about 3-4 months. :/ I have no idea what it is... I need help :o
:[ Usually people complain about hair being longer in the back than in the front, but mine is opposite :/ Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl, lets hope someone can help us and provide a miracle :o
Hmm.. Maybe the back of your hair can't handle being in a bun and it may be causinga bit tension. Do you brush your hair?
When I was relaxed the back was shorter than the front. I dont necessarily attribute that to the relaxer completely. For me it was the way I was combing and handling my hair.
It was breakage from combing as well as wearing my hair down every now and then.

The one thing that helped me was keeping the hair up at all times. I didnt wear my hair down until I passed APL.

Another thing that could lead to breakage in the back is the amount of time you leave the relaxer on in the back. A lot of people start applying in the back and for me that is the softest texture I have on my head so I was basically over-processing that part as I worked through the rest.
I started applying from the middle and doing one section at a time and that worked much better.

Then I went natural... :)

But yea, thats my experience. Treat your hair like fine silk, give it a rest and time, it should be ok. Deep condition often too.
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Sometimes this can be how your hair simply grows....
My hair grows in a took years of growing it out and shaping it up to get it to fill in but it eventually does.