Confused- Pro-life or Pro-choice

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Or that as a Christian our bodies do not belong to us.
JuJuBoo said:

Adding to that, I believe abortion is a selfish choice. The focus is always on "their body" "her body" "HER choice", not realizing that it's not only a woman's body that being impacted.
I feel that what a woman does with her body is between her and God. I will not judge someone for having an abortion, but I also don't condone the action and would not encourage it to anyone and would not go with anyone getting one and support that action. I do think it is wrong, but in the end, what someone else chooses to do is on them and God will deal with them.

As for ME and my body, I am pro-life. I do not care what the circumstance is, the baby is innocent in all of it and to take that baby's life is wrong. I am not God so who am I to make that choice?
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Honeyhips said:
I disagree. I think that even though people choose not to believe in God or follow his law does not mean that his word does not still stand. So people can ignore it all they want, it doesn't negate who he is. I think it was his desire that everyone would be saved, but he knew not everyone would be b/c of their own choices
I wasn't saying that God's word does not stand if people choose not to believe in him or follow him. I think you missed what I was saying. When I made that statement, I was saying that God didn't intend for us to ignore his word and just do whatever we want to do. God wants us to follow his word. Whether we follow it or not or believe it or not, God is still all powerful. I didn't say anything about that negating who He is. His word does stand no matter what happens in this world. You may have read what I said backwards or something, or you took it to something I wasnt even talking about...I dunno. :cool:
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I totally agree with Natalied. I'm a Christian and I'm pro-choice, but that doesn't mean I condone abortions.
mkstar826 said:
I feel that what a woman does with her body is between her and God. I will not judge someone for having an abortion, but I also don't condone the action and would not encourage it to anyone and would not go with anyone getting one and support that action. I do think it is wrong, but in the end, what someone else chooses to do is on them and God will deal with them.

As for ME and my body, I am pro-life. I do not care what the circumstance is, the baby is innocent in all of it and to take that baby's life is wrong. I am not God so who am I to make that choice?

I don't think it's judgemental. The bible already said God knitted us together in our mothers wombs and he also knew us (and loved us) before we were born and the atrocities that we are committing in the name of "our rights" are saddening to our Lords heart and I don't think it's being judgemental to look at his word and apply it to the actions that we engage in. I hear lots of people say that they are not going to judge people for doing this and for doing that. And that is a very noble thought and I don't mean that facetiously but God has already judged wrong and right. And either we agree with him or not. Their is no middle neutral ground. So when God says it's wrong, I in His image agree. If God says it's right, I in His image agree.
AnnDriena_ said:
I don't think it's judgemental. The bible already said God knitted us together in our mothers wombs and he also knew us (and loved us) before we were born and the atrocities that we are committing in the name of "our rights" are saddening to our Lords heart and I don't think it's being judgemental to look at his word and apply it to the actions that we engage in. I hear lots of people say that they are not going to judge people for doing this and for doing that. And that is a very noble thought and I don't mean that facetiously but God has already judged wrong and right. And either we agree with him or not. Their is no middle neutral ground. So when God says it's wrong, I in His image agree. If God says it's right, I in His image agree.

I agree with what you are saying in the contents used. However, the pro-choice pro-life was birth out of abortions issues. So, if some talk about this it could be linked to the scandals the country had some years ago with people fighting against each other. So, typically speaking it assumes unless one is discussing pro-choice in different matter than the subject of where this concept was birth by the government. :)
Chivara said:
I can't really answer your question based on what the bible says b/c I don't know, but in my opinion, pro-choice does not mean that you actually support abortion. To me it simply means that you support women having a "choice" to decide what it is they are going to do with their bodies. I don't think anyone who is pro-choice necessarily thinks having an abortion is "right" per say, but they believe that people should have control over their own bodies and dealing with whatever consequences they may face.

I guess it's all up to your own interpretation.
Christians understand that there body is no longer theirs but God. If a woman is raped and taking to the hospital immeditetly her vagina is flush with medicine that kills all sperm and airborne type infections. This process works very well and most woman do not become pregnant afterwards. This is in the line with the law of nature that sperm can live in the body up to 48hours. If however, the woman still gets pregnant then I think she has to be honest with herself if she can really love the baby. She must pray to God. I myself do not believe in abortions but if I was raped I probaly(maybe) would abort the baby. Under normal circumstances I think this would be wrong because the sex was consenus. Remeber God looks not so much as the act but the attitude. This method of cleaning woman out after being raped escalted in someone's mind to abortions. People always take something is meant for emergency or exceptional cases into way of life or new lifestyle. When a woman is scared after being raped and does nothing for a long time and becomes pregnant I think she should keep the baby. :)

Bublnbrnsuga said:
I have been battling with this for a while now. I have considered myself Pro-life,but I am learning that I can't force my beliefs on someone else. Also with some pro-lifers, they are for abortions if there has been an incidence of rape or incest-I don't agree with this. Being pro-choice doesn't mean you actually support abortion, right? I mean, if I decided to be pro-choice and someone I know decides to have an abortion, I would not be supportive in their decision and I would not be there during the process. I know the Bible discusses that 'He knew us before we were in our mother's womb,' but how can I tell some other woman what to do with her body and child? Can someone help here?
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Sorry but you can't preach to someone about this topic.. its very touchy and unless you are in that situation yourself.. you would have no idea what that woman is going through..

Having an abortion is something that a person should really think about before they do it. If that person confided in u as a christian you can only give her advice but you can't play God.

Just say a prayer for her and hope she does the right thing
Zoe said:
Sorry but you can't preach to someone about this topic.. its very touchy and unless you are in that situation yourself.. you would have no idea what that woman is going through..

Having an abortion is something that a person should really think about before they do it. If that person confided in u as a christian you can only give her advice but you can't play God.

Just say a prayer for her and hope she does the right thing

I too agree with your statement. However, what is "the right thing"? Is it what society views as right, what Christianity views as right, or what the woman herself views as right? Like others, I am pro-choice and believe the woman has a right to decide using her discernment on the matter.

In relation to the subject, I pose a question to you all: When, in your opinion, is the beginning of life?
No I did understand what you meant. We agree except for one point. I think because God gave us free will that he knew people were going to live life like he didn't exist. But I also added that it doesn't mean his word doesn't still stand. I wasn't implying that you didn't know that. I was just adding my two cents. It really wasn't directed towards you personally. Just adding to the convo already in progress.
Poohbear said:
I wasn't saying that God's word does not stand if people choose not to believe in him or follow him. I think you missed what I was saying. When I made that statement, I was saying that God didn't intend for us to ignore his word and just do whatever we want to do. God wants us to follow his word. Whether we follow it or not or believe it or not, God is still all powerful. I didn't say anything about that negating who He is. His word does stand no matter what happens in this world. You may have read what I said backwards or something, or you took it to something I wasnt even talking about...I dunno. :cool:
Are they trying to rule this out?
star said:
Christians understand that there body is no longer theirs but God. If a woman is raped and taking to the hospital immeditetly her vagina is flush with medicine that kills all sperm and airborne type infections. This process works very well and most woman do not become pregnant afterwards. This is in the line with the law of nature that sperm can live in the body up to 48hours. If however, the woman still gets pregnant then I think she has to be honest with herself if she can really love the baby. She must pray to God. I myself do not believe in abortions but if I was raped I probaly(maybe) would abort the baby. Under normal circumstances I think this would be wrong because the sex was consenus. Remeber God looks not so much as the act but the attitude. This method of cleaning woman out after being raped escalted in someone's mind to abortions. People always take something is meant for emergency or exceptional cases into way of life or new lifestyle. When a woman is scared after being raped and does nothing for a long time and becomes pregnant I think she should keep the baby. :)
This is what I'd do. I would never tell someone what to do, or even what I think. I'll just pray for them, and help them if I could.
Zoe said:
Sorry but you can't preach to someone about this topic.. its very touchy and unless you are in that situation yourself.. you would have no idea what that woman is going through..

Having an abortion is something that a person should really think about before they do it. If that person confided in u as a christian you can only give her advice but you can't play God.

Just say a prayer for her and hope she does the right thing
In relation to the subject, I pose a question to you all: When, in your opinion, is the beginning of life?

To answer the other questioned posed. I think the beginning of life is at conception. I understand when people call it a mass of cells and b/c it can't survive outside of the body it is not alive. But I disagree. An Amoeba is a mass of cells, well just one, and it cannnot live out of water. Plus every single one of our organs is a mass of cells, and cannot survive alone.

Biologists have defined life as something that has genetic material, can reproduce, respond to stimuli in its environment, metabolize,and grow. I think the baby is in the environment it can survive until is born. Just like fish are in water and we are on land, birds can fly and etc If you take anything out of it's environment, it will die. Including humans. It is also growing, has genetic material, it can't yet reproduce but neither can a new born, but it does respond to stimuli in it's environment. So to me that signfies that it is alive.
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AnnDriena_ said:
I don't think it's judgemental. The bible already said God knitted us together in our mothers wombs and he also knew us (and loved us) before we were born and the atrocities that we are committing in the name of "our rights" are saddening to our Lords heart and I don't think it's being judgemental to look at his word and apply it to the actions that we engage in. I hear lots of people say that they are not going to judge people for doing this and for doing that. And that is a very noble thought and I don't mean that facetiously but God has already judged wrong and right. And either we agree with him or not. Their is no middle neutral ground. So when God says it's wrong, I in His image agree. If God says it's right, I in His image agree.

I'm saying I will not look at someone who has an abortion and be judgemental towards them. I won't say they are such a bad person and they should be ashamed of themselves etc etc. That is not my place. I said I believe the action of abortion is wrong, so I don't get your point.

I'm not treading on middle ground. My stance is clear.
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That is what I thought you meant,and how I feel.
mkstar826 said:
I'm saying I will not look at someone who has an abortion and be judgemental towards them. I won't say they are such a bad person and they should be ashamed of themselves etc etc. That is not my place. I said I believe the action of abortion is wrong, so I don't get your point.

I'm not treading on middle ground. My stance is clear.
Honeyhips said:
This is what I'd do. I would never tell someone what to do, or even what I think. I'll just pray for them, and help them if I could.

To answer the other questioned posed. I think the beginning of life is at conception. I understand when people call it a mass of cells and b/c it can't survive outside of the body it is not alive. But I disagree. An Amoeba is a mass of cells, well just one, and it cannnot live out of water. Plus every single one of our organs is a mass of cells, and cannot survive alone.

Biologists have defined life as something that has genetic material, can reproduce, respond to stimuli in its environment, metabolize,and grow. I think the baby is in the environment it can survive until is born. Just like fish are in water and we are on land, birds can fly and etc If you take anything out of it's environment, it will die. Including humans. It is also growing, has genetic material, it can't yet reproduce but neither can a new born, but it does respond to stimuli in it's environment. So to me that signfies that it is alive.

Well said!
Honeyhips said:
This is what I'd do. I would never tell someone what to do, or even what I think. I'll just pray for them, and help them if I could.

To answer the other questioned posed. I think the beginning of life is at conception. I understand when people call it a mass of cells and b/c it can't survive outside of the body it is not alive. But I disagree. An Amoeba is a mass of cells, well just one, and it cannnot live out of water. Plus every single one of our organs is a mass of cells, and cannot survive alone.

Biologists have defined life as something that has genetic material, can reproduce, respond to stimuli in its environment, metabolize,and grow. I think the baby is in the environment it can survive until is born. Just like fish are in water and we are on land, birds can fly and etc If you take anything out of it's environment, it will die. Including humans. It is also growing, has genetic material, it can't yet reproduce but neither can a new born, but it does respond to stimuli in it's environment. So to me that signfies that it is alive.

Well said! That is a good explanation.
Honeyhips said:
No I did understand what you meant. We agree except for one point. I think because God gave us free will that he knew people were going to live life like he didn't exist. But I also added that it doesn't mean his word doesn't still stand. I wasn't implying that you didn't know that. I was just adding my two cents. It really wasn't directed towards you personally. Just adding to the convo already in progress.
oh okay! now I gotcha! ;) I believe what you said too (what I put in bold)! I believe that God knew/knows that people were going to live life like He didn't exist and God knew/knows that people were going to live life like He did exist. God knows everything! :clap: