Split Ends and L shaped Bends

Try a chelating shampoo....and then do a mositurizing deep conditioner.

You may have calcium and mineral deposit build up on your hair strands that's causing your hair to become dry and split.

I tried the ORS chelating poo last week and there was a huge difference in the smoothness of my strands. I shampoo this past sunday again with the ORS and my hair looks even better.


I use Kenra cheleting shampoo. I have even just started making sure i apply the cheleting poo to my ends pre a post about making sure you get the poo on your ends.

On the regular i use ntm mask. As a deep moisturizing conditioner maybe this is not moisturizing enough. I am looking to switch to something better. I have not found it yet.
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:ohwell::ohwell:I have these too. I don't know how to fix it and I don't use direct heat either. I was thinking about trying Bead Heads Split ender mender and I even posted a thread trying to get reviews on it but nobody responded. I don't know what to do. I tell you one thing Im not clipping ends anymore. I soooo tired of doing that. Everytime I clip them Im at the saaammmmeee length and to me it seems like taking care of my hair is in vein if Im always going to be at the same length. I might even start a thread about that.

HEEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO! totally feel you on this - TOTALLY. i feel like cutting it all off since the splits never end but i know i'll regret it and cry like a baby, so i control myself and try not to look at them.
This is a hard decision for me. I got rid of the L's and the splits but I still have those little white tips on my ends to deal with. Those things are everywhere. If I leave them they'll only get worse and if I cut them off the length of my hair will suffer badly. Most of my length is that redish color the article was talking about. Im not shedding though...
Did you try the baggy method ? Maybe your ends will be better , I tried this since yesterday so I can tell you my result yet but lot of girls are very happy and some told that they found a solution for split ends .Good luck.
Cecilie .
I dont know about that baggy method. I can't walk around all day with my hair in a bun with a plastic bag in it. And Im not gonna wear a fake bun.:nono::nono::nono::nono:
I dont know about that baggy method. I can't walk around all day with my hair in a bun with a plastic bag in it. And Im not gonna wear a fake bun.:nono::nono::nono::nono:

I baggy and I do none of these things. I apply whipped baggy cream to my ends on dry hair, cover pony with plastic, secure and shower, work out, clean up, whatever. When done, off comes the baggy. If I leave it on more than a couple hours, my hair starts to feel damp, and that will make splits come easier. I had my ends trimmed up back in November and they still look the same. I get splits, but very few. I have noticed more splits and knots when I wear my hair in wash n go curly styles. Hardly any breaks. Baggying in short sessions works for me. Perhaps you could try it that way and see if it helps :yep:
How did I miss this thread

*raises hand* Count me in, I am a victim too :lol:

I don't do much direct heat either but I still get these. Mostly just in my bang area too which totally throws me for a loop.

So far, I am just cutting them out. I just cut 1/2 inch off my bangs last night because I see all these bent L shaped peices and those little white dots. I have just decided that they are going to get cut regardless so I might as well do them as I see them.

As far as what I need to change, I really don't know. I have started spraying whole head with heat protectant spray before I go under the dryer and I am thinking about using a product designed for the ends. I am also going to try more pre-poo's, concentrating the oil or conditioner on my ends.
I baggy and I do none of these things. I apply whipped baggy cream to my ends on dry hair, cover pony with plastic, secure and shower, work out, clean up, whatever. When done, off comes the baggy. If I leave it on more than a couple hours, my hair starts to feel damp, and that will make splits come easier. I had my ends trimmed up back in November and they still look the same. I get splits, but very few. I have noticed more splits and knots when I wear my hair in wash n go curly styles. Hardly any breaks. Baggying in short sessions works for me. Perhaps you could try it that way and see if it helps :yep:
I use this baggy cream too and it works wonders love it .
You and me both. I use Aphogee Keratin And Green Tea spray to rid myself of split ends. Also, baggying with a good moisturizer will help. You hair might not be pliable, so when you style, you're getting the splits.
I'm a natural who only protective styles and hasnt used direct heat in 5 years. My hair splits and breaks. I'm still searching for a cause
Okay, I'm a non direct heat user, so I would think that I shouldn't have any split ends, but I'm still seeing them. I don't have breakage but I have bad splits and also L shaped bends in my hair.... my strands look like this:


But WHY? I'm doing low manipulation, I barely do anything style wise to my hair. My hair should be in perfect condition. Ladies fill me in.​

I'm the same way....no direct heat, low mani.....still get lots of splits. Always have. I just do what I can to keep them at bay and just accept that I will always have splits.

Just check my blog for my rants on this. I feel your pain.

ETA....i think fine hair is more prone to excessive splits.
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I have this same problem, no matter how much I do search and destroys or dust I'm constantly getting the white bulbs, L shaped or split ends :wallbash: it's so frustrating, sometimes I don't want to wear my hair straight b/c then they are even more noticeable to me. I've tried moisturizing more, moisturizing less, upped my protein, dusting... and they seem to reapper w/ in a weeks time. I think that for me, it's unavoidable :perplexed
I'm the same way....no direct heat, low mani.....still get lots of splits. Always have. I just do what I can to keep them at bay and just accept that I will always have splits.

Just check my blog for my rants on this. I feel your pain.

ETA....i think fine hair is more prone to excessive splits.

i have fine hair too, so maybe thats the issue - i always have splits, even right after a trim (when i USED to get those)...

I've been dealing with this my whole journey and I'm beginning to get discouraged. Every time I s&d, I find so many of these L shaped bends and I can't figure out why this keeps happening. I moisturize and seal, dc once a week, my hair is always up. I don't do many protein treatments b/c everytime I do, my hair becomes very stiff, even after a dc. Though I have been able to retain some length this year, I feel like my hair would be a lot longer if I didn't have to constantly clip these broken pieces off.

Have any of you had this problem and was able to correct it? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have the same problem and it drives me nuts! I haven't wore my hair out because of this! I've already got my split ender on deck:lol: and now all I need is a real bone comb. Hopefully with those followed by moisturizing and sealing 2x a day, protective styles, and no heat will help. I came to the conclusion it has alot to do with the combs, IMO. & I honestly don't want to spend forever looking for a split on every single strand i would go crazy LoL.
I sometimes get these but only when my hair is straightened. When I started moisturizing and sealing I saw a huge decrease. Maybe it has sometime to do with needing more elasticity in the hair (adding ceramides) or possibly hairs being split by brushes or combs (try a seamless comb)? ???
I have this exact same problem. I moisturize, DC, use seamless comb and still get a lot of split ends. I trimmed 6 times last year, 4 times this year and I still have so many splits.

I have started to henna twice a week ( this is my second month doing this) in hopes that it may reduce split ends in the long run.