Breakage update and split ends?


New Member
ETA: I'm not asking about how my hair looks because I haven't taken any pictures since the breakage. I'm asking if you all think I need to let my stylist trim my hair because of the situation below. Thanks!

It stopped! Amazingly, NTM leave-in and Kemi Oyl COMPLETELY HALTED the breakage! I think that stuff she used in my hair was a VERY strong protein treatment, and I've never use anything but light protein treatments before. My hair just needed lots of moisture and from now on I will bring my OWN moisturizer and always deep condition at the stylist, but just in case, my hair is up in a pony tail with the ends tucked under right now.

The split ends part of the title is because yesterday my stylist also told me that I had a lot of split ends when she was looking at them while my hair was wet, but I searched and destroyed my hair today and all I found were three split ends, which I trimmed off. I was thinking that the splits must have been on all of the breakage, but I looked at the ends of it (yes, I saved it because I'm paranoid!:lol: ) and there were no splits. The only splits I've ever had were VERY tiny. I REALLY have to search for them because they're never bad splits and it takes me about an hour (I never use direct heat). What do you all think about that? I know what splits look like because I've seen them in my hair and others' hair, so I just don't know what's up! What do you think about this?
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I agree. I think that your hair is gorgeous. Very thick, shiny, and healthy looking. I may have to start using kemi oyl. I know I can do a search, but is it heavy?
Cosigning with Pinay. I think your hair is beautiful. I love the shine and fullness.
Thanks everyone, but I'm really asking about the split ends situation. You guys don't have to keep complimenting me! I'm already blushing!:lol: Do you think that I'm missing something or is she just a SHS?
imani97 said:
I agree. I think that your hair is gorgeous. Very thick, shiny, and healthy looking. I may have to start using kemi oyl. I know I can do a search, but is it heavy?

BTW, it is a bit heavy to me, but I only use a little. With Kemi oyl, a little goes a loooooong way!
She's hating that's all I can say, she wants to add her two cents since you are making progress without her. If you didn't see any splits she just wanted to trim your progress. If your worried you can always incorporate a few baggie treatments into your regimen. How is she do you trust her judgements?
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Wishin4BSL said:
Bumping! Help me please!!!:(

Girl, it's nothing wrong with your hair. It is beautiful, growing, healthy, and I don't see any splits from looking at the picture. Also, you can't really truly see splits when your hair is wet unless your hair is tow up baddddddd.....there is nothing wrong with your ends from where I'm looking so do not let her clip, snip or trim sh$&:p your hair is healthy:)

*editing to add, I love NTM leave in and kemi oyl. Profective healthy ends/mango butter and kemi oyl are the bomb. I have not had a trim in 6 months and my ends look good. I'll trim in June of next year once I'm brastrap* I owe my decent ends to deep conditioning every 3 days and baggying my ends...My ends are never dry...
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I agree with the ladies as well...your hair is pretty!!!!!! It looks good to me!!!!!!

Keep it up remember

POP IT 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know. I've never had any problems with her until the breakage a couple of days ago when she scrubbed my ends with shampoo. I don't know how she would be with trimming.
Wishin4BSL said:
I don't know. I've never had any problems with her until the breakage a couple of days ago when she scrubbed my ends with shampoo. I don't know how she would be with trimming.

Girl, don't let her put shampoo on your hair ends, that is drying your ends out and could lead to breakage and splits. The shampoo residue from rinsing out the shampoo is enough for your ends. I never shampoo the ends of my hair...only the base of my hair ( the hair on my scalp all the way down to my ears) IMO, never, never, never, shampoo your ends. If you do, only do it when you relax your hair:). As always, just stating my opinion:p on what works for my hair;)
tsmith said:
there is nothing wrong with your ends from where I'm looking so do not let her clip, snip or trim sh$&:p

:lachen: That was hilarious to me. I agree. If anything, just baggy your ends and they should be fine.
keluric said:
:lachen: That was hilarious to me. I agree. If anything, just baggy your ends and they should be fine.

Exactly, keluric...just baggy those ends and they'll be fine;) Them stylist gets on my nerves always wanting to snip they tell when your hair is wet anyway:-/
Okay thanks ladies! tsmith, I think I am going to go back to deep conditioning every three days and baggying like I used to because that's what got me to this length in the first place!:)
Wishin4BSL said:
Okay thanks ladies! tsmith, I think I am going to go back to deep conditioning every three days and baggying like I used to because that's what got me to this length in the first place!:)

Yahhhh Wishing4BAL, bre-bre was just talking about deep conditioning and split ends/breakage in another thread and she has now started a deep conditioning challenge.:p hint...hint:grin: