Spinoff: Myspace and other internet break-ups/relationship tragedies

Has the internet ever played a part in your breakup with a SO?

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    Votes: 63 46.0%
  • No

    Votes: 74 54.0%

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How many women have found out that their SO was cheating through myspace or other internet sources?
Did you end up breaking it off? Were you able to work it out?
What evidence did you find?
And how did you reveal the info that you found to him???
How many women have found out that their SO was cheating through myspace or other internet sources?
Did you end up breaking it off? Were you able to work it out?
What evidence did you find?
And how did you reveal the info that you found to him???

it dayum sure caused a ruckus in my relationship. I found out about it on a whim, just checking the site out and realized he had a myspace page stating he was single, looking for a relationship, blah blah blah....oh really, so that was an ugly conversation.
How many women have found out that their SO was cheating through myspace or other internet sources?
Did you end up breaking it off? Were you able to work it out?
What evidence did you find?
And how did you reveal the info that you found to him???

Girl! Excellent thread. I found out last year, that my SO was IN a relationship. He was on Blackplanet.com. He had me on his page as the first girl (sorta like the infamous top 8 on Myspace). Not to sound dumb, but that gave him leeway(sp), because I was front and center and figured he was single and he was letting everyone know that I was the main one. Come to find out the girl that was commenting on EVERY pic was his girlfriend who was in GA, but while she was out there from June to September, she had no access to a computer so she didnt know what was goin on. Mind you, me and him are chillin hard together in Brooklyn. smdh. She found out, we compared notes. I think they are still together. Shes a dummy for stayin. Not sure. Oh well movin along. Theres too many man to be worrying :lachen:. I was talkin to other dudes at the same time too anyways. I remember when he called me after I found out he was not single and I told him those exact words. He was like "oh really, you was talking to other dudes. wowwww..ur messed up". How am I when you......aight negro :lachen:sorry for long reply
Well I never had anything w/ my relationship jerked with thru myspace but apparently this girl's boyfriend left me a filthy comment on my model page there and she sent me this horrid email. its actually kinda funny now, but i was really annoyed at the time.
Well I found out my ex had a gf, when all the while he was all up in my ear tryna get back with me tellin me he was single and focused on us. :lachen: Of course I had to do a lil investigation before I would get back with him, so I looked him upon myspace (he didnt kno I knew he was on there), and lo and behold he had some chic on his top spot. I checked what comments they were sending each other and confronted him about it, and he denied it, talkin bout they were just friends and if i didnt belive him then to message her and ask for myself.

I didnt do it, cuz I didnt wanna seem psycho, but week later this SAME girl callled my phone asking ME what was goin on with me and him cuz they were TOGETHER! i was too through after that!

WOW!!!! She called your phone. Dag! The only way she would have gotten the number was from HIS phone!

I always say when in doubt check the net!
My potential SO had this chick on his top 8 on Myspace then had enough stupidity to post a picture of the two of them at a football game. Im like whats this and he says they just friends. I flipped on him and deleted him from my page (I know Im petty!). He has now put his page on private so I cant look at it. Wonder why.....
My ex had the odasity to join OBC.com (Online Booty Call). If you are with me, why do you need to join a website like that? I found out his password, took his pictures down, and uploaded pictures of the ugliest dude I could find on the internet so women would think it was him. But with him it just wasn't online booty call, he was cheating in the real world also.... Needless to say we are no longer together. Wow@ these men willing to throw years a away just like that.....
Men can be so dumb! The internet is just another outlet for them to cheat, only with loads of multiple women. It is like a candy shop, so I don't think I'd date a guy that I knew had some type of networking webpage :nono:
Yes, yes, yes! Men are idiots! I know many relationships that have broken up over myspace, blackplanet, and OBC. Sad. :ohwell:
I forgot to mention when I say my potential SO I say it cause he cant get his act together. We had been dating for 2 years.
Men can be so dumb! The internet is just another outlet for them to cheat, only with loads of multiple women. It is like a candy shop, so I don't think I'd date a guy that I knew had some type of networking webpage :nono:
ITA with what your saying here, but unfortunately, due to the increase and popularity of these sites and technology in general, I expect Jamal (my imaginary man :lachen:) to have a Myspace . I just do extra research :lachen: but even with that, as you probably read my story above, that doesn't even work. Why does it have to come to this??? I swear I wish I was dating back in '74, where I would not expect cheating across America to increase by 700% because "he" has a webpage.

ETA: Good idea on the drink only water thing...I'm inspired
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yea i had experience with this, well my bf had given me his password, and i had never used it before, but one day i had decided to check his messages(big mistake) cuz i have found out that he was messaging some girl he never met who was still in high school (he was a sophomore in college), talking about much he loved her and how he couldn't wait to meet her even tho she lived another state! So i confronted him about it then he said that he never wrote the message and tried to say that i made the whole thing up, and that i even wrote that message to break us up!! Needless to say it was over after that, but things got really really ugly before they got better!! Now he hangs out with girl all the time after she started going to our school!!!:wallbash:
Well I never had anything w/ my relationship jerked with thru myspace but apparently this girl's boyfriend left me a filthy comment on my model page there and she sent me this horrid email. its actually kinda funny now, but i was really annoyed at the time.

I hate that. I had a guywho used to (and still does) have a crush on me write me on myspace. A few days later I get an email from his baby mama mad at ME :huh: You better deal with him!
I've seen a few relationships break up over myspace. I have found out some things I didn't want to know about prospective SO's, but it was also a good heads up.
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Yes, caught my ex on myspace. Me and my brother-in created a dummy page with a cartoon woman avatar and named her baby-baby. He was private so she asked to be his friend, he accepted and it was on after that. I found out a lot about him & his dating habits. He gave her (cartoon) his phone number and pursued this cartoon avatar. I logged on everyday to check out their conversations and then I finally busted him by emailing him all of his conversations with the cartoon.
I haven't been caught up in anything but I did find out that an ex of mine who has always been in my heart is now married through MySpace. My little heart just shattered to pieces when I saw that. Oh well, such as life....
It has happened to me before. I found out one was married with 4 kids, each of the kids had a page and everything. I spotted my ex's new gf on there as well. I can't stand myspace, friendster, facebook, non of that mess. I do not and will not ever have a page.
I created the myspace. one day, i was bored and checked his emails...i noticed he had deleted them cos i knew he had been exchanging emails with people from him hometown. That made me suspicious so i checked his sent emails which he forgot to delete and he was telling some guy that he was dating me and some bisexual chick on the side.
of course i went crazy and long story short, dumped his ass. One thing people dont know that emails, text messages and such leave trails...if you want to cheat, be more careful!
How many women have found out that their SO was cheating through myspace or other internet sources?
Did you end up breaking it off? Were you able to work it out?
What evidence did you find?
And how did you reveal the info that you found to him???

This happened to my sister on blackplanet.com but not me. On Myspace or BP, if a guys page has "In A Relationship" on it I don't even bother responding back. Many will say my gf doesn't mind or we can be "friends". :nono: Hell no we can't! I wouldn't want any guy doing that to me and I don't need the drama. Even if their profiles say "Single" I'll still ask them if they are in a relationship. Most will come clean and tell me.............then I cut it off right then and there. :brucelee:
I have a friend who found out her DH was cheating via Myspace. His side girl had posted pictures of them in a romantic situation in the comments section of his page.