Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationships!


Genius never dies!
O.K. ladies, so here's a spinoff from my own thread about a guy who I once dated who is passive and not very masculine. We are now friends and hang out from time to time. Funnily enough, he is a very nice guy who has qualities that many women look for: kind, family-oriented, financially solvent, good job, great friends. I'm just not attracted to him in the least. And one of the reasons for this is because he is not masculine or aggressive enough.

So now here is this article from the AP which came out today that argues that women prefer more feminine guys for long-term relationships.

Do ya'll agree? Or am I in the minority according to this report?

Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

I sort of agree. The funny thing is I was thinking about the a little earlier today I guess great minds think alike! I'm attra cted to outgoing men who are charming and friendly now does this mean effeminate? I don't think so but I don't like the strong silent type or the type that likes to hang out all up under their friends. Most of the time the men that I'm attracted to have lots of female friends which is another story completely, it has more to do with the fact that they feel more comfortable around women (even if they are getting that female friend buddy perk on the side) then they do with the macho thug type guys and ain't nothing wrong with that.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

Also note that studies have found that men's testosterone levels decrease the longer they are married.

That highly tested up dude, to me, is much more likely to be unfaithful, those hormones ain't no joke!
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

Not I, says Svelte. I prefer Alpha-males, mens men.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

All my men before DH were Alpha males,usually very muscular athletes or workout freaks or/and adrenaline junkies
DH loves water-sking snowboarding and such but he has a very soft heart and all his life he wanted to find a woman that he can marry and build a family with.At the beginning of our relationship he was also more emotional then I but were about equal now.
So I guess this might be true.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

I don't want someone who curls their eyelashes, but if i had to choose between an alpha male versus a more gentle type of dude, iwould pick the gentle one.:rolleyes:

See I've gone through the extreme with my ex and my current. My ex was what people would call the sensitive type, he was gentlemanly slightly masculine but he was more sensitive into writing and singing (his occupation) which was cool to have someone write songs for you and stuff but he was truly a starving artist...and homeboy would REFUSE to do any type of blue collar job, he'd go broke and borrow money before doing anything that got his hands dirty. He'd even accept a role of a woman 'taking care of home' and that's all a whole nother issue, but guys like that don't do it for me, I never experienced the big "O" with him. Nuff said.

My current is the total opposite. He's a workaholic, ain't afraid to get his hands dirty, but makes time for me. I can speak my mind and not worrying about 'hurting his feelings', and he's not too intimidated by me to speak his either. He'll command something out of me sometimes, and it's done in a way that turns me on ...I can't really explain it, it's not disrespectful, but ..I can't describe it..lol. I feel incredibly safe with him..I'll just say he demands alot of respect from the many that know him. His emotions are passionate but manly passionate. Seriously the best way I can describe the feeling I get with him is I'm Jane and he's my Tarzan. And I just have to hear his voice to get in the mood.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

I think the study is correct. Most women want a soft man to father their children, someone who will stay and not stray :yep:
I know I do! I love nerds :)
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

:scratchch hmmm... well for me im such a contradiction myself meaning soft yet tough..good with alittle bad...quiet yet bruk out from time to time ..sweet but spicy ...u catch the drift .....I like both types:grin:
I tend to have more of the..."I am MAN"... types masculine and aggressive because its softens me up a bit yet they can take it when I flip it and Im more the laid back kinda person so a guy that is agressive are the ones that tend to get me cuz they are up for the challenge...yet in still they have to be passionate and affectionate...

But Ive learned to like the sensative ones too as long as they can deal with my naughty side and they cant be sappy or punkish:yawn: but they have to be masculine,aggressive in the bedroom...THATS A MUST:yep:

I think either one can make good husbands or fathers... My daddy was as macho.. man's man as they come and my parents were married till he passed and my sibs and I never wanted for anything.. I also know some sensative guys that wifes complain they dont have a back bone and have to do it all.... So It depends on the individual.
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Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

I think the study is correct. Most women want a soft man to father their children, someone who will stay and not stray :yep:
I know I do! I love nerds :)

Oh gosh, I :love: nerds too! But I don't like metrosexuals :nono:
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

You summed up what I was trying to say perfectly. And you are so right some men can be so sensitive or effeminate that they have no back bone.

Where did women get the idea that highly masculine men can't be faithful husbands, good fathers, and great providers? I believe the total opposite, because a true MAN in every definition of the word also has integrity. It's all about balance really, but I love a dominance in masculinity.

:scratchch hmmm... well for me im such a contradiction myself meaning soft yet tough..good with alittle bad...quiet yet bruk out from time to time ..sweet but spicy ...u catch the drift .....I like both types:grin:
I tend to have more of the..."I am MAN"... types masculine and aggressive because its softens me up a bit yet they can take it when I flip it and Im more the laid back kinda person so a guy that is agressive are the ones that tend to get me cuz they are up for the challenge...yet in still they have to be passionate and affectionate...

But Ive learned to like the sensative ones too as long as they can deal with my naughty side and they cant be sappy or punkish:yawn: but they have to be masculine,aggressive in the bedroom...THATS A MUST:yep:

I think either one can make good husbands or fathers... My daddy was as macho.. man's man as they come and my parents were married till he passed and my sibs and I never wanted for anything.. I also know some sensative guys that wifes complain they dont have a back bone and have to do it all.... So It depends on the individual.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

Yeah I believe it. I have a friend like that too, and I've known him for a while. Though I don't have that ultra attraction, strategically he would be the right person for me. The problem is I'm too strong minded for him. Whenever we are together I end up being the dominate one, not because I want to but my persona is stronger than his. I do want a man that's gentle but can still be the alpha male. Who knows what will happen.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

I can't do it. I had this one guy that was crazy about me, but he switched harder than I did. I ain't havin it!!! :nono:
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

Those Alpha Male types may be great for a little slap 'n tickle but are not the best bet for marriage. They'll be off in the bushes with the next big booty they see, and then you end up begging him for child support money. No thanks.

DH might be considered "effeminate" by some people's standards. He has lots of female friends because he LIKES women, he enjoys thier company, and he's very respectful of women. He cooks like a chef, cleans up more than I do (and I'm a SAHM!) and is very attuned to my emotions.

BUT he's quite sensitive himself and his feelings get hurt very easily. That's the only downside to him. He handles all the manly responsibilities, plus he's got those "effeminate" qualities too. He's a perfect man for me, and what a father! Can't beat him.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

Perhaps I have the perfect balance for me. My Alpha Male has female friends to, whom we all hang out with at times. Most of them are his fam, but there is one that he is so close to that she's 'like family' but he has a numerous amount of male friends as well as well as male relatives. I love that he can be in a room with us girls and still be that MAN in the room. He seldom joins in our convos but he's a beneficial element to our fun. And he simply MELTS around kids, spoils his little nieces and nephews to no end and knows exactly what and when he wants to have children down to what he wants them named. Guess I got the best of both worlds, yet there is absolutely NOTHING effeminate about him. Oh and he cooks too.

Those Alpha Male types may be great for a little slap 'n tickle but are not the best bet for marriage. They'll be off in the bushes with the next big booty they see, and then you end up begging him for child support money. No thanks.

DH might be considered "effeminate" by some people's standards. He has lots of female friends because he LIKES women, he enjoys thier company, and he's very respectful of women. He cooks like a chef, cleans up more than I do (and I'm a SAHM!) and is very attuned to my emotions.

BUT he's quite sensitive himself and his feelings get hurt very easily. That's the only downside to him. He handles all the manly responsibilities, plus he's got those "effeminate" qualities too. He's a perfect man for me, and what a father! Can't beat him.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

I'd like a happy medium. A nice little mix.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

You summed up what I was trying to say perfectly. And you are so right some men can be so sensitive or effeminate that they have no back bone.

Where did women get the idea that highly masculine men can't be faithful husbands, good fathers, and great providers? I believe the total opposite, because a true MAN in every definition of the word also has integrity. It's all about balance really, but I love a dominance in masculinity.
CHUCH!!!! :yep: :grin:
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

Perhaps I have the perfect balance for me. My Alpha Male has female friends to, whom we all hang out with at times. Most of them are his fam, but there is one that he is so close to that she's 'like family' but he has a numerous amount of male friends as well as well as male relatives. I love that he can be in a room with us girls and still be that MAN in the room. He seldom joins in our convos but he's a beneficial element to our fun. And he simply MELTS around kids, spoils his little nieces and nephews to no end and knows exactly what and when he wants to have children down to what he wants them named. Guess I got the best of both worlds, yet there is absolutely NOTHING effeminate about him. Oh and he cooks too.

Yes being Alpha Male doesnt equal being a Brut Emotionless Dawg :lol:
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Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

Those Alpha Male types may be great for a little slap 'n tickle but are not the best bet for marriage. They'll be off in the bushes with the next big booty they see, and then you end up begging him for child support money. No thanks.

DH might be considered "effeminate" by some people's standards. He has lots of female friends because he LIKES women, he enjoys thier company, and he's very respectful of women. He cooks like a chef, cleans up more than I do (and I'm a SAHM!) and is very attuned to my emotions.

BUT he's quite sensitive himself and his feelings get hurt very easily. That's the only downside to him. He handles all the manly responsibilities, plus he's got those "effeminate" qualities too. He's a perfect man for me, and what a father! Can't beat him.
I think ur refering to DOGS and DOGS can be Alpha Males OR Effeminates:yep:

WoW thats strange my best friend of 10 years plus is a Effeminate (I think he should have been born a woman)and he was the biggest nymph I knew:shocked: single women married woman, multiples u name it, and dont care too much for kids...and not interrested in a relationship...Him being the sensative type gives him even more advantage cuz he could relate to women so much and so sensative and in touch with his feelings and brainy..and is more comfortable around woman and has mostly woman friends...I know a few guys like that

A Good man can be Alpha Male Or Effeminate so can a bad one
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Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

Yes being mascaline doesnt equal being a Brut Dawg :lol:

I'm sayin! Every woman is different and every man is different but I've never been the type of woman that wishes my man were more sensitive or wanted a man to 'get in touch with his feminine side' No I'M the woman! Men don't need to be like women to not be whores either. There are good qualities that can come with Man without the WO and Male without the FE Lol..being masculine also doesn't mean he can't be intune with your feelings either. My man pays attention to all my little faces and knows what's up. He's an intellectual and we can expound on every subject under the sun together. He has no problem catering to me, the massages are off the hook as well as everything else. He's all of that while representing every bit of manhood.
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

AMEN!!! Yes Dogs come in all spectrums of sensitivity.

I think ur refering to DOGS and DOGS can be Alpha Males OR Effeminates:yep:

WoW thats strange my best friend of 10 years plus is a Effeminate (I think he should have been born a woman)and he was the biggest nymph I knew:shocked: single women married woman, multiples u name it, and dont care too much for kids...and not interrested in a relationship...Him being the sensative type gives him even more advantage cuz he could relate to women so much and so sensative and in touch with his feelings and brainy..and is more comfortable around woman and has mostly woman friends...I know a few guys like that

A Good man can be Alpha Male Or Effeminate so can a bad one
Re: Spinoff: Study show that women prefer 'effeminate' men for long-term relationship

I'm sayin! Every woman is different and every man is different but I've never been the type of woman that wishes my man were more sensitive or wanted a man to 'get in touch with his feminine side' No I'M the woman! Men don't need to be like women to not be whores either. There are good qualities that can come with Man without the WO and Male without the FE Lol..being masculine also doesn't mean he can't be intune with your feelings either. My man pays attention to all my little faces and knows what's up. He's an intellectual and we can expound on every subject under the sun together. He has no problem catering to me, the massages are off the hook as well as everything else. He's all of that while representing every bit of manhood.

Yep I think everyone is intitled to thier preference whether they like em Masc. or Fem. I think some woman confuse Alpha guys with A-holes thats like saying Effem are B*tchy evryone is different.
Looks like you got urself a Keppa gul :weird: