An exerpt from The Long Hair Site

You also have to take into account that one of the purposes/objectives/desires of the women of the site is to grow hair to excessively long lengths like pass butt length, knee length, and ankle length... I've never seen afro hair pass the knees or ankles... it may be able to, but a big part of it is genetics.
Bunny77 said:
Ok... if black women can't grow hair long, then why are numerous black children (boys and girls) walking around with beautiful long hair?

Like we all pointed out, if black hair doesn't appear to grow, it's usually because we're taking care of it the wrong way, particularly when we start pressing or relaxing more frequently -- which of course, usually happens when we leave childhood and go into our teenage years.

The fact that so many young black girls have such beautiful, thick and LONG hair is proof right there that black hair CAN and DOES grow. It might have to be handled more carefully because of its fragile nature, but it GROWS!!!

exactly! the majority of black people can grow long thick hair, but we dont b/c of improper hair care not due to genetics or certain exceptions. that's just silly. also i think our hair is more fragile and can't withstand all the heat that some people of other races can stand. but our hair does grow. she needs to change her site. does anyone have a link to an actual study of white vs. black hair growth?
JCoily said:
What I find upsetting is that there always seems to be someone who is a bit too gleeful to tell somebody their hair won't reach a certain level.

Yup. I always raise an eyebrow when I hear white folks suddenly becoming experts on black hair... and usually they're saying "Oh, black folks can't grow hair so they should just keep it short, blah blah blah."

Yes, I know many black people say this too, but I think that more than a few white and other non-black folks like to bring this up as "evidence" that they're more feminine and beautiful than black women are.
Bunny77 said:
Yup. I always raise an eyebrow when I hear white folks suddenly becoming experts on black hair... and usually they're saying "Oh, black folks can't grow hair so they should just keep it short, blah blah blah."

Yes, I know many black people say this too, but I think that more than a few white and other non-black folks like to bring this up as "evidence" that they're more feminine and beautiful than black women are.

I know white people who get about 1/4 of growth a month and have accepted the fact that their hair can never get to a certain length. I think it's about being educated. I know that my growth cycle is about 5 years so I know just how much growth I can actually attain and I'm not wishing for more. I've just accepted it.
Our hair grows differently period. How can you explain the different growth rates on a single head of hair. I know for me that the middle of my head gets the most growth (those are the ones that get 1.5 inches a month) and those stands of hair measure about 25 inches currently. Then I have hair growing slower in other parts that sometimes barely have about 1/4 inch a month.
Same head of hair. same care. different growth rate, different length.
Suri said:

She's ignorant to our hair, but the judgement just kinda pisses me off. They use chemicals too, you will see on the website that they credit white 'perms' to damage as well. Not sayin that's she evil or nothin but this statement just reinforces our mission here at LHCF :grin:

Some hair roots just don't produce long hair. Afro hair is a good example of this. :huh: It just doesn't seem to grow very long.

It's like she's solidifying that rumor, by saying afro hair is a good example of some hair roots not producing long hair. Hair that doesn't procude long hair is more attiributed to heredity and genes like she started to say. Yeah well I hear you candy, i'm not tryna nail her to the cross, but why couldn't she just say..."afro hair needs more moisture than others"? which is very true.

I'm a member of this site too, and yes, they don't always know what they are talking about. That's why it's so great to have LHCF and sites like it, because we can support each other the way we need it!
sweetcashew said:
My hair usually grows 1 inch to 1.5 inches a month, but one of my sister-in-law , who is Indian hair grows about 2.5 or more inches a month. I swear! So no matter how much I manage to hold on to all my growth, if both our hair grew for 5 years her hair would be way longer than mine. It's genetic.

Your sister-in-law's hair grows a *minimum* of 30 INCHES PER YEAR?
Honestly do we really expect someone who is not AA to really research our hair and its growth patterns? Why take offense or even overanalyze it? It isn't worth it.

I do not place my value based on what white folks think of me and my hair. I could give 2 figs. Have some self esteem and be proud of what God made and who you are and these types of comments won't even phase you.

Suri said:

She's ignorant to our hair, but the judgement just kinda pisses me off. They use chemicals too, you will see on the website that they credit white 'perms' to damage as well. Not sayin that's she evil or nothin but this statement just reinforces our mission here at LHCF :grin:

Some hair roots just don't produce long hair. Afro hair is a good example of this. :huh: It just doesn't seem to grow very long.

It's like she's solidifying that rumor, by saying afro hair is a good example of some hair roots not producing long hair. Hair that doesn't procude long hair is more attiributed to heredity and genes like she started to say. Yeah well I hear you candy, i'm not tryna nail her to the cross, but why couldn't she just say..."afro hair needs more moisture than others"? which is very true.
sweetcashew said:
I actually understand what this woman was trying to say. How many black women are walking around with butt length hair? Or knee length hair? Chemically processed or not.
25 inches of hair is not long according to other races. She did say there are exceptions and she's right.

It aint like like its a common occurance for white folks either...
CurleeDST said:
Honestly do we really expect someone who is not AA to really research our hair and its growth patterns? Why take offense or even overanalyze it? It isn't worth it.

I do not place my value based on what white folks think of me and my hair. I could give 2 figs. Have some self esteem and be proud of what God made and who you are and these types of comments won't even phase you.

It's not about phasing me honey, it's just an observance of what i see on another website. Like i said, i enjoy the tips and advice on this site,but this comment just stuck out to me a bit. As we all do on this site, I posted information that would give us insight and motivation to keep doing what we are doing. BTW, forget AA researching we can all use the advice given. A white person can damage their hair just the same as a black person. If homegirl wasn't so ignorant she wouldn't have generalized AA hair to not growing. I am glad that you don't place value on what whote folks think, cause i never said i did.:)
NewYorkgyrl said:
She is basically saying that black people do not have the potential to grow kong hair. I guess she has never seen blacks with dreds down to their knees or the floor. That is a perfect example that blacks CAN and do have the potential to grow their hair.

ITA! & it upset me every time I hear this crap... especially from white people. If you truely dont know anything about our hair... do some research or keep your comments to yourself!
Lotus said:
ITA! & it upset me every time I hear this crap... especially from white people. If you truely dont know anything about our hair... do some research or keep your comments to yourself!

too true:mad:
because she aimed this statement at black people or of black origin, we have read this statement in DEPTH. she probabley said it off the top of her head without meaning any harm. i think her colour has nothing 2 do with it. she is just a mis-informed individual. i dont think she meant any harm, and she mentioned the fact of exception..exception of....more knowledge....exception of, health.

AND THAT IS TRU. i bet without these exceptional CHANGES our hair wouldn't be as nice as it is now. and i see threads every day thanking LHCF for there hair, so u kno.
MizAvalon said:
Your sister-in-law's hair grows a *minimum* of 30 INCHES PER YEAR?

You see her one day and her hair has one length, you see her 4 days later and you can visibly see a difference in length. I've known her for 11 years and still haven't gotten use to seeing her hair grow like that.
Teacake said:
I was told the same thing this week by a black woman. She was telling a group of us that black women's hair doesn't grow. Some people cannot help their ignorance. My hair was bunned, and covered in a crocheted bun cover (snood). I took my hair out of the bun so the white women at the table could see that she was wrong.
I stay over on this site. I rarely venture off to the white sites, because they have a lot of wrong information posted about black hair. They think we all have weaves.

I agree -- black folks are just as misinformed, and IMHO they really should know better, so why get so worked up and take offense when other races express this nonsense? Maybe they picked it up from some of their black friends! Lord knows I encounter this ignorance more often in the general black community than among other races. White folks don't question my *long* hair nearly as much as black folks. . .

You wear a snood? I've been checking those on an amish website, they make buns look very very elegant. I'm always looking to *dress up* my buns and I currently have numerous hairsticks which I love. Where did you get yours?
sweetcashew said:
I actually understand what this woman was trying to say. How many black women are walking around with butt length hair? Or knee length hair? Chemically processed or not.
25 inches of hair is not long according to other races. She did say there are exceptions and she's right.

This is true, but longer haired black women are the exception because most of us don't know how to properly care for our hair, not because we're genetically predisposed not to have long hair.

I can understand why she said what she said, but she oversimplified it with skewed logic. :ohwell:
Wow, I wish that author could see some of the absolutely beautiful and ohh so long haired ladies on THIS board!!!! She'd choke on those words!!! :lol:
I am so greatful for the information on this site! I have achieved the most length I have ever had due to the info and tips received from checking in here almost daily. I just flat ironed today and I am officially at the top of bra strap length. I am stunned by the growth and overall health of my own hair! I used to have dreams of this length- now it is a reality!!!!

I also agree with the lady who posted on this thread who said that there is a difference in not being able to grow long hair and not knowing HOW to grow long hair. As with most things in life education is can change EVERYTHING!!;)
Well first of all we all know it's a lie, proof is on this site.
Second of all, I don't want to hear what I can't do.
Third, there are many many reasons why black women have not been able to care properly for their hair for centuries. Lack of knowlegde is one reason.
But - I bet there were PLENTY of black women with waistlength hair or longer a hundred years ago.
FlowerHair said:
Well first of all we all know it's a lie, proof is on this site.
Second of all, I don't want to hear what I can't do.
Third, there are many many reasons why black women have not been able to care properly for their hair for centuries. Lack of knowlegde is one reason.
But - I bet there were PLENTY of black women with waistlength hair or longer a hundred years ago.

ITA! Well put!
sweetcashew said:
I actually understand what this woman was trying to say. How many black women are walking around with butt length hair? Or knee length hair? Chemically processed or not.
25 inches of hair is not long according to other races. She did say there are exceptions and she's right.
Oh Im not even saying that I believe any of that. I'm just saying that every time the genetic stuff comes up, that part always seems to get left out. This board is proof alone of her exceptions. And if more of us get a better understanding of how OUR hair works and how to nurture it for optimal health, the exception will soon become the majority...IMO
IMO, genetics only determines the ease with which your hair grows, not the length to which your hair grows.

I know my hair has the potential to grow long, and I'm going to figure out what it takes to grow it.
The sad part of this posting is that 3 years ago, I would have beleived it.

Looking around at other african americans and finding 80% them have not grown their hair anywhere close to their maximum growth potential would have lead me to beleive our hair simply does not grow as fast as white hair.

Without the knowledge learned here, from Cathy Howse's book & other black hair care research, what other explination is there? I can understand how she may have been mislead.

Knowledge is a beautiful thing, its power. And now we have the power to prove misleading informants wrong. This way, in the future, no one else will read incorrect assumptions and be discouraged to grow hair their growth potential.

Its great being part of this knowledge sharing forum.