Stinastina stole my money

I agree. Also, can't she be prosecuted for ripping people off? I'm sure something legally can be done, right??

Same thing I said over in the other thread..I would be filing police reports or calling who needs to be called in her state...she needs to be charged. What she has done is fradulent.
Same thing I said over in the other thread..I would be filing police reports or calling who needs to be called in her state...she needs to be charged. What she has done is fradulent.
Okay, that's why you need to contact her merchant account. They will investigate if there are too many complaints, and contact the FBI and other authorities...
Also if you've all been ripped off together, like in the 100's as you say, organize and pm each other, and then you all can contact them together! There's power in numbers.
Yep, I ordered based on the rave revies here.
Then after a month of not receiving it, I emailed response.
I eventually filed a case with Paypal and although they ruled in my favor, they said they couldn't give me my money back because there were no funds in her paypay account.
I'm curious, what kind of hair products did she sell? It saddens me that it is a hugh number. If 1-2 people maybe took an extra week to get products fine but nothing at all and no response. Bad business. Don't do people like that. We work for our money and want to support but this may mess up for other vendors. I hope not:nono:
Wow... this makes me leery of everyone, even though they may well be honest. :nono:
Don't be. Just always use your cc, that way you're always protected and you'll always get your money back. I never send money orders, because even post office money orders don't carry that much protection anymore. Only CC, is where you can instantly get your money back.
Guys - there are strength in numbers!!! Those that have been ripped off need to contact their local authorities. Also, I am assuming that those that ordered from her are not in the same state, this could be a federal offense. She can be prosecuted.
Yep, I ordered based on the rave revies here.
Then after a month of not receiving it, I emailed response.
I eventually filed a case with Paypal and although they ruled in my favor, they said they couldn't give me my money back because there were no funds in her paypay account.

That really sucks!!
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I'm curious, what kind of hair products did she sell? It saddens me that it is a hugh number. If 1-2 people maybe took an extra week to get products fine but nothing at all and no response. Bad business. Don't do people like that. We work for our money and want to support but this may mess up for other vendors. I hope not:nono:

She sold Ayurvedic products.
Yep, I ordered based on the rave revies here.
Then after a month of not receiving it, I emailed response.
I eventually filed a case with Paypal and although they ruled in my favor, they said they couldn't give me my money back because there were no funds in her paypay account.

Okay then if she's through paypal and they ruled in your behalf, they will note that against her account. meanwhile RUN to your cc company, even if you used a debit card. Call the number on the back of the card and explain you've been defrauded. They will PUT the money back in your account, even if it's not in hers. In other words, they put the money in your account, go after paypal and make them pay them (paypal has insurance), and paypal will then inturn go after her (no head ache on your part, they will just make her account negative until she pays it and will probably stop processing if enough people complain). I wouldn't spend time w/ paypal (assumed she had another type of merchant account), as they used to have different rules of protection for buyers, and now don't have enough in force. Go to your bank . If it was not a cc and it was a check, still explain that you've been defrauded and see what they can do for you! That is your best bet. If it's cc thank your lucky stars because if you don't wait too long, they can fix it, they'll take your story down word for word, (I know B of America for instance will instantly refund you), and then send out a form for you to sign and fax back to them. Meanwhile they'll research and make sure that they get the money from her. With them backing you, there's no way she can get away with it (because it's the power of a back or cc company) instead of just you by yourself. Make sure you do this ASAP.
yeah the same thing happend to me. i place an order Sep 7th and i never did recieve it. I contacted her so many times and she actually responded. She told me she would send my order out to me on Saturday 2 weeks ago. Never did... the order only said in progress. I canceled ask for a refund and gave her sometime to respond. She did not reply so I contacted Google check out asap. The next day my money was refunded.
Did you pay with google check out or paypal?

yea: i contacted google: just waiting for my money back....if they'll still do it
Stinastina ripped me off as well. I am going to file a claim and hopefully I will get my money back.

Also ladies, heads up on a member of this board Candy C, Cherie. Candy C. has given advice on how to use ayurvedic products on hair and she also opened up an online store to start selling ayurvedic products and her book on how to use them. Well because I am such an idiot and always quick to support black business, I placed an order, even though my sister warned me against it. I made sure it was small, $47 and change. Well, I received an email stating that the money was received and that I will soon receive an email when my items ship. Huh, jokes on me, this chick could care less about my order. Weeks later no response and no tracking number. I emailed her and no response. I filed a claim with Paypal and would'nt you know it, she miraculously appears with some lame excuse about her computer being broken and how she will be getting the products soon so if I would like to wait then she will get it right out to me. Well, after over one month of waiting and no response from her, now I just dont trust her and want my money back. Ofcourse, she does not return it and Paypal could only recover $7.00. Ladies beware of unscrupulous people like this. They prey on us through these hair boards, set up stupid bogus businesses, obtain a good number of orders and then disappear. Ofcourse, this does not go for everyone. For example, Bee Mine and Boundless Tesses. The sellers of these products are honest. I received my orders in a timely fashion with no problems. Candy C has written on her profile that she makes over $250,000.00, which is wonderful because that means she should have no problem returning my little sheckles of money. Also, if she makes over $250,000.00, then I am sure she can afford a new computer so this way she can stay on top of her orders. But I guess that is not necessary, she has probably scammed a lot of money out of people and has since moved on using another alias.

I just wanted to put my experience out there so you ladies can protect yourself. Next time, I will listen to my younger sister. :ohwell::wallbash:
Stinastina ripped me off as well. I am going to file a claim and hopefully I will get my money back.

Also ladies, heads up on a member of this board Candy C, Cherie. Candy C. has given advice on how to use ayurvedic products on hair and she also opened up an online store to start selling ayurvedic products and her book on how to use them. Well because I am such an idiot and always quick to support black business, I placed an order, even though my sister warned me against it. I made sure it was small, $47 and change. Well, I received an email stating that the money was received and that I will soon receive an email when my items ship. Huh, jokes on me, this chick could care less about my order. Weeks later no response and no tracking number. I emailed her and no response. I filed a claim with Paypal and would'nt you know it, she miraculously appears with some lame excuse about her computer being broken and how she will be getting the products soon so if I would like to wait then she will get it right out to me. Well, after over one month of waiting and no response from her, now I just dont trust her and want my money back. Ofcourse, she does not return it and Paypal could only recover $7.00. Ladies beware of unscrupulous people like this. They prey on us through these hair boards, set up stupid bogus businesses, obtain a good number of orders and then disappear. Ofcourse, this does not go for everyone. For example, Bee Mine and Boundless Tesses. The sellers of these products are honest. I received my orders in a timely fashion with no problems. Candy C has written on her profile that she makes over $250,000.00, which is wonderful because that means she should have no problem returning my little sheckles of money. Also, if she makes over $250,000.00, then I am sure she can afford a new computer so this way she can stay on top of her orders. But I guess that is not necessary, she has probably scammed a lot of money out of people and has since moved on using another alias.

I just wanted to put my experience out there so you ladies can protect yourself. Next time, I will listen to my younger sister. :ohwell::wallbash:
Again if you paid with a cc or debit card, go to your bank and get the rest back! They will refund you if you don't take too long!
Oh, they have been all over Stinatina in the Vendor forum. That woman know she is wrong for that. Gained all of our trust and then she did that. When i ordered from her, i got my stuff, which i am thankful for, but she did tons of members wrong. But what goes around comes around

I wonder what happened? Did she send out some early orders to gain trust so she could later rip people off? Just awful.:nono:

I'm sorry for everyone that lost money.
I'm confused: Is Stinastina and Cherie the same person or no? I know Cherie had a Myspace store and I ordered from her like a year ago with no problems...
Yep, I ordered based on the rave revies here.
Then after a month of not receiving it, I emailed response.
I eventually filed a case with Paypal and although they ruled in my favor, they said they couldn't give me my money back because there were no funds in her paypay account.

Same thing happened to me.
Stinastina ripped me off as well. I am going to file a claim and hopefully I will get my money back.

Also ladies, heads up on a member of this board Candy C, Cherie. Candy C. has given advice on how to use ayurvedic products on hair and she also opened up an online store to start selling ayurvedic products and her book on how to use them. Well because I am such an idiot and always quick to support black business, I placed an order, even though my sister warned me against it. I made sure it was small, $47 and change. Well, I received an email stating that the money was received and that I will soon receive an email when my items ship. Huh, jokes on me, this chick could care less about my order. Weeks later no response and no tracking number. I emailed her and no response. I filed a claim with Paypal and would'nt you know it, she miraculously appears with some lame excuse about her computer being broken and how she will be getting the products soon so if I would like to wait then she will get it right out to me. Well, after over one month of waiting and no response from her, now I just dont trust her and want my money back. Ofcourse, she does not return it and Paypal could only recover $7.00. Ladies beware of unscrupulous people like this. They prey on us through these hair boards, set up stupid bogus businesses, obtain a good number of orders and then disappear. Ofcourse, this does not go for everyone. For example, Bee Mine and Boundless Tesses. The sellers of these products are honest. I received my orders in a timely fashion with no problems. Candy C has written on her profile that she makes over $250,000.00, which is wonderful because that means she should have no problem returning my little sheckles of money. Also, if she makes over $250,000.00, then I am sure she can afford a new computer so this way she can stay on top of her orders. But I guess that is not necessary, she has probably scammed a lot of money out of people and has since moved on using another alias.

I just wanted to put my experience out there so you ladies can protect yourself. Next time, I will listen to my younger sister. :ohwell::wallbash:

Low down dirty shame....
mmmmm mmmm mmmmm i aint giving nobody a dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! teefs...i tell u...

Stinastina ripped me off as well. I am going to file a claim and hopefully I will get my money back.

Also ladies, heads up on a member of this board Candy C, Cherie. Candy C. has given advice on how to use ayurvedic products on hair and she also opened up an online store to start selling ayurvedic products and her book on how to use them. Well because I am such an idiot and always quick to support black business, I placed an order, even though my sister warned me against it. I made sure it was small, $47 and change. Well, I received an email stating that the money was received and that I will soon receive an email when my items ship. Huh, jokes on me, this chick could care less about my order. Weeks later no response and no tracking number. I emailed her and no response. I filed a claim with Paypal and would'nt you know it, she miraculously appears with some lame excuse about her computer being broken and how she will be getting the products soon so if I would like to wait then she will get it right out to me. Well, after over one month of waiting and no response from her, now I just dont trust her and want my money back. Ofcourse, she does not return it and Paypal could only recover $7.00. Ladies beware of unscrupulous people like this. They prey on us through these hair boards, set up stupid bogus businesses, obtain a good number of orders and then disappear. Ofcourse, this does not go for everyone. For example, Bee Mine and Boundless Tesses. The sellers of these products are honest. I received my orders in a timely fashion with no problems. Candy C has written on her profile that she makes over $250,000.00, which is wonderful because that means she should have no problem returning my little sheckles of money. Also, if she makes over $250,000.00, then I am sure she can afford a new computer so this way she can stay on top of her orders. But I guess that is not necessary, she has probably scammed a lot of money out of people and has since moved on using another alias.

I just wanted to put my experience out there so you ladies can protect yourself. Next time, I will listen to my younger sister. :ohwell::wallbash:
Wow! I'm sorry to hear this. That's why I only order from members who have been here a while...a long while... I don't know how long ole girl been here, only faintly know her name. However, I'm sorry to hear your loss. Your loss is our loss:wallbash: