Stephanie Suthers Hairobics!!!

Here's the only picture of Stephanie I have - and I'm not sure how old it is, either.


The doodads she has on the end of her hair were to help her braid hang, I think. But the hair does go all the way through that.....
Bump. This lady sounds like a hair angel.

I hope to find more pics. Going bald 9 times is traumatic but she is obviously proof that anyone can grow their hair.

Why did she suggest massaging a leave-in to the scalp? I only use leave-in conditioner on my ends and some of my length... never heard of using it on the scalp.
I met with Stephanie today. She's very nice and thorough. She rubbed, pulled and searched my hair. Told me I had several different textures and that my hair was healthy. Yay!! After all it's been thru. That wasn't even the consultation. Since I'm covering up my hair AGAIN (yep), I decided to get treatments at her salon. So, we'll see how it goes. I feel like I'll learn what my hair needs (don't think I'm doing all that well on my own) and obtain good growth.
The Hairobics all natural hair oil ingredients:

Natural oils: Soy, wheat germ, sunflower, almond, evening primrose, jojoba, lavender, apricot kernel, bergamot, rose, rose geranium, geranium bourbon, & castor.

Natural Fragrances: peach, green apple, strawberry. HTH
Here's the only picture of Stephanie I have - and I'm not sure how old it is, either.


The doodads she has on the end of her hair were to help her braid hang, I think. But the hair does go all the way through that.....

She is such an inspiration!:yep:
correction: next Friday. Looking forward to it. One of her clients was there getting her hair/scalp treated. She seemed very happy with her progress. I asked!
I can't wait to hear all about it, yodie! If your report is positive, I'll be making an appointment ASAP.
I'm also going to jump on this bandwagon. I just purchased the hair vitamins, the leave-in, the theraputic shampoo (very tingly), and the scalp rejuvenator. I just started this regimen today and will be updating my fotki album.
Going for my second appt tomorow. Stephanie is very nice. She's very detailed and actually takes notes on your hair, what's going on with it, what it needs, what areas are weak, etc. It's very personalized. Quite a different experience than I've ever had at a salon. She's very much into health, eating right and exercising.

What I like most is that she makes products (vitamins/minerals/herbs) that are specific to what my hair needs. It's moreso scalp care. You won't see anyone getting their hair blown dry or pressed. None of that going on on a regular basis, although she does mention bringing someone in to do these services, if it's what you desire every now and then. The products that are made for my hair are different than what's sold over the counter. I like that too. What I like even more is that our goal is to teach me how to care for my hair, so that I'm independent and can help my hair thrive without her or anyone else. Now, I know some of the experts here can already do that. I've tried and haven't been successful.

So, Stephanie applies a liquid vitamin/mineral/herb solution to my scalp and massages it in. After that she applies a grease like consistency (it's not grease) of vitamin/herbs and other goodies to my scalp. Rubs it in. Products absorb well. My scalp actually tingles the following day. I love it. It feels alive. A leave in is applied and I go underneath the dryer. I have products that I take home with me and do the same thing five days a week. I apply castor oil to my scalp on my two off days. I don't want to let my castor oil go!

I'm sticking with Hairobics for now. This woman has my type of hair and it's all the way down her back. She's verrrry nice and all the ladies that come into the shop (yep, I ask them ALL about their hair progress) report good results.

Stephanie also made me take notes of the foods that I should eat and supplements to take. Basically, my diet should be full of everything in Sugaplum's signature pic. Lol!! I got the supplements and I'm making an effort to eat more 'green' foods. I don't eat salad everyday, but I'm more consistent with Spirulina, Life Basic's Greens Protein powder and Trader Joe's Very Green powder. I'm not a big fruit eater just because of all the sugar that's in it, but I do love my steam fresh peas, vegetable melange from Trader Joe's, etc. Okay, yall didn't ask for my daily menu.

Hope this helps.
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what are the ingredients in the hair oils Barbara?

Detangling Oil: Soy, Sesame, Avocado, Jojoba, Vegetable Glycerine, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Lavender, Sandalwood, Sage, Aloe Vera, Marjoram, Fragrance

Hair Oil: Soy, wheat germ oil, sunflower, almond oil, jojoba oil, lavender oil, evening primrose oil, apricot kernel oil, bergamot oil, rose, rose oil, rose geranium, geranium bourban, and castor oil plus natural fragrance (peach, green apple, strawberry).
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