Spinoff: Type 2/3's inspiration pics threads

Naughty thread Lucia....but I'm game. Here's one of my fav SUPER longhairs, tall chicks, and fashion designers

L'wren Scott fashion designer and Mick Jagger's old lady. How long is her hair, you ask? Well she's 6'4 barefoot! :grin::giggle:



(w/ Christy Turlington-Burns in front of a Jean-Michel Basquiat)

Why is it a naughty thread?
.... speaking of rock gods with 3 type hair, I'd be neglecting my duties if I didn't mention this particular musical genius....



Oh Slash my hair god ! Lol I have been lustin over his hair forever. More pics of slashypoo please !
My mom and my uncle. And my mom and my brother.


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They have an amazing blend of kinky and straight. Yeah, I think this is some of the world's most beautiful hair.

Yeah, their hair runs the gamut...they're a very mixed race bunch in Polynesia. I'll post some Melanisan and Micronesian types too.
Idk if it's the sun or coconut water , but those south pacific folks have beautiful hair ,women and men.
Why is it a naughty thread?

You must be new here? :grin: Well 2-3s aren't exactly being celebrated much these days here, so that's why I said it. I was teasing her a bit.

I think it's good to celebrate the textures across the gamut because members here fit across the gamut too.
RUGBY HOTTIE :grin:...locks are popular w/ many Pacific peoples

Tana Umaga (Maori) Captain of the NZ All Blacks



Is Phillip Lynot really a 3?

Yes, he was (he died many years ago)...but was hard finding better texture pics. LOL....I've seen his hair in vids and he's most certainly NOT a 4 if that's what you're asking. ;) Look at the top pic closely....that's not an Andre 4 texture.
LOL...it was the 70s, so "curl definition" hadn't been invented then. If you really wanna know, YouTube Thin Lizzy. Phil might have had the kinkest hair in Ireland where he was born, but his hair was def in the 3s.

If we had better pics, you'd see his hair is very much like Slash's but he has bigger curls from what I recall.
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I don't understand why 2's and 3's are not celebrated. From all I see here and in real life, they have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen!!!

I definitely would not be upset if I had 3c hair....

Let me add my idols lol










Can I just say that I've gotten really ummm ... "excited" QQ .... looking up pics for this thread.... these women will be the death of me I swear lol
I love your pictures!! Journee as a child reminds me of my first daughter. Seeing Journee now I can't wait to see how her hair grows!
Hey Type 3 members waiting for more luscious hair pics. Oh Flowerhair and Pocohantas, where are you? (Just remember them because they post frequently.) Just want more pics.
I don't understand why 2's and 3's are not celebrated. From all I see here and in real life, they have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen!!!

I definitely would not be upset if I had 3c hair....


I think all hair textures are great given the head they're on takes care of it! :giggle: I think we can go to one extreme to celebrate one type because it usually isn't celebrated; however, I don't play that. Beautiful hair is beautiful hair. We have hair like all these shown here w/ the members, so why shouldn't this be celebrated too? Nobody should feel left out, IMHO. :yep:
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