Straight Hair Natural's Support Thread

The weather has dropped by me so my flat iron was great this week. Very sleek and no poof. The only thing I like about the fall/winter.
This week I flat ironed. I had great results but It's not humid here so I'm not sure if I cracked the code or not.

I used less leave ins on my hair. I normally use Garnier anti frizz milk to blow dry, add kerastace ad chi mist for flat ironing, which gives me a look I like but you all know in have been trying to figure out how to keep the curls away. Previously I had no success. So I decided to try a new regi.

This time I deep cleaned my hair. Conditioned. And applied chi keratin mist ONLY. Then I flat ironed with my corioliss k2 iron. And so far, with the exception of my hairline, my hair has been silky and hasn't curled up on the ends like in the past.

The first pic is the day I did my hair last weekend and the second is my ponytail yesterday.

I discover the edges do better with some good old fashioned hair grease and Ors edge control vs gel which has too much water in it. Next time I will try Aveda Control Paste and see how that works.


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Luckily my hair has been staying straight but this humidity just came out of nowhere and is threatening that. Wrapping it every night has been the only thing saving it.
I'm going back to my regimen of straightening my hair every 2 weeks which has always worked for me. I retain more length and moisture this way with little effort. And this look is my personal preference for myself.
I'm going back to my regimen of straightening my hair every 2 weeks which has always worked for me. I retain more length and moisture this way with little effort. And this look is my personal preference for myself.

I really want to try this, my only problem is I have a hard time keeping a style in longer than a week. How do you maintain your hair through those two weeks?
Well I blowdried my hair yesterday for an event and flat ironed today. I love breaking it down like that, because I give myself a good flat iron because on the day that I have to flat iron. I am not rushed or tired if I break it up like that.

Anyway, I only put in a little coconut oil and heat protective spray. I dusted my ends. The weather is cooler and my hair is sleeker. I just read the forecast and it seems heat is trying to sneak in again:ohwell:. So I hope this lasts right through it.
Bump! Anyone in here that straightens their hair and then protective style on a weekly or biweekly bases?

As of the last month I have been straightening on a weekly basis and there have not appeared to be any negative effects SO FAR.

I pree-poo, deep condition with grapeseed oil overnight plus a few extra hours, I use heat various heat protectants, I only do 1 pass and I pin curl for the week.

My roots get puffy but its because I sweat a lot when I work out but the strands have stayed very straight. Last week I used the betonite clay instead of shampoo and my hair reverted back very easily
I press my hair every two weeks. It's straight until I wash it. I mostly wear my hair either in a clip, bun, or ponytail. Once during the two weeks I wear it out. I moisturize and seal almost every night (dime size of elasta QP and a couple of drops of castor oil). I wrap my hair every night and sleep with a satin scarf.

I find that my hair stays straight because I use a pressing comb, and a constantly wrap my hair. Also, using a boar bristle brush helps tremendously. about twice a week I either put a couple of drops of coconut oil, olive oil, or grapeseed oil on my hair. I don't use too much or else I will have oily hair with a lot of build up.

I press my hair every two weeks. It's straight until I wash it. I mostly wear my hair either in a clip, bun, or ponytail. Once during the two weeks I wear it out. I moisturize and seal almost every night (dime size of elasta QP and a couple of drops of castor oil). I wrap my hair every night and sleep with a satin scarf.

I find that my hair stays straight because I use a pressing comb, and a constantly wrap my hair. Also, using a boar bristle brush helps tremendously. about twice a week I either put a couple of drops of coconut oil, olive oil, or grapeseed oil on my hair. I don't use too much or else I will have oily hair with a lot of build up.


Do you use an electric pressing comb or the traditional stove kind? I want to learn how to use a pressing comb I hear it gets the hair straighter than a flat iron.
how did i miss this thread... i've been contemplating transitioning (i'm currently texlaxed)
i'm really loving my texture but one of the things that keeps me from fully committing to going natural is i prefer to wear my hair straight when i wear it down (which is actually really rare) i really want to start wearing my hair down & enjoying it.... off to read this thread and hopefully learn some tips
I really want to try this, my only problem is I have a hard time keeping a style in longer than a week. How do you maintain your hair through those two weeks?

My hair remains straight until the next wash. I have been natural straight all my life and it just seems to be trained to stay straight. Yes, I feel the the curl pattern may loosen. But my focus isn't to keep my 4abc hair curly anyway. If I want that look-I like to blow dry my hair and then braid-out. But this look is only a temporary style because I get better long- term hair growth results with straightening my hair every 2 weeks.

I use blow dryer with a comb attachment and hot comb with an oven to focus on the roots then I flat iron my hair. I wrap my hair to wear it straight the first week or first 4 days depending on if my hair is weighed down my its natural sebum. Then I will pin curl my hair. A stylist told me that baby powder helps with excess oil. So after the first week I tried baby powder on my hair and it brought back the body and volume to my hair. Using flexi rods or rollers is another way to maintain the straight hair until next wash.

As for the humidity I think that the titanium plates vs the ceramic plates seal the cuticle better. But you MUST BE CAREFUL. The titanium plates can be damaging if not used correctly. Or you can simply just use the hot comb-which has always worked for me, no issues. I just love how the flat iron seals my hair, so I use both.

It's easy to find an oil for the ends of natural straight hair and scalp. Less manipulation and easy maintenance has been helpful throughout my natural straight journey.
My hair remains straight until the next wash. I have been natural straight all my life and it just seems to be trained to stay straight. Yes, I feel the the curl pattern may loosen. But my focus isn't to keep my 4abc hair curly anyway. If I want that look-I like to blow dry my hair and then braid-out. But this look is only a temporary style because I get better long- term hair growth results with straightening my hair every 2 weeks.

I use blow dryer with a comb attachment and hot comb with an oven to focus on the roots then I flat iron my hair. I wrap my hair to wear it straight the first week or first 4 days depending on if my hair is weighed down my its natural sebum. Then I will pin curl my hair. A stylist told me that baby powder helps with excess oil. So after the first week I tried baby powder on my hair and it brought back the body and volume to my hair. Using flexi rods or rollers is another way to maintain the straight hair until next wash.

As for the humidity I think that the titanium plates vs the ceramic plates seal the cuticle better. But you MUST BE CAREFUL. The titanium plates can be damaging if not used correctly. Or you can simply just use the hot comb-which has always worked for me, no issues. I just love how the flat iron seals my hair, so I use both.

It's easy to find an oil for the ends of natural straight hair and scalp. Less manipulation and easy maintenance has been helpful throughout my natural straight journey.

Thank you so much! I'm definitely going to look into getting a hot comb and stove and learning how to use it.
I am contemplating this for my teenage daughter. My feeling is that heat protectant is key. I pressed her hair a few weeks ago with a little CHI Silk Infusion & Fantasia IC heat protectant. She wants to wear her hair straight more often. So I am going to do it that way for her. However I feel that blow drying it before I press it will be a must. I did a DT last year on both of our heads. After the treament I put infusium 23 and QB detangler in our head and dried it. Both of our heads came out almost completely straight, with very little hair (like maybe 5 strands) on my goody brush afterwards. Our hair was silky and nice. I remember thinking this feels like I put a relaxer in her hair, mind you my daughters hair has been natural of her life.

I also have noted that whenever I pressed or flat ironed my daughters hair, it reverts, where as with salon hairdressers, her hair requires major TLC to get it back.

HTH :yep:

I saw a youtube video of a girl who roller set her hair until it was dry with regular rollers to let it air dry, (blow dry step) then once it's was dry she took down the rollers and only needed to pass the flat iron over the hair once and her hair was straight and sleek. I've been wanting to try this method but right now i'm going thru a detangling hump
My hair is extremely coily (like an ink pen coil) but fine :blush: so straightening may be a good alternative for me. I just don't want heat damage. I need a "type 4 straight natural" mentor or big sister!:grin: Who wants to adopt me?!:yay:
Yesterday,flat ion & used my curl wand.Sprayed the curls with Suve herbal extra holding spray.Put my hair up with a clip,slick edges down with HH twisting gel & placed Dax pomade on top..Hair covered with bonnet..

*Going to get a smaller curl wand..

Happy Hair Growing!

Just bought this hot comb at the bss, I'm trying to teach myself how to use these I know in the past didn't really like the electric hot combs but this one has double teeth so will see how it goes.
Just bought this hot comb at the bss, I'm trying to teach myself how to use these I know in the past didn't really like the electric hot combs but this one has double teeth so will see how it goes.

Be careful and make sure to share your results.

I've never in my life had a real press. I would be TERRIFIED of that hot comb. Shoot I burn myself with my flat iron. I remember the day I clamped my thumb and I still had half my head left. Took me 3 hrs to finish with the pain. I burned my chin last week so my hair is curly this week :lol:
Be careful and make sure to share your results.

I've never in my life had a real press. I would be TERRIFIED of that hot comb. Shoot I burn myself with my flat iron. I remember the day I clamped my thumb and I still had half my head left. Took me 3 hrs to finish with the pain. I burned my chin last week so my hair is curly this week :lol:

I'm a little terrified of it as well since it heats up to 500 most I've ever used is 450 which is really high to me and I always would turn it down. For some reason my hair was real resistant to getting it straighten by a hot comb in the past. Hopefully this time will be better, will post pictures.
I'm a little terrified of it as well since it heats up to 500 most I've ever used is 450 which is really high to me and I always would turn it down. For some reason my hair was real resistant to getting it straighten by a hot comb in the past. Hopefully this time will be better, will post pictures.

Maybe thinner sections & a good pressing grease is the trick!

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Just bought this hot comb at the bss, I'm trying to teach myself how to use these I know in the past didn't really like the electric hot combs but this one has double teeth so will see how it goes.

Don't do it. I've bought the temple comb for my edges and it practically burned that small part straight. It was instant heat damage for that little area.This was even after unplugging it to lower the temperature. Luckily, it was just the sideburn edge so I made no fuss about it. I threw that out and bought a mini flat iron for edges.

A blow dryer with multiple settings and a flat iron is all you you need. If your technique is right, you can get bone straight, flowing hair under 400 degrees with 1-2 passes. Trick to a good flat iron is thoroughly detangled, stretched out hair (whether by blow drying, roller setting, etc.) that is conditioned. I stress using a quality dc ( i use joico moisture recovery balm) bc it keeps you from moisturizing straightened hair and it primes the hair for high heat. I don't understand when people say what moisturizer they have to use to when wearing flat ironed hair. If you conditioned properly, there would no need for that. Now the part about detangled hair, if you cant get a fine (not too fine) toothed comb through a 1 inch section of hair before flat ironing, the hair will not come out right after flat ironing. So make sure you detangle well. Keep the products to a minimum when prepping for flat ironing. I use shampoo, dc, and heat protectant ( chi silk infusion)
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As of the last month I have been straightening on a weekly basis and there have not appeared to be any negative effects SO FAR.

I pree-poo, deep condition with grapeseed oil overnight plus a few extra hours, I use heat various heat protectants, I only do 1 pass and I pin curl for the week.

My roots get puffy but its because I sweat a lot when I work out but the strands have stayed very straight. Last week I used the betonite clay instead of shampoo and my hair reverted back very easily

I've done the same thing TopShelf The pin curls seem to help instead of wrapping it and even with my roots start to puff up, my hair just looks fuller because my strands are still straight with a nice curl:grin:
Don't do it. I've bought the temple comb for my edges and it practically burned that small part straight. It was instant heat damage for that little area.This was even after unplugging it to lower the temperature. Luckily, it was just the sideburn edge so I made no fuss about it. I threw that out and bought a mini flat iron for edges.

A blow dryer with multiple settings and a flat iron is all you you need. If your technique is right, you can get bone straight, flowing hair under 400 degrees with 1-2 passes. Trick to a good flat iron is thoroughly detangled, stretched out hair (whether by blow drying, roller setting, etc.) that is conditioned. I stress using a quality dc ( i use joico moisture recovery balm) bc it keeps you from moisturizing straightened hair and it primes the hair for high heat. I don't understand when people say what moisturizer they have to use to when wearing flat ironed hair. If you conditioned properly, there would no need for that. Now the part about detangled hair, if you cant get a fine (not too fine) toothed comb through a 1 inch section of hair before flat ironing, the hair will not come out right after flat ironing. So make sure you detangle well. Keep the products to a minimum when prepping for flat ironing. I use shampoo, dc, and heat protectant ( chi silk infusion)

Now I'm really scared to use it now, my mom offered to let me use her hot comb that is electric and has a temperature control. I use to use hers a long time ago when I first was natural. I just like straight hot combs get the roots straight compared to flat ironing.
Decided to flat iron my hair for the first time since 2011!

Got chi and fantasia ic heat protectant.
Just finish protein treatment now about to do over night till 8p when I get off work tomorrow deep condition then gonna add a lil grapeseed and chi, then blow dry then add fantasia ic and flatiron. Hope this mention works!

Welcome to anymore saying I'm doing something wrong b4 I flatiron tomorrow night!
mz.rae have you thought about buying this?

moptopmaven used to use it on her hair and got great results. so did pinkstates (I think) who used to be a member here
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Anyone know if the hotcomb leaves the hair with more texture in it?

I have fine hair and don't really want it to lie flat and silky.
[USER=26733]Sumra[/USER];19057963 said:
Anyone know if the hotcomb leaves the hair with more texture in it? I have fine hair and don't really want it to lie flat and silky.

If you don't want your hair to be flat, I would recommend a roller set with large rollers and flat iron the roots. You can wrap the hair too.