Stinastina stole my money


New Member
I ordered products from Stinastina Ayurvedic store ( on August 23: and it was said to be shipped September 10th: i have yet to recieve anything: its already the second week of November: i asked for a refund about a 3 weeks ago and have yet to hear from her. I went to visit her store and it's down, no longer exist.

Did this happen to anybody else?
i saw a thread on this not that long ago when i was doing a search...i think a few members have been burned....sorry this happned to u? did u pay via pay pal?
Our member stinastina????? Wow! I'm sorry you went through this. That sucks :nono:
Did you contact Visa?They are usually good about refunding your money because they have fraud protection.
wow. i am sorry this happened to you and i hope you get your money back. all this makes me truly leary about ordering online.
I've placed an order with her on 09/12...haven't recieved a thing:wallbash:.
No order,no refund,nothing!
I contacted her on several occasions..just ignored my emails.
Ur def. not the only one she's done this to.
i have only 30 days to ask for a refund w/ my bank: its been more than 60 days: i'm screwed
Oh wow... That sucks.
What kindof BS is that. If you can't follow through with the order
than just give people their dang money back...geez...
I'm no expert but is there not something that can be done? Can't everyone that got screwed over file some type of formal complaint?

I'm sorry that this happened to you ladies. It doesn't make any sense that one of our own would handle business this way...
i have only 30 days to ask for a refund w/ my bank: its been more than 60 days: i'm screwed

I'm so sorry this happened to you or anyone who is going through this as well. I would try again w/ the bank b/c their suppose to have a theft protection program regardless of how long its been. Let them know that you didn't call sooner b/c you were told you were suppose to have the items shipped Sept 10 and you tried contacting them. I would make a complaint if you didn't already. I can't believe this happened! Is this a member on here?
Yup, same here. I placed two orders and they both say that they were "shipped". I emailed stina and she was adamant that she shipped it and that it was a USP problem. Right ....:pinocchio

The first order was refunded by my bank since I used a debit card.

The second order was refunded by Google two days ago and it had be longer than 60 days.

Try to get a refund from google.
yeah the same thing happend to me. i place an order Sep 7th and i never did recieve it. I contacted her so many times and she actually responded. She told me she would send my order out to me on Saturday 2 weeks ago. Never did... the order only said in progress. I canceled ask for a refund and gave her sometime to respond. She did not reply so I contacted Google check out asap. The next day my money was refunded.
Did you pay with google check out or paypal?
I ordered products from Stinastina Ayurvedic store ( on August 23: and it was said to be shipped September 10th: i have yet to recieve anything: its already the second week of November: i asked for a refund about a 3 weeks ago and have yet to hear from her. I went to visit her store and it's down, no longer exist.

Did this happen to anybody else?
2 questions.

1. Do they have a contact number and
2 Did you pay by cc?

The reason I ask is this, I used to work for a merchant account company, and I know that every company has to answer to them. I would do it in exactly this order.

1. If you can call them and tell them that you have not received your order, ask for tracking, and then tell them if you do not receive your order by 2-5 business days, you are going to contact their merchant account and complain. People don't realize how quickly things get done when you say the magic words "merchant account". Because if a company gets too many complaints from their merchant account, they can have their processing cancelled (translation they can lose thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in transactions because the merchant account will freeze all transactions that they have processed within the last few months, and research before they let them see a dime. That means they can lose tons of money, not to mention they will not be able to process credit cards. What it also does is this, it makes it hard for them to find another merchant processor (someone who processes cc) because they want to know why they have a frozen account elsewhere. It is truly too much pain in the butt for any company. They'd rather just give you your money back than go through this. Another option is to just tell them you want your money back now or you will contact their merchant account and your credit card company if they do not comply. Do not accept anything but full restitution. If they do not do it, you have another option

2. contact your cc company, even if you used a debit card you're protected, and complain. explain everything and they should place the money back into your account immediately or upon investigation (depending on their policy).

I like to tell companies the "merchant account" words ...and please speak to a manager, not just anyone when you say these words so that they can fathom the consequences, before even going to my bank or cc. Because 10 out of 10 times I get what I want. I just had a problem w/ ordering something that I saw on tv, and noticed in the email that they were processing me for a one time payment after the trial, instead of the three payments that I was set up for. I immediately called them to straighten it out, and the guy on the phone said there was nothing he could do. When I received product, send it back, call them for some form, then fill it out, send it back, and then request a reset up and refund. I immediately asked to speak to his manager. I told the manager it's not my fault they made a mistake in billing. It is their responsibility, not mine, to fix it. In addition, I will NOT go through all that trouble and I expect them to set it up in three payments as previously stated.Keep in mind the previous customer service agent said it could not be done (I knew he was full of it. They just want to take it all and make sure you don't cancel later). I told them I thought their practices were seemily shady and I was going to contact their merchant account and complain if they did not immediately correct the problem, and then I was going to turn around and call my bank to complain (as I paid with a cc) and get my money back one way or another. I gave them two options: bill me in threes, or refund my money and don't send out the product. Its that simple. She apologized and immediately corrected the situation. I've had other companies try bull with me but I know the magic words. Stay calm when you talk to them, but be firm about this.

Finally, If there isn't a customer service number and only an email, email them and demand your money back, or else you'll have to contact their merchant account. Thank them for correcting the matter, and tell them you're looking forward to a confirmation email. Make sure to include all your contact info and your ordering info.
2 questions.

1. Do they have a contact number and
2 Did you pay by cc?

The reason I ask is this, I used to work for a merchant account company, and I know that every company has to answer to them. I would do it in exactly this order.

1. If you can call them and tell them that you have not received your order, ask for tracking, and then tell them if you do not receive your order by 2-5 business days, you are going to contact their merchant account and complain. People don't realize how quickly things get done when you say the magic words "merchant account". Because if a company gets too many complaints from their merchant account, they can have their processing cancelled (translation they can lose thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in transactions because the merchant account will freeze all transactions that they have processed within the last few months, and research before they let them see a dime. That means they can lose tons of money, not to mention they will not be able to process credit cards. What it also does is this, it makes it hard for them to find another merchant processor (someone who processes cc) because they want to know why they have a frozen account elsewhere. It is truly too much pain in the butt for any company. They'd rather just give you your money back than go through this. Another option is to just tell them you want your money back now or you will contact their merchant account and your credit card company if they do not comply. Do not accept anything but full restitution. If they do not do it, you have another option

2. contact your cc company, even if you used a debit card you're protected, and complain. explain everything and they should place the money back into your account immediately or upon investigation (depending on their policy).

I like to tell companies the "merchant account" words ...and please speak to a manager, not just anyone when you say these words so that they can fathom the consequences, before even going to my bank or cc. Because 10 out of 10 times I get what I want. I just had a problem w/ ordering something that I saw on tv, and noticed in the email that they were processing me for a one time payment after the trial, instead of the three payments that I was set up for. I immediately called them to straighten it out, and the guy on the phone said there was nothing he could do. When I received product, send it back, call them for some form, then fill it out, send it back, and then request a reset up and refund. I immediately asked to speak to his manager. I told the manager it's not my fault they made a mistake in billing. It is their responsibility, not mine, to fix it. In addition, I will NOT go through all that trouble and I expect them to set it up in three payments as previously stated.Keep in mind the previous customer service agent said it could not be done (I knew he was full of it. They just want to take it all and make sure you don't cancel later). I told them I thought their practices were seemily shady and I was going to contact their merchant account and complain if they did not immediately correct the problem, and then I was going to turn around and call my bank to complain (as I paid with a cc) and get my money back one way or another. I gave them two options: bill me in threes, or refund my money and don't send out the product. Its that simple. She apologized and immediately corrected the situation. I've had other companies try bull with me but I know the magic words. Stay calm when you talk to them, but be firm about this.

Finally, If there isn't a customer service number and only an email, email them and demand your money back, or else you'll have to contact their merchant account. Thank them for correcting the matter, and tell them you're looking forward to a confirmation email. Make sure to include all your contact info and your ordering info.

Great advice.
Oh, they have been all over Stinatina in the Vendor forum. That woman know she is wrong for that. Gained all of our trust and then she did that. When i ordered from her, i got my stuff, which i am thankful for, but she did tons of members wrong. But what goes around comes around
I've placed an order with her on 09/12...haven't recieved a thing:wallbash:.
No order,no refund,nothing!
I contacted her on several occasions..just ignored my emails.
Ur def. not the only one she's done this to.
I ordered from her back in august and I didnt get my products until a month or so later it does take a long time thats why I will order mine from amazon from now on
I had no idea she been doing that....I was planning to order some curly pudding next month from her. That's sad and shameful.