Stephanie Suthers Hairobics!!!

I'm back and wanted to report in.

I've been going to Stephanie/Hairobics since November. I am more than happy. My nape has been non-existent since 7th grade and I'm in my 30's. I've NEVER been able to wear my hair up because my nape has always been bald!! Ladies, I am now twisting the hair in my nape. It has grown to 2.5-3". I know that's not alot to some ladies, but to me, it's a miracle and an answer to prayer.

Stephanie makes up products for me, so I don't use the over the counter products. I know my hair is growing, but I don't straighten often, so I can't exactly tell how much or where it is. I don't plan on wearing my hair out until July, so all photos will have to wait until then.

My edges have also thickened up and filled in very nicely. Yall, I can wear my hair up now without shame!! That's a blessing and I'm so grateful. I also have to say that Stephanie is the sweetest and most caring hair care professional that I have ever gone to.

I am verrry happy with my results thus far.
do you have her information:

Phone number

I have a friend who is in sisterlocks and she is losing her edges something awful.
Here ya go:

6820 La Tijera Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90045-1931
(310) 642-0912

I'm not familiar with sisterlocks, but maybe they're pulling at her edges.

Oh, wanted to say that I have taken and tried everything to grow my nape. Even the best hair vitamins didn't do what Stephanie's products have done. Not sure why, but I'm very happy it has filled in.
No, it doesn't need to be damaged.

Do you know if she does consultations outside LA?

Also, does she tailor the leave in, hair oil, scalp booster, scalp rejuvenator for each client?

I'm very much interested in trying her products but I'm not sure if the products that are sold online have the best ingredients for my individual needs.
Not sure if she does consults outside of LA. U should give her a call.

I don't use the over the counter products. So, I'm not sure what they are or what they do. I've used some of the detangler oil, but that's about it. Stephanie makes a mixture of vitamins, minerals, etc. Its a liquid that I apply to my scalp 5x's a week. I also have these grease lix mixture that I apply to my scalp. Both products absorb into my scalp w/o buildup. I'm sure these two products are they base and she may adjust according to what each client needs. Again, it would probably be best to ask her.
I don't want to quote her price on a forum because I don't know if she charges everyone the same price. I never asked. I pay less than $100 each visit and I leave w/products. I started out going every 2 wks. I switched to once a month and I'll prob switch to every 6-8 wks. From what I've seen, Stephanie is into scalp care. Her goal is to get your scalp healthy and growing so that you don't need to come to her or any other stylist (if that's what u desire).

I'm on a tiiiight budget. Every penny counts. The results (for me) are worth it. So, less than $100 once a month + results, aint bad at all.

Oh, I'm not trying to push Hairobics either. Just sharing in case someone has tried everything and still....
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Hi Lucky's Mom. Enjoy your visit.
I've never seen Stephanie's hair hanging down (in person). Never asked. She usually has it twisted up with a barette attached. I've seen the pics though. Very nice lady.
Hi Lucky's Mom. Enjoy your visit.
I've never seen Stephanie's hair hanging down (in person). Never asked. She usually has it twisted up with a barette attached. I've seen the pics though. Very nice lady.

Hi Yodie!
I don't need to see it( her hair) down... I just wanna see it.... I never wear my hair down either... Unless it's flat ironed.... and usually - it is still up!
I've spoken with Stephanie on the phone before after I heard her on the Michael Baisden Show last summer. Something keeps telling me order the Scalp Booster. She said I need it for my hair type.
Hi Yodie!
I don't need to see it( her hair) down... I just wanna see it.... I never wear my hair down either... Unless it's flat ironed.... and usually - it is still up!

Seems like women with hair always wear it up. Lol! All my life I've always only wanted to be able to wear a nice bun. Corny, right!
When are u going? My appt is Thurs.
Thanks, JN and all the other ladies for all the wonderful compliments. Sometimes its hard to keep my fingers out of my nape. I never had any before. Here's what my nape has looked like since high school. Now I have anywhere between 2"-3" and I just started going to Stephanie in November.

It grew a little (maybe an inch) with Ovation, but it became brittle and fell right back out. As a matter of fact, Ovation did quite a bit of damage.


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Thanks, JN and all the other ladies for all the wonderful compliments. Sometimes its hard to keep my fingers out of my nape. I never had any before. Here's what my nape has looked like since high school. Now I have anywhere between 2"-3" and I just started going to Stephanie in November.

It grew a little (maybe an inch) with Ovation, but it became brittle and fell right back out. As a matter of fact, Ovation did quite a bit of damage.

Did she tell you what the cause is? How were you using the Ovation?
I still use it (doing a treatment right now) and it's still good. I'm happy that you found a solution though.

I worry a bit about my situation in that I'm aging and thinning hair is hereditary as stated on her site. So far so good though with my key products, Wen and Ovation.
Did she tell you what the cause is? How were you using the Ovation?
I still use it (doing a treatment right now) and it's still good. I'm happy that you found a solution though.

I worry a bit about my situation in that I'm aging and thinning hair is hereditary as stated on her site. So far so good though with my key products, Wen and Ovation.

My hair stopped growing (in my nape) as I started getting relaxers in the 7th grade. Stephanie said my nape hair is softer than the rest of my hair and couldn't sustain the relaxer. She also suggested that I keep my nape hair braided. Yall seen the pic. Couldn't braid it. It has grown and now I'm twisting away. Lol!

Ovation was way too much protein for my hair. My strands actually split. I take all the blame because I was applying it to my scalp daily. All that hair has been cut off and I pretty much started all over.

I've learned alot from this forum. Most importantly I've learned to keep my regimen simple.
My hair stopped growing (in my nape) as I started getting relaxers in the 7th grade. Stephanie said my nape hair is softer than the rest of my hair and couldn't sustain the relaxer. She also suggested that I keep my nape hair braided. Yall seen the pic. Couldn't braid it. It has grown and now I'm twisting away. Lol!

Ovation was way too much protein for my hair. My strands actually split. I take all the blame because I was applying it to my scalp daily. All that hair has been cut off and I pretty much started all over.

I've learned alot from this forum. Most importantly I've learned to keep my regimen simple.

Oh man.:sad: I didn't know you were using it that way. I would have told you to STOP. :nono: I cringe when I read members are still using it that way.

I always followed the instructions that are on the bottle or on the Ovation website and used as a treatment once or twice a week.

Anyhoo, I'm happy for you and HHG!!! :love2:
Thanks, JN and all the other ladies for all the wonderful compliments. Sometimes its hard to keep my fingers out of my nape. I never had any before. Here's what my nape has looked like since high school. Now I have anywhere between 2"-3" and I just started going to Stephanie in November.

It grew a little (maybe an inch) with Ovation, but it became brittle and fell right back out. As a matter of fact, Ovation did quite a bit of damage.

Dang, Yodie! That means you've been getting at least 1 inch/month! That's wonderful. I still plan on going in March. And you know I'll be giving you the full lowdown.
can you ask when will or if there will ever be an east coast salon?
has anyone ever suffered from itchy scalp and it stopped?