STD's and Hair Products


Well-Known Member
Even though I am taking a Psuedo LHCF Hiatus, I still had to share this story...

So yesterday...I got my Qhemets Amla and Heavy Cream in the mail. I was sooo excited and was opening it as my 16 year old cousin walked in the room. I started telling her about how its supposed to be super moisturizing and make you hair soft. She asked to see it...

She read the label....and replied "Qhemet...sounds like an STD to me" and walked out of the room. I burst out laughing...I thought it was hilarious comment :lol: maybe it may make you smile. (or maybe it was just funny to me :perplexed ) Either way, Have a great day!
:lol: I was afraid to tip toe in here too!

Glad you're happy about your prods...that stuff is GOOOD!! ENJOY AND THANKS FOR THE SMILE!