Spinoff: Getting What You Want Out Of Men With The Absolute Least Amount Of Effort


Well-Known Member
You heard me :look:. That Naija thread got me to thinking. Yeah I know about the how to get a rich man thread and some of the tips were excellent. But it was more of a "fantastic beasts and where to find them" :rofl:. Now they've been found. Consider this thread a compliment to that. I'm not talking about marriage and all that jazz unless that's what you were after. I'm talking cars, businesses, homes, college, etc. Heaux tips and all. They don't even have to necessarily be rich or super well-off. Team #Prudevirgins are welcome if you have experience. Even if they were your husband/boyfriend, and there was some manipulation involved- what was the setup prior to it? Did Art of Seduction work for you?

This is a comprehensive list of things you have gotten and how you did it. Fat, skinny, average, etc. Unicorns, unicorn lites, and rhinos welcome lol. If there were specific attributes you played up, etc.
-What was their personality types?
-How did you spot it (what were the indicators they were potential simps)?
-Were there any significant advantages you had (looks, intelligence, worldliness, immaculate charm,etc).

It's easy to meet rich men and get them to open their pockets, but I'm talking next level **** with giving the absolute MINIMUM in return (no attention, no sex, barely texting back :lol:). This is specifically about running game. I'm on some #WasteHisTime&Money2017. And please no shade. If you're not about this financial dominatrix/Joanne Scammer life, please exist stage left and let the thread commence in peace #thxkbai. GO!

ETA: If you are uncomfortable with posting, please feel free to send me a PM or email offsite and I'll post it. I really we had an anonymous option.
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I believe I was able to receive more than the average from certain men because I was not desperate for what was given. When you come across needy or overly expectant to a man sometimes he becomes more resistant in giving. However, when you come across as the opposite it compels them to want to do for you.

Case and point when I purchased my car a few years ago, my good friend gave me $777.79 as a congrats gift. I never asked him for it or mentioned needing money. We never kissed, held hands, or even dated. He really was and still is wowed by me. The amount is my birthday but off by one number. He knows I adore sevens.

I don't think many of the gifts I received was from running game. The men that treated me well with no physical intimacy just found me refreshing, natural and enjoyed my wit and conversation. Many of them have told me not expecting anything of them made them want to do anything they could for me. The gamers according to them were a dime a dozen. And what made me a cut above the rest is that I made them feel respected and valued.

Personally, I don't feel good about treating a man like an afterthought and receiving gifts and the like for it. I only entertain men I enjoy spending time with, whether it be platonic or intimate. That is no shade, just my own energetic metaphysical perspective.

I am under the weather so I'm sorry if this is not making sense.
Okay I'll shoot since I started the thread :look:

- Vacation (2000+) cruise. The guy was crazy about me (30ish, black Haitian). I may have posted about him in a previous thread. Physically, I was his type (big boobs, huge butt, and smaller waist- I am on the lower end of bbw :lol:). He was enamored with me, but had some major character flaws. I made it clear that I wasn't really attracted. He tried to win me with this. I said no, he said take it anyway...and so I did #yolo

-A six figure job :look:. Never met this man in my life, but I was in the market for a new job. He came across my profile on LinkedIn (my profile pic is up). He was formerly a CFO of a fortune 500 company, later became a VP of the company my job uses for it's network/informatics system. He left and started a consulting business. He knew some people in certain places at my job and stated that he thought I was intelligent and a good fit for the company with my background. I told him I don't think so, but he said "You can learn it". We ended up having 3 hr interview with him coaching me on exactly what to say, etc. Now normally, people don't come into my company with my senior title, but he negotiated all of that including my salary and relocation benefits on my behalf. I literally did NOTHING except interview. He even arranged a moving company. He calls me regularly to check up and has invited me to lunch as he owns a home here. He also invited me to a major industry convention at his expense. He's actually turned out to be a overall good mentor. He's late 50s, white, and divorced. I've never physically met this man in my life, but he's quite protective of me for some reason.
A six figure job :look:. Never met this man in my life, but I was in the market for a new job. He came across my profile on LinkedIn (my profile pic is up). He was formerly a CFO of a fortune 500 company, later became a VP of the company my job uses for it's network/informatics system. He left and started a consulting business. He knew some people in certain places at my job and stated that he thought I was intelligent and a good fit for the company with my background. I told him I don't think so, but he said "You can learn it". We ended up having 3 hr interview with him coaching me on exactly what to say, etc. Now normally, people don't come into my company with my senior title, but he negotiated all of that including my salary and relocation benefits on my behalf. I literally did NOTHING except interview. He even arranged a moving company. He calls me regularly to check up and has invited me to lunch as he owns a home here. He also invited me to a major industry convention at his expense. He's actually turned out to be a overall good mentor. He's late 50s, white, and divorced. I've never physically met this man in my life, but he's quite protective of me for some reason.



Clearly, I'm not living my life right, so I'll be parked up (and subscribing) to this thread.
I don't think many of the gifts I received was from running game. The men that treated me well with no physical intimacy just found me refreshing, natural and enjoyed my wit and conversation. Many of them have told me not expecting anything of them made them want to do anything they could for me. The gamers according to them were a dime a dozen. And what made me a cut above the rest is that I made them feel respected and valued.
This, especially the respected, is everything to a man.
Back in my single days what worked for me was being fun, refreshing, easy to talk to/great listener, a little bit of a tease, and slightly aloof and mysterious. You don't have to sleep with a guy. You can if you want to, but you can get the right one to give you lots without you having to give much at all.

I agree with @Lucie, making them feel respected and valued is key.
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I believe I was able to receive more than the average from certain men because I was not desperate for what was given. When you come across needy or overly expectant to a man sometimes he becomes more resistant in giving. However, when you come across as the opposite it compels them to want to do for you.

Case and point when I purchased my car a few years ago, my good friend gave me $777.79 as a congrats gift. I never asked him for it or mentioned needing money. We never kissed, held hands, or even dated. He really was and still is wowed by me. The amount is my birthday but off by one number. He knows I adore sevens.

I don't think many of the gifts I received was from running game. The men that treated me well with no physical intimacy just found me refreshing, natural and enjoyed my wit and conversation. Many of them have told me not expecting anything of them made them want to do anything they could for me. The gamers according to them were a dime a dozen. And what made me a cut above the rest is that I made them feel respected and valued.

Personally, I don't feel good about treating a man like an afterthought and receiving gifts and the like for it. I only entertain men I enjoy spending time with, whether it be platonic or intimate. That is no shade, just my own energetic metaphysical perspective.

I am under the weather so I'm sorry if this is not making sense.

Excellent advice....
So how does one'make a man feel respected'

I know I need help in this area because on more than one occasion men have told me I treat them like idiots or fools(including my former coworker thatcussed me at work). Now I did not think highly of the men telling me that but I don't want to be so transparent especially with men who I don't care too much about.

I may also ask my WE friends who are a little bit older because I remember I was grabbing food with one woman and after she got her food she noted the fries were a little burnt and that the guy always burns her fries. I asked why didn't she say anything (because I totally wouldve) and she said that she didn't want to undermine him as a man doing his job.
So how does one'make a man feel respected'

I know I need help in this area because on more than one occasion men have told me I treat them like idiots or fools(including my former coworker thatcussed me at work). Now I did not think highly of the men telling me that but I don't want to be so transparent especially with men who I don't care too much about.

I make it a point to be soft in how I speak and how I react, especially when I am told something I may not be happy with. And if they are wrong, I make a mental note of that, smile and move on. If they are wrong about something that needs an action, I say, "I see what you are saying but I think this is the way we should look at it or let's try both ways"

I slow down and listen to him, ask him for advice and later on follow up with "you were right about xyz, thank you for your advice on that" even if it was about something small or ridiculous.

I believe men want to be heard and not dismissed so I make it a point to listen and give positive feedback on their contributions.
This is my contribution to the thread. When I was about nineteen I had a white male friend at work who was probably thirty. He would do things for me and take me places. We went somewhere and he was trying to pay for me. I said something like, "I've got it" He said, "LivingInPeace", men like to do things for beautiful women." So my advice is to be cute, sit back and let them do the work. If he doesn't step up then you step out.
As I've matured, I don't have issues getting things from men I actually want to attract because I expect to be treated well. In fact, I expect them to treat me better than they treat themselves in some circumstances and behave accordingly. I don't refuse any offers of help and I am gracious in all gifts and compliments- and nothing more or less than gracious. I am straightforward with men and if I want or need something, I ask for it. I've found most of the men I interact with actually want to give and provide and I am more than willing to let them. This seems to work for male friends/acquaintances as well as love interests.

As for attritbutes- I'm attractive, complimentary, charming, and was raised with Southern hospitality that made its way up North. I'm also naturally curious and if I want to know about something or how to do something, I don't hesitate to ask, which men also seem to like. Even the man that's the lowest on the totem pole at his job is an authority on something and wants someone to see him as one, I figure.
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Not ever adjusting to what you think a man likes. I think most women have the looks and the smarts, but end up catering to what they think the man might like. It never works.

It's also saying you don't like something without being rude as hell. If a joke is said that I don't like, I just blankly stare, and then immediately change the subject to something more my style. E.g. "I'm a big fan of well travelled men, are you well travelled?"

There is no need to pretend you like something. In fact it is more mysterious if you don't like something they do. Of course a soft voice, a hearty laugh, great smile, all go a long way. As does being a damsell in distress. A closed mouth doesnt get fed. Ive had my tutition paid off, my apartments paid for, car notes paid for, nails done, makeup on deck. Etc.

Also be quiet. Don't go running your mouth to everyone who will listen that some dude is buying you things. Jealous girls will blow up your spot any minute. You don't want any labels attached to your name ever.
A closed mouth doesnt get fed. Ive had my tutition paid off, my apartments paid for, car notes paid for, nails done, makeup on deck. Etc.

I'm not sure how to ask for this. :-/ do you just say "will you pay my tuition" or "can I have money to get my nails done" ?
I'm not sure how to ask for this. :-/ do you just say "will you pay my tuition" or "can I have money to get my nails done" ?
No. I typically tie back into my own availability.
Man with money: I've set up a get together for us on Saturday at ________.
Me: I would love to go, but I ended up picking up some shifts at work. I swear my tuition gets higher and higher every quarter

Man with money: (typically says some ******* thing like) If you don't wanna hangout you can just say no/I don't like being told no etc

Me: Well I'm a smart woman, and I know you appreciate that about me. I want to go more than anything on Saturday but I have responsibilities to myself to make sure my tuition stays paid so I can keep getting smarter, even if that means saying no to such a handsome man (compliment and stroke the ego)

Man with money: (will either soften, such as) I want you to go Saturday, what do I need to do to make sure that happens? ( Or he will continue being an *******, in ehich you need to keep in the same fashion, you want to go, but that one bill you're working towards is preventing you)

Me: The only thing keeping me from you is my tuition this quarter. It'll take me a couple extra weekends to make up the $2500. But once I'm done, and free from this stress, I'll have some more time for you.

Man with money: What's your paypal?/Can we meet up so I can give you gift?/What's the login for your student loans account?

Look at you superman, off to rescue me huh? So I'm thinking I should wear a little black dress and some red heels Saturday, what do you think?
Sorry I wasn't able to add to this this morning but the point is you want to create an obstacle between what the man with money wants. He should always want you, just charm him, don't cater to him. He'll become aggressive in wanting to see you/text you/call you. Then you create an obstacle between what he wants (YOU). The fix is something very easy (pay my bills). Don't nag and don't flat out beg. You HAVE to reward the good behavior with your time and presence (unless you're okay with a one time payment).

Also once you find one man that has successfully paid a LARGE amount for you, study his behavior. You'll be able to find these men more easily, just like you can spot a fvckboy miles away. Some men do not want to make cash payments and prefer to give gifts/trips. Don't take that for granted. A good mix of men who shell out money in different ways creates for a good well rounded experience