Strange Hair Compliments....


New Member
Hi Ladies....I figured this would be a fun thread!

What are some strange compliments that you have received about your hair? I'm talking about those "uhh...thank you, i think..." compliments...:lachen:

Some old white man complimented my twistout :perplexed

him: "Wow! I just love how you are rocking that twist out! It looks nice!"

me: "uhh...thank you, i think..." :lol:

how in the hayle does he know about a daggone twistout and how does he know i'm "rocking" one....smh

your turn to share!:grin:
That is so funny! Was it a cute, old man?

He probably has some black family or adopted kids.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
That is so funny! Was it a cute, old man?

He probably has some black family or adopted kids.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y

LOL no!...he was a creepy old man! hahahahah

yeah he had to have somebody black in his chicks don't even call out a twist least not out loud....LOL
When I had short hair and did wash and go with my texlaxed hair, "Oooh, funky"

Now that I am natural my friends are fascinated with the softness and how big it is

"Can I touch it?" *pat* *pat* "It's like a marshmallow"

Accusatory Question Person: How did you get your hair so thick?!!! It's just so...thick. How?

Me: I don't know....

(she's still looking at me waiting for an answer and is holding my items at ransom as she works at CVS and stopped scanning them waiting for an answer. BTW there is a line)

ME:I guess I don't have a relaxer and,,,

AQ Person: OH. ok never mind.
(Starts scanning again)
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Oh another

PERSON: It could not be me. That's just too much hair. I'd have to cut it off. It's pretty though but it looks hot.

ME (blinks)
luckiestdestiny said:
Oh another

PERSON: It could not be me. That's just too much hair. I'd have to cut it off. It's pretty though but it looks hot.

ME (blinks)

She a lie!

She is telling falsehoods.

She is not telling the truth.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Mi novio calls me mop-head as a term of endearment. His niece ( which of whom I think was sent by some evil spirit to torture me whenever she sees me) like to fondle my hair, the brat.
I was rocking a huge curly wig that was similar to Oprah's style but a little wilder. Btw.. all the non-black people at work think that my straight APL wig is my real hair & that I just straighten it from the curly wig. They don't know no better & I don't offer my business without probable cause :lachen:

Anyhoo, I have my own fashion sense & usually get compliments from head to toe. I got on the elevator one day & an older white lady with just as many curls told me that I always look so "vintage." The other older white lady on the elevator automatically knew what she meant & chimed in that "yeah always so funky with your fresh white nails & big rings! I love it!" If the second one didn't say something else, I woulda thought the first one was calling me old! LOL!
I had a braid-out and some lady at work was like "Ooh you look like a rock-star".

Then some guy at work told me I looked "wild".

Strangest "compliment" came from my husband. I did a rollerset and my hair looked big (I didn't straighten it correctly). So he says to me "You look like a lion" so needless to say I got VERY annoyed and asked him "EXCUUUSE ME?" So his quick answer to this was "Oh no, I love Lions. You look beautiful."
My mother this weekend:

Mom: So did you braid or twist your hair to get it like that?
Me: It's a braid-out
Mom: Oh... Well... it's growing...
Me: Uhm... thanks?!?!!!
I was walking around the store this weekend, Big Lots, looking for a sale.

I saw a little 9 year old girl peeking at me from behind the aisle. I smiled and she said really loud, "Mommy, that ladies wig is pretty!"

Then she looked to see if I was looking. I just laughed. It wasn't a wig, it was my very own twist out.
Back in 2010 when I chopped off all my hair, i was still struggling with how to style it. On one particular day, I tried to do the Halle Berry style. The District Manager I worked with at the time(YT lady) said she liked my hair and it reminded her of Macy Gray. I wasn't natural at the time :perplexed
I have told this story before, but I’m telling it again because it fits this thread. :lol:

A few years back during my first transition, I curled my hair with Curlformers one night, and my curls ended looking really big, fluffy and springy. So the next day at work, I was standing in the hallway talking to a group of my co-workers, who all just happened to be white guys. One of the young white dudes rolled up on me, grabbed one of my curls, boinged it to death and then exclaimed, “Wow, your hair is sooooo soft! I didn't know black girls’ curls could be so soft!”

Yes … that fool actually said that to me. :perplexed
My coworker: I like you're hair...

Me: Thanks!

Coworker: it's really, is that yours or someone else's? You know I can never tell...

Me: :ohwell::perplexed:look::lol:
Was in a hair salon where everyone was getting a weave and the salon was super busy. 8 stylists all had at least 2 people waiting. The weaves were banging but the traction alopecia not so much. While waiting for my SIL, a lady getting her hair done starts a conversation with me.

Lady: You have a lot of hair
Me: Thanks
Lady: You have a nice hairline.
Me: Thanks
Lady: You are so lucky you have all that hair with a big head
Me: :perplexed Umm Thanks
Lady: My head is so small and my hairline is gone
My mother this weekend:

Mom: So did you braid or twist your hair to get it like that?
Me: It's a braid-out
Mom: Oh... Well... it's growing...
Me: Uhm... thanks?!?!!!


That's exactly how my mother is. She is not on the natural bandwagon... she loves straight hair.
This is the conversation I had with a new coworker at the beginning of the School year....

My coworker: I love your hair, its so thick. How long have you been natural? :grin:

Me: Thanks girl. I'm not natural though :).

Coworker: Oh :perplexed. At least its still thick.

Me: :look:......*Walks away

I went to F21 last week and the sales lady asked me how long I was natural. "My hair is relaxed," I told her. She responded, "Are you sure?"

BostonMaria, I love lions too! LOL! ROARRRR!!!
Back in 2010 when I chopped off all my hair, i was still struggling with how to style it. On one particular day, I tried to do the Halle Berry style. The District Manager I worked with at the time(YT lady) said she liked my hair and it reminded her of Macy Gray. I wasn't natural at the time :perplexed

Omg, that's the one I got! One of my husband's friends said I looked like Macy Gray :lol: :lol:
18-19 months in my transition I decided to cut off all my relaxed ends.
So one day I decided to do my first wash and go. =-)

I saw my boyfriend that day.
"The back of your head looks like a lobster cracked open"

Eh? confidence level went from a 8.5 to like a 4.
Lucie you got some sssssplainin to do

Yeah I change my hair bi-weekly, mostly wigs but I have also worn my hair out once or twice. I always get the is that a wig, a weave, or yours question.

However the other day after I installed Havana twist and rocked it in a high bun one of my coworkers approached me:
Her: Oh your hair looks so cute! It looks like a lot of hair
Me: Oh yeah it is a lot of hair. I didn't realize it before but yeah sometimes when I'm laying in my bed and trying to lift up my head I can feel the heaviness of it.
Her: Oh yeah well its a good thing you have a big head because big hair goes with it!
Me: (in my head: Did this heifer just tell me I have a big head!?!?!?!:swearing:) . . . Polite Smile, fake chuckle, & walks off

Sad part is I'm one of the youngest in my building and often get these sideways/backwards compliments.:nono:
I'm newly natural and trying my best to figure out styles. I've been relaxed so long I had it on lock. So I tried doing a twistout and my DH said and I quote, "You look like Don King, Macy Gray and Rick James all at once." WOW. I had to laugh cuz it was a hot mess. Haven't tried a twistout since.