Spinoff: Your First Heartbreak


Well-Known Member
We all know that love and heartbreak go hand in hand so let's share our stories about our experiences.

So my first heartbreak was with my college love. He was my first real boyfriend the first year I went alway and we were inseparable. I went to school in New Orleans and he was from there. He was not a student.

After the first year there I had some depression issues (found out later it was the birth control) and really wanted to go back home. My boyfriend planned on coming back with me and living with my uncle.

I get back home. Everything is good, but my uncle renigs on allowing my bf to stay with him. Of course he couldn't stay with me. So he has no where to stay and therefor couldn't move.

Everything changed after that. He wouldn't answer his phone. I couldn't get hold of him for like a month and I was sick because We talked everyday. The hurricane came and I thought he was dead. I wouldn't eat. I stayed up crying all night. I was in so much pain. My mom told me it was nothing wrong with him he just wasn't talking to me. I told her she was wrong. He wouldn't just Not talk to me like that.

Mothers know best. He called and said he was okay a week later after I had left dozens of messages. But it wasn't the same. He just didn't want me anymore and I could tell. I think he blamed me for leaving him in New Orleans.

We lost touch. I lost a lot of weight. Even like a year later I would cry when someone asked about him. I dreamed about him coming back for a while. Thought I would never love again and my mom said I would. She was right again. I found him on FB not too long ago but didn't even request him as a friend. Didnt want to open that door.

I dated this dude named Kenny from 40P. He dumped me 2 months (first time I was ever dumped) into our relationship. He said I wasn't ghetto enough, didn't own Timbs and drew too much attention. Honestly, any new girl in the area would have. I was so emotional I crossed Liberty Avenue crying hysterically and am almost got hit by a Brown Line bus. The bus driver was nice enough to get out and curse me out for almost running me over. I cried even more looking for a $1 cab.

A year later he called me to apologize but I was married. I am really cracking up over that dusty fool.

Sorry about your heartbreak though OP. Good on you for not opening that door again via FB.
My first real bf was my first year of college as well. I thought it was absolutely perfect. He was tall, hot, older and ambitious. Plus he treated me like a princess, I thought I had it all. At points in our relationship I thought that I was dreaming because it was that good. We even took a mini trip together where he spent time with my friends and I. It was like a Sex in the City moment lol.

However, my mistake was that when someone tells you about themselves believe them. He used to make these statements about not wanting to be in a committed relationship and wanting to be single etc. But what do my lil 18 y/o self know? I thought that he was just saying that because after all, he pursued me, be treats me well, he spends all of his free time with me etc. I even called him out on it and told him that saying those things hurt my feelings. I even got passive aggressive about the whole thing and told him that there were other guys who wanted to be in a relationship with me etc. and I showed him the messages so that he could know that I was being serious.

Anyway, a little while after his birthday the calls became infrequent etc. and the relationship slowed down. I called him up one day enraged and asked him what was going on, if he was seeing someone else and he admitted that he was (a male friend said that he was lying and just didn't want to be in the relationship but who knows, if he said he was cheating then he was). I was devastated. I cried and cried. I went to school the next day and cried during class, I was weak, my heart hurt, I was a mess. My friends had to basically carry me around. I thought it would never be over. It was horrible. I've never felt that way in my entire life.

We got back together 2 years later. I prayed him back into my life even though God told me no. He promised that things would be different and he wanted the relationship, he wanted us to be together forever etc. At that point I was bitter and cynical about relationships on a whole.

Our relationship dynamic changed greatly because I was still in school and he was working and became extremely successful. Before he treated me like a princess, materially, now he treated me like a queen in that respect but he seemed emotionally unavailable. He had a new circle to match his new lifestyle but our relationship changed. I was no longer giving 100%, plus I had my own personal issues that I was dealing with. He also changed, he wasn't the sweet guy I knew. The time he devoted to me wasn't there, the attention wasn't there, it was like I was his gf in theory, the arm candy for events and to say that he was in a committed relationship but outside of that, there was no relationship. I even told him that there was a book that came out titled "He's not that into you" and it sounded like him, he said that that's not true. I asked him if he wanted the relationship, he said yes he did. He was even preoccupied with marriage and it scared the living daylights out of me. We do not even have full conversations, how can we get married. Honestly, I cannot explain his behaviour. I'm open to an explanation though :look:. This relationship, however, was unlike our previous one as it was intimate.

Anyway, I got so fed up of the lack of attention that after not hearing from him for weeks I sent a text message saying that I'm over this ish and that was that. No heartbreak, nothing.
cute thread :)

sigghhh and lmaoo @ myself--some corn ball dude--ok he's a doctor now but I'm saying lmaoo

but he had me in my room playing faith evans and mjblige songs for daysss--lmaooo
smdhhh lmaooo all for us to get back together and break up again....you couldnt tell me we weren't going to be married and etc lmaooooo

funny to think back on the things that made us cry way back when....

cue the music--- look at me now theme song....lol!!!
My first real bf in high school. He was even younger than me. Anywho I loved me some him. We hung tight for a few months and then poof he was gone. Stopped calling. Ignored me. No explanation. I was heartbroken. One of his friends told me he ditched me because he knew I wasn't going to have sex with him. So idk. About 5 or 6 years later after I had graduated college, gotten married, and was working my first professional job, homeboy stops by my office to say hello. He was hoping he could meet my boss :rolleyes: because they were in the same frat lol. My boss had no interest in chatting with him. He looked so average. I could not believe I had been heartbroken over this scrub dude. My husband was a major upgrade.

I dated this dude named Kenny from 40P. He dumped me 2 months (first time I was ever dumped) into our relationship. He said I wasn't ghetto enough, didn't own Timbs and drew too much attention. Honestly, any new girl in the area would have. I was so emotional I crossed Liberty Avenue crying hysterically and am almost got hit by a Brown Line bus. The bus driver was nice enough to get out and curse me out for almost running me over. I cried even more looking for a $1 cab.

A year later he called me to apologize but I was married. I am really cracking up over that dusty fool.

Sorry about your heartbreak though OP. Good on you for not opening that door again via FB.

What's 40 P @Lucie?

By the way, Your story is funny. Im sorry Puddin, I know it wasnt then. But you told it like a spoof, a parody of sorts. Lollllll.
Lucie lol at his name being Kenny. For some reason that made me laugh. Don't know why :lol:.

This thread shows Life goes on!
Hmm...I guess mine was my "first".

I don't recall all the details, but I know that after we broke up, he told me he only started seeing me to make my friend jealous. (They had dated before and she gave me the ok. Don't judge me, I was young. :look:). I was devastated. 8 years later, I ran into him. He had put on a ton of weight. He asked for my forgiveness, and I told him I'd BEEN over it.

We were FB friends for awhile. He has a couple of kids with this really hood, facially challenged white chick.
I refuse to let yall in on how foolish I was...But I must say, I got the T-Shirt, that's for sure.

I will say this, It almost feels worse than physical pain. Almost like you need actual surgery, by licensed medical professionals to fix it. Ain't good.
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Embarrassed to say that every relationship I've had has always ended in heartbreak for me.
Kinda tired of that....
me toooo--i lmbo at the guys i was love sick over--like really--and to bump into them yrs later--like omggg why was i even tripping lmaooo

i do remember playing the hell outta brandy sittin up in my room..:look:

i am so smdhh @ myself for all of dat nonsense :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

i have to thank my mom she set me str8 every time and made me feel one million percent better...:yep:

This thread is giving me life! Stories supposed to be sad but turn out to be funny lol.
me toooo--i lmbo at the guys i was love sick over--like really--and to bump into them yrs later--like omggg why was i even tripping lmaooo

i do remember playing the hell outta brandy sittin up in my room..:look:

i am so smdhh @ myself for all of dat nonsense :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

i have to thank my mom she set me str8 every time and made me feel one million percent better...:yep:

Girl!!! Do not get me started on the ENTIRE "Waiting to Exhale" soundtrack.

That was my heartbreak go-to CD right there! Put on some shades and sing "Not Gon' Cry" at the top off my lungs. :lachen:
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me toooo--i lmbo at the guys i was love sick over--like really--and to bump into them yrs later--like omggg why was i even tripping lmaooo

i do remember playing the hell outta brandy sittin up in my room..:look:

i am so smdhh @ myself for all of dat nonsense :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

i have to thank my mom she set me str8 every time and made me feel one million percent better...:yep:

I am dying laughing :lachen:. Okay I gotta get some work done!
Girl!!! Do not get me started on the ENTIRE "Waiting to Exhale" soundtrack.

That was my heartbreak go-to CD right there! :lol:

Lawd Mary J -- I'm not gon' cry, not gonna cry, not gonna shed no tears!
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Sorry, but she is.:look:

Someone that unattractive really should not have such an unattractive personality.

I agree.

I often wonder why someone whose lacking in certain departments don't sharpen their skills in other departments, If you get my drift. ( I suppose yall noticed I dont like commenting on people's looks).

I sometimes think it may be that some can be envious or simply disgruntled because they feel slighted, so theyre mean and nasty due to this. Just Leesh's theory.
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I agree.

I often wonder why someone who are lacking in certain departments don't sharpen their skills in other departments, If you get my drift. ( I suppose yall noticed I dont like commenting on people's looks).

I sometimes think it may be that some can be envious or simply disgruntled because they feel slighted, so theyre mean and nasty due to this. Just Leesh's theory.

It's very rare for me to do so as well.

I don't get it either.
I was 14 when the most sought after guy in the summer program liked me. I was so happy because I grew up with folks telling me I wasn't pretty. My sexually active roommate told me to say to him "I want you" in his ear. So next time we were making out I said it. Then he started to unbuckle my pants and I got scared and stopped him. He was so confused. He broke up with me and started seeing this other girl in the program. It was 6 weeks of crying to Boyz II men "lonely heart." My friend tried to stop me from crying everyday after classes but I'd just lock the door as she banged on it begging me to come out...I still have the necklace he used to wear. This was about 20 years ago y'all. That mess probably has bad Juju on it....he's my FB friend and he's....not so cute now.

Then the next year in that same summer program, same mess, different guy. Always lost a guy to some girl who was giving it up.

College years- everytime I went to UMASS's Amherst's Funkathon, my mom had to come pick me up cuz I'd call her crying over some bf who had moved on. I hate UMASS lol.

Damn near 40 still crying over these fools.
I'm going to start picking cats soon...
I was 14 when the most sought after guy in the summer program liked me. I was so happy because I grew up with folks telling me I wasn't pretty. My sexually active roommate told me to say to him "I want you" in his ear. So next time we were making out I said it. Then he started to unbuckle my pants and I got scared and stopped him. He was so confused. He broke up with me and started seeing this other girl in the program. It was 6 weeks of crying to Boyz II men "lonely heart." My friend tried to stop me from crying everyday after classes but I'd just lock the door as she banged on it begging me to come out...I still have the necklace he used to wear. This was about 20 years ago y'all. That mess probably has bad Juju on it....he's my FB friend and he's....not so cute now.

Then the next year in that same summer program, same mess, different guy. Always lost a guy to some girl who was giving it up.

College years- everytime I went to UMASS's Amherst's Funkathon, my mom had to come pick me up cuz I'd call her crying over some bf who had moved on. I hate UMASS lol.

Damn near 40 still crying over these fools.
I'm going to start picking cats soon...

Hey, leave my school alone! :lol:

I hate cats, I'm thinking a little dog might be in my future.
I was a Senior in High Shool and my boyfriend was a year younger than but was so cute was sent to boarding school. We still called and wrote letters while he was away. Well he came home for Christmas break and we were talking on the phone, he said after this next commercial I have something to tell you. My dumb behind sat on the phone listening to the commercial, as soon as it went off he said I have a new girlfriend, I don't like you anymore and hung up the phone. Lord ham mercy, I had a ugly cry for a while. My mother came in the room and ask me what was wrong and through my tears and snot flowing I told her. She looked at me and said well you haven't seen him in four months and you won't see anytime so what. You'll be in love again in about a week. Don't cry over someone who don't to be with you. I stopped crying for a minute and said to myself she is right, I was fine after that.