Spinny: Profitting from someones vice


Well-Known Member
There is a thread in Off Topic about how you would feel if you had a job that profitted from someones (legal) vice/insecurity such as selling alcohol, gambling, cigarettes etc.

It got me thinking...do we as Christians have an obligation to work in a place that at the very least does not pander to peoples vices?

Is there something wrong with a Christian being a bartender? What about the receptionist at Planned Parenthood? Anhauser Busch? Can a "line" be drawn in the sand that should apply to all or is this strictly between that person and their conscience or the Holy Spirit? Would your opinion change if your Pastor held one of these occupations vs. a member?

In my response to the other thread I said that there is a slippery slope when it comes to vices. Shopping can be a vice, fast food can be a vice...hair can be an vice/idol :rolleyes:. But we probebely wouldnt hesitate to work at a store, restaurant or BSS. Do we have a responsibility towards the decision grown adults make to buy our products/services or is it simply their choice so their fault if they abuse it?

Input please...

FYI: Im not sure where I stand with this. But I am happy to be in a field where I wont have to make this choice.
I was almost a bar tender. I felt some kind of way about that.
My salon owner was gay and they used to encourage the behavior in there. I felt some kind of way about that.
I worked for a scientologist who only marketed to Christians because they "care about their temple." I felt some kind of way about that.
Each of these positions didn't work out.

So I said all that because I'm at my most successful position so far and I write documents about software all day. So... I think God will allow success where you belong. I belonged in none of those places.
I am speaking for MYSELF, but I could not do it. The bible says whatsoever is done without faith it sin.I don't have the faith to do that, I would be condemned everyday at work. While I am pouring the drinks, I would be witnessing telling them they don't need to be drinking it, they just need Jesus to make it alright. :lol: I have turn down job offers for this very reason. I didn't have peace with it. I would feel like a hyprocrite.

But I would not say that we are obligated to not work there. We just have to let God let lead us. If you have a struggle with alcohol, God is not going to let you be a bartender. He will not let us be tempted above what we are able, but WE can out ourselves in a position to be tempted.

But certain jobs like working at a strip club or porno store...um no, I don't believe a Christian shouldn't do it.

I do think it will make your witnessing less effective IMO.People can't take you seriously when you are doing the very thing you preach against
Some vices are just plain obvious... alcolhol, drugs, smoking, gambling, etc, are not the essentials to everyday life. However, shopping, fast food, hair supplies do not fall into that category. :nono:

Fast Food Places are now offering healthier alternatives (salads, fruit, milk, etc.)

Shopping isn't a sin (overspending for non-essentials is wreckless)

Taking care of one's hair isn't a sin, looking a toe up mess is. So thank God for haircare products.

Howover it's an insult for African Americans to work for Asians instead of Asians working for African Americans... afterall, it's 'our' hair, not theirs.

Seriously, some things are just obvious that as Christians we should not be a part of and God has already prepared a way of escape when we find ourselves in those situations.

Two personal situations:

Years ago, I worked in a gift shop as a floral designer, they sold cigarettes and I refused to see them to customers when I was at the cash register ringing up flowers. I wasn't there for that. I was there to design / sell floral arrangements not sell cigarettes. If something is against God's will, we don't have to compromise our witness.

In Dance Class:

There are dances that I 'could' do, but refuse to. I'm not there for that, :nono: Period.

There are students and teachers who are out there in the occult, and just as silly as they can be... just plain sickening :nono: however I will not attend their classes nor listen to their foolishness. I don't need satan as a resource. I have Jesus who rules over all and I don't care if it offends, I'm not taking part in it. Period.