So my hair only made it 8 days this time
. My hair wasn't straight enough and the humidity was too real!
I redid my hair yesterday, and got it the straightest ever so far
. My routine was a little all over the place because my initial plan was to attempt a wash n'go. That failed, so I went on to straightening. This is what I did.
1. HOT with coconut and olive oil w/ essential oils
2. Pour diluted ACV with EO over hair and let sit for 30 mins
3. Rinse, and apply Joico Treatment Balm
4. Rinse and apply Chi Keratin Silk infusion in 2 sections
5. Put hair into 2 banded ponytails and sit under bonnet dryer for 1 hour (for the first 30 mins I didn't realize it was set on cool)
6. Flatiron on 450 with 2 passes
I took my hair down this morning, and it was so straight, it looked like a fresh relaxer
. Last time I did my rollerset and flatiron it took about 1.5 hours to set, 1.5 hours to dry, and another hour + to flatiron. This time it only took 10 mins to set my hair in ponytails, 1 hour to dry, and 1.5 hours to flatrion
. There was no additional heat, no manipulation to get my hair on rollers, and it took half the time!! I'm so happy it worked out!!