SPINNY: You know he's into you when....

here are a few to get us started:drunk:

He locks the door when he leaves.

He thanks you for allowing him to spend the night.

He drives out of his way to drop you off at night, despite your protests that you can manage your own transportation.

He refuses for you to pay on dates.

He calls you the day after you meet, not some mandatory waiting period.

He introduces you to everyone as his girlfriend.

He worries about your comfort when its cold.
Hmm... I'll bite. Not all of these apply to me...

-He remembers the things you say. Even the random, inconsequential stuff. 3 years after the fact.

-he will go wayyy out of his way to come see you... like ride 4 hrs on a bus, and book two nights in a hotel just so he can hang out with you in between your classes :love:

-he badgers a mutual friend until she gives him your number/ e-mail address

-he drives 30 min across town and drives around in circles in the dark looking for you b/c he knew you were having car trouble. Even though you were chillin in bed, ignoring all his calls cuz y'all were also in the midst of an argument :giggle:

- he spends on you, even though he won't on himself

- he calls you back, when y'all hang up the phone angry

-he lights up when you're around

-turns down offers from other women, even when there's no way you would have found out
- He wants you to meet his family

- He remembers your likes & dislikes

- He walks your dog

- He invites you along when he's hanging out with his friends

- He comes over to find & kill a bug

- He sends flowers & visits when you're sick

- He plans the next date before you finish the one you're on

- He reluctantly watches Sex & The City or Real Housewives of Anywhere with you :lol:

- He kisses you on the top of your head (and pretends not to taste the jojoba oil :lol:)

Sent from my iPhone.
He hates for you to be angry with him.
He remembers and celebrates all of the important dates with you: your birthday, Valentine's Day, major holidays, etc.
He pays attention to what you say, what you like, etc.
He acts protective toward you.
Instead of complaining about your cycle, he keeps a mental calendar in his head so he knows when to come with the tea and back rubs.
He's more excited about your birthday than you are because he has something special in store for you.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
He includes you in his future plans. "We can do this .... when we go to... I want to take you to ... with me..."
-He's honest
-He tries to curb his bad habits just to please you.
-Will go places with you that he's not interested in just to be in your presence.
-He stands up for you when you're being disrespected, even when it comes to his friends and family
-The look in his eyes when he sees you always gives it away.
-He tries to ask questions about your work/hobbies
-Introduces you to his parents/relatives
-Walks on the side nearest the curb (sounds silly but it's a gentlemanly thing to do!)
I'll bite! Though my list is more of an "I hope he's seriously into me since"...

- he asks me questions with answers that reveal who *I* really am, not just the mundane stuff about my work identity.

- he remembers what I say.

- his eyes light up when I walk in the room.

- he forgives me.

- he is willing to do things for/with me, instead of paying someone else to take care of it.

- he does things that are really thoughtful, the kind of things most people overlook.

- he cares about my comfort.

- he sleeps with his face on the top of my head and doesn't complain about the oil or lingering castor oil/sublimes sulfur smell.

- he calls to catch up with me instead of just texting.

- he's willing to do things I want to do, even if it's freezing, and will pretend to be interested in what we're doing.

- he is obviously with me. :-)
He listens to your stories and even remembers names when talking about work/friends/other people's dramas :lol:
- He wants to go to school/get a better job, etc... just so he can improve his lot in life and take care of you.

- He hates cats but makes an exception for yours

- He says his purpose in life is to make sure you're happy and taken care of.

- He plucked a hair off my chin (I wanted to die! :nono: )
He lets you keep a box of tampons at his place just in case...

He lets you cling to the remote control and doesn't complain when you watch Real Housewives and Love and HipHop back to back...

He'll stay up an extra 30 minutes if it means you'll get to go to bed at the same time...

(my first post....hey y'all :wavey:)
- He wants to go to school/get a better job, etc... just so he can improve his lot in life and take care of you.

- He hates cats but makes an exception for yours

- He says his purpose in life is to make sure you're happy and taken care of.

- He plucked a hair off my chin (I wanted to die! :nono: )

lol so sweet!

I'll add:

He offers to let you use his toothbrush and you haven't even screwed him yet..:perplexed
He lets you keep a box of tampons at his place just in case...

He lets you cling to the remote control and doesn't complain when you watch Real Housewives and Love and HipHop back to back...

He'll stay up an extra 30 minutes if it means you'll get to go to bed at the same time...

(my first post....hey y'all :wavey:)

This is us on the phone every night because I'm always stuck on LHCF before I go to bed :lol:
He starts buying your brand of products to keep at his house.

He remembers things you like and makes a point to do those with you.

He doesn't notice when other women are flirting with him.

When he is out and he sees something that reminds him of you he picks it up for you just because.

He does is best not to do something when he knows it bothers you.
-he takes vested effort into learning about your culture
-he's excited to meet your family
-he doesn't complain about spending time with your friends
-you catch him smiling or trying to hold back a smile whenever he looks at you:infatuated:
-he cooks for you
-he purposely keeps notes of things you like
-he brings little gifts just because
-he offers to be your alarm clock if he knows you have a big thing in the morning
-he scrubs your body for you in the shower:look:
-he tries and is excited to style your hair for you:lol:
-he wants you around his family

That's it for now.
He lets you keep a box of tampons at his place just in case...

He lets you cling to the remote control and doesn't complain when you watch Real Housewives and Love and HipHop back to back...

He'll stay up an extra 30 minutes if it means you'll get to go to bed at the same time...

(my first post....hey y'all :wavey:)
Welcome SwtAnana!!!
He refuses for you to pay on dates.

He calls you the day after you meet, not some mandatory waiting period.


He takes the time out to call you! So many men(boys) are into texting, annoying.


- he spends on you, even though he won't on himself

-he lights up when you're around


- He wants you to meet his family

- He remembers your likes & dislikes
- He plans the next date before you finish the one you're on.


He includes you in his future plans. "We can do this .... when we go to... I want to take you to ... with me..."


He encourages you.
He wants your parents to like him.
He remembers things about you that you don't even remember telling him.


-He tries to ask questions about your work/hobbies
-Introduces you to his parents/relatives
-Walks on the side nearest the curb (sounds silly but it's a gentlemanly thing to do!)


-you catch him smiling or trying to hold back a smile whenever he looks at you:infatuated:
-he cooks for you

And CHECK!!! I think this one is a keeper. :love:
this is a great thread! alot of what I was going to say has been said...but I think my number one thing is: " when I'm telling him a story and I've said it before; he never says..."you told me that already" he listens likes he has never heard it before and each time makes me feel like I'm the only one in the room as I tell my story over again....lol"
He is happiest when you are happy.

He calls just to hear your voice.

He wakes up early three hours early to be your wake up call. He remembered you had an early meeting and wanted to wish luck.

He will do anything to see you smile.
He talks to u even though he hates to talk on the phone...
and he texts u all day while ur both working and still finds something to talk about @ night..
He tells u ur beautiful even when ur sick and look like something the cat drug in...
...he tells you to call/text when you get home so he knows you are safe

...he calls you cute even though you look a mess!

...he thinks your "blonde moments" are cute

...he asks to see you late at night just to give you a goodnight kiss

...he is willing to hang out with annoying/overly dramatic girl friends

...he asks you to not hide your feelings when you are upset, and to share with him instead

...you hurt yourself (eg, papercut, burn finger on stove) and he kisses it to "make it feel better"


...he offers to do activities you are interested in (eg, yoga, shopping)

...he comes over to take care of you when you're sick

...he kisses you when you are sick
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