I am married to a Sag. As someone up thread mentioned I think they can be both good sags and bad sags at the same time or rather have two facets of their personalities. And maybe at different stages.

People LOVE DH. LOVE DH. LOVE DH. I love how charismatic and gregarious he is. He's social and this fits with me very well. he can speak and hold court with people but on the flipside, he claims to often times hate that "everybody loves you" stuff or he retreats after he's had too much of people. They can be extroverted introverts IMO. I feel like Sags could be good politicians, they talk a good game, ALWAYS POSITIVE and yes are dreamers but I can see how they are perceived as insincere with their positivity too. DH's is a go getter, there is no questioning a Sag's work ethic and ability to get money. DH is a hustler. He can turn any bad situation around. When things get him down or he stresses, he still keeps his Happy go Lucky positive side. I know now now to push him or say "let's talk" because he's in his loner phase where he kind of retreats. So I let him. I am probably the only one who sees him "down". He doesn't like the feeling of vulnerability. Dh loves to say "oh no one understands me". Ok he's still saying that 14 years later, they can be manipulative and play the victim.

The ladies love these Sags. :lol:When I met DH he was a playboy. But I was a playgirl so it made me no mind. He had lots of "friends" loosely defined relationships AKA "I screwed her but now we're friends and it was never like that".:rolleyes: He dated a girl for five years and I asked him "Why didn't you ever marry her". He blankly stared and said "well I wasn't even dating her":lol: They do not want to be questioned about women they know. This could be good and bad if you aren't together. When we were dating, I wasn't pressed because as I've said in other threads, I was of the "single until married mindset". Sags hate jealous women or drama. You have to be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY confident to be with a Sag.

Sag's aren't so much afraid to commit, they are just distrustful. It's very hard to gain their trust so I think they don't commit because they fear someone being dishonest. Now they will lie or let me say when I met DH, he would "omit information" and I was like hello that's lying. But if I did that, it would be game over. But when a Sag is single, they truly feel single that they are not committed. I could buy that so it didn't bother me.

I have soo many people that after dh and I got married were like "how did you bag him?" I was like "no how did he bag me?" :rolleyes::look:Be very confident, be mysterious, they LOVE women they can't figure out, they are chasers. IMO Sags are some of the best masculine men if you're a very feminine woman. They are just a man's man which I LOVE. They are all Alpha male and you either love that kind of man or you don't. They make decisions and that's it, you can give your input but they aren't hearing you so you can just keep it. That's the best way I can tell you. Give them their space, love on them, they love love attention and to be "babied". Me being a feminine woman, this wasn't hard for me. I am very nurturing and attentive to DH. My personality is complimentary to his in that I want my freedom, I'm outgoing, pretty flirty but faithful and he doesn't crowd me. We both have very independent lives and different interests. I don't call him and say where are you (they hate that) I really can't explain it but if you kinda ignore them in general and balance that with being sweet, they will just love you.

When I dated dh I gave him his space and I made him chase me, but that's because I wasn't falling all over myself trying to win him like everyone else. In fact, he's still chasing me 14 years later if that makes sense. You have to keep these men on their toes because if they think they have you were they want you, they will get bored. I keep everything fresh, sex, food, love whatever. I still am mysterious like I will leave the house early saturday morning, not call him or text him all day and if he one time tries to call, he's like asking me 50-11 questions. They are SECRETLY jealous, don't let them fool you.

DH is also random, like "Hey you wanna go to ___" and it's like 6pm and he's talking about catching a flight somewhere. I am a planner but I admire his spontaneity. They hate details, so I handle all the details all the time. He just wants to know there is money in the bank, kids are being taken care of and I'm ok and he's like "oh ok everything is straight". They can be very focused when it comes to business and are ALWAYS trying to think of the next come up. I think details bore them. I can't explain it.

But for all their single non commiting when they do commit they JUST DO. And it comes out of nowhere. They either want the person or they don't, which is IMO like most men. We went from friends dating to engaged, I don't recall ever being boyfriend/girlfriend committed. they don't really want to define a relationship I think after the friendship part unless it's marriage which is why I think he TRULY believed he didn't "date the girl he was with for five years". Dh is very loyal to me. Very generous, he's always been a big spender. They also can be either unfocused or focused about money. Since Sags IMO have good business acumen, I've seen DH make decisions That I wouldn't make financially because I'd be afraid to be penniless the next day, but if he loses, he does, then he dusts himself off again and doubles that amount. I always joke and say DH is the LUCKIEST person I know.

They LOVE SEX. LOVE SEX. LOVE SEX. :look: So don't come with the same sex all the time, they will get bored with it. They are very outdoorsy and active, dh is athletic, we do all sorts of things all the time on the weekends. We are always traveling, taking mini trips here and there.

This seemed like you were describing my DH! Thank you for sharing your experience/insight. DH and I have only been married 1 yr and 3 months and it has been and still is a learning experience dealing with his whole Sag personality, lol.
Ladies married to Sag, what is your sign?

Aquarius, one of the best matches for a sag. Every zodiac source I've read says aq and sag have great sex. That's true, but sex can't keep a marriage going....at least not a marriage for me.
I am here for Sag men support. I have been with mine 15 years and married 14. They do get married, they just don't want to feel boxed in. If you can be confident and secure, they will stick around. I love Sag men though, they are traditional spouses e.g. like clear and defined gender roles.

Yes!! I can't take insecurities and nagging. I'm a Sag and I will say I have a hard time committing to anything let alone relationships. But if I do commit Im with you until the end unless you cross me. I'm not a liar but I know I can be very honest maybe too much for some people, so you have to be strong to deal with me. I don't say anything to intentionally hurt feelings but it seems to happen that way because I don't have the best tact.

I've never and don't think I could ever date a Sag. It would be TOO much for me I need someone thats the opposite.
Aquarius, one of the best matches for a sag. Every zodiac source I've read says aq and sag have great sex. That's true, but sex can't keep a marriage going....at least not a marriage for me.

I"m an Aquarius on the cusp of Cap, like the very DAY. But I'm more Aquarius than Cap probably and DH are the best match. I also think that Aquarius need for freedom matches that of Sags, like we don't want to be controlled or crowded. Also, the sex thing...I mean hey...It's true.

I think Aquarius and Sag bump heads in that they can both be cold and emotionless and blunt, it's like when we fight or go hard, it's HARD.:yep: They are very manly, it's alot of man to take and they are NEVER wrong, I mean they are wrong but they won't ever say it.:rolleyes: I finally just got over it.
This seemed like you were describing my DH! Thank you for sharing your experience/insight. DH and I have only been married 1 yr and 3 months and it has been and still is a learning experience dealing with his whole Sag personality, lol.

HappywithJC723 it took me some years to get DH down pat but I've figured it out. Sag men are just all over the place, all the damn time. They can be frustrating.
Bumped into a Sag recently and Zaynab, you are SPOT on.

Don't know if I like it yet or not, though....

deltagyrl What's your sign? I need to subscribe to this thread, I forgot about it.

If you're dating him, keep it casual, be fun, don't seem pressed and be unavailable but available if that makes sense. You know Sags are true men in the sense that they like the chase.

Sag men WILL commit, they are just afraid to make the wrong choice. When they do commit, IMO you can't get rid of them, they go from one extreme to the next. Like I read a joke that Sag men, IF THEY WANT YOU, you can't get rid of and I can 100% that. I've tried to divore DH 1000x and he just won't leave. And they are silently jealous, you won't be able to peep it but they are.
@deltagyrl What's your sign? I need to subscribe to this thread, I forgot about it.

If you're dating him, keep it casual, be fun, don't seem pressed and be unavailable but available if that makes sense. You know Sags are true men in the sense that they like the chase.

Sag men WILL commit, they are just afraid to make the wrong choice. When they do commit, IMO you can't get rid of them, they go from one extreme to the next. Like I read a joke that Sag men, IF THEY WANT YOU, you can't get rid of and I can 100% that. I've tried to divore DH 1000x and he just won't leave. And they are silently jealous, you won't be able to peep it but they are.


I'm an Aries...supposedly a good match.
He is VERY direct and bossy. :look:
Has a gazillion streams of income and is always, going, going, going. Not bothered by that (at all) because I need lots of "me time." It's interesting, never dealt w/ a Sag before.

I think I hurt his feelings because I was unavailable this weekend. I'm just gonna call on Monday like nothing ever happened. :spinning:

ETA- By all indicators, he is baggable. :yep:
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I'm an Aries...supposedly a good match.
He is VERY direct and bossy. :look:
Has a gazillion streams of income and is always, going, going, going. Not bothered by that (at all) because I need lots of "me time." It's interesting, never dealt w/ a Sag before.

I think I hurt his feelings because I was unavailable this weekend. I'm just gonna call on Monday like nothing ever happened. :spinning:

ETA- By all indicators, he is baggable. :yep:

Oh making money is their first love or rather trying to find ways to make money. dH has 50-11 POTS brewing at once but they are generally fairly successful. They take care of you though, they are providers in every sense of the word.

Yes, they are bossy and direct :lol: Also being unavailable/available, like they maybe aloof about their whereabouts at times but if you are, they get annoyed. You have to balance this just right, like if you arent getting their time, dont press just act like yu are still having a wonderful full life.. They don't want you nagging for their time but they will try and keep a thumb on you. So when they have time they are intense with it, like uh, I'm here. You can't be too available for them in general LOL

ETA obviously I married a Sag but I had a few before that, STILL haven't seen one with bad sex :look:
Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue
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Oh making money is their first love or rather trying to find ways to make money. dH has 50-11 POTS brewing at once but they are generally fairly successful. They take care of you though, they are providers in every sense of the word.

Yes, they are bossy and direct :lol: Also being unavailable/available, like they maybe aloof about their whereabouts at times but if you are, they get annoyed. You have to balance this just right, like if you arent getting their time, dont press just act like yu are still having a wonderful full life.. They don't want you nagging for their time but they will try and keep a thumb on you. So when they have time they are intense with it, like uh, I'm here. You can't be too available for them in general LOL

ETA obviously I married a Sag but I had a few before that, STILL haven't seen one with bad sex :look:
Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue

Girl yes! :yep:
He was like "when I pursue someone I'm all over it, are you okay with that?" WHO SAYS THAT????

We are LIGHT years away from sex, though.
I want to get re-married soo unless he is wifing me, no cookie. :look:
He asked me what I wanted in our first conversation and didn't go running for the hills when I said marriage but we'll see. I'm not used to Alpha malesl. This is new for me.

Was your dh touchy feely? He is always touching me...stroking my hair, rubbing my arm, grabbing my hand, squeezing my shoulder. I'm not used to that AT all. :look: If we were still in pre-historic times, he would've clubbed me over the and dragged me home by my hair by now...
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Girl yes! :yep:
He was like "when I pursue someone I'm all over it, are you okay with that?" WHO SAYS THAT????

We are LIGHT years away from sex, though.
I want to get re-married soo unless he is wifing me, no cookie. :look:
He asked me what I wanted in our first conversation and didn't go running for the hills when I said marriage but we'll see. I'm not used to Alpha malesl. This is new for me.

Was your dh touchy feely? He is always touching me...stroking my hair, rubbing my arm, grabbing my hand, squeezing my shoulder. I'm not used to that AT all. :look: If we were still in pre-historic times, he would've clubbed me over the and dragged me home by my hair by now...

DH is very affectionate but he's also typically trying to hook up for sex :lol:

Pre-historic times :lol: They are just very alpha men

Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue
@HappywithJC723 it took me some years to get DH down pat but I've figured it out. Sag men are just all over the place, all the damn time. They can be frustrating.

@deltagyrl What's your sign? I need to subscribe to this thread, I forgot about it.

If you're dating him, keep it casual, be fun, don't seem pressed and be unavailable but available if that makes sense. You know Sags are true men in the sense that they like the chase.

Sag men WILL commit, they are just afraid to make the wrong choice. When they do commit, IMO you can't get rid of them, they go from one extreme to the next. Like I read a joke that Sag men, IF THEY WANT YOU, you can't get rid of and I can 100% that. I've tried to divore DH 1000x and he just won't leave. And they are silently jealous, you won't be able to peep it but they are.

Zaynab, the bolded is sooo true!
dealt with cant quite say dated lol-- a sag b4 dh and yeahhhhhhhhhh--ditto to everything stated--whats interetsing is

he was an african sag so double fine... tall and double alpha---this dude would come over and clean my apt after working like crazy---he would take off his suit tie---and would clean or drive me anywhere or do anythinggg i wanted--his money was always right and he always had some to give me ;)--mind you this went on for yrsss because i wasnt even paying him no mind like that--we didnt even sleep together till like 2 yrs after i'd known him... again i had other dudes in the roster so didnt give him to much attention--he loved a chase---loved...

but i ended up with dh---dh is a powerhouse---
DH is very affectionate but he's also typically trying to hook up for sex :lol:

Pre-historic times :lol: They are just very alpha men

Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue

Girl YES. I'm afraid of what might happen when/if we do. Something tells me it will be STELLAR. :blush:
I like him. I really do. In spite of his bossy & blunt self.
It is just freaking me out (a little) that he is so persistent and...together. :look:

No kang tendencies over here....:grin:
Girl YES. I'm afraid of what might happen when/if we do. Something tells me it will be STELLAR. :blush:
I like him. I really do. In spite of his bossy & blunt self.
It is just freaking me out (a little) that he is so persistent and...together. :look:

No kang tendencies over here....:grin:

If you're not used to that kind of man, it could be overwhelming. I could never not be with a take charge man if me and DH split up. He's a mans man for sure but I love it.

Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue
Everything that has been said is true. My ex was a Sag and we were close to getting married but I called it off for a number of reasons. I'm a Cancer & there were a lot of things we didn't see eye to eye on. He is a great father though and has hinted at us getting back together...I just don't know if I can deal with him again.
I feel like there's two sides to every Sag.

My father is a Sag and he's very much like what people listed above.

BUT, my SO is a Sag as well (and my first time dealing with a Sag relationship wise). He can be indecisive at times but not when it comes to important matters. He's grounded, very focused on what it is that he wants, and is extremely loyal and giving when it comes to affection and love.

But, he's also a bit of a 'loner' and very reserved at times... He prefers more intimate settings as opposed to big outings. All of my friends feel like he's very reserved and almost shy but for him, it's that his comfort level rests really just with me where he can truly be himself. Sags like physical activity; SO's very athletic, whereas I am.. not :lol: Sags are all about doing things that center about keeping their interests piqued - my SO will exhibit this in everything he does. When we watch television, I'm fine with watching one. He must flip back and forth between ten. :lol:

They are somewhat into being independent.. The minute a Sag feels as though he's lost his freedom is when you'll probably lose his interest. Thankfully for us, I love my independence as much as he does, so we don't really smother each other with spending too much time together or feeling bogged down by one another.

They've got their bad qualities, but I'm an Aries and I KNOW I've got my fair share of bad qualities too. :lol: But their good qualities are really good if you're willing to dig past the surface. I think if you find someone who's really worth it, you should try it.

ETA: SAG'S ARE BRUTALLY HONEST!!! How the hell could I forget this one? I've had to almost punch SO in the throat numerous times because the way he says things sometimes are just all wrong and make you want to :blah::gunner7:. He's getting better at this but it's been a bit of a... project. Lol.

I kinda wanna hate you for what you said but being I'm a sag I can't totally discount it:lol:

Bump. Anyone else?
I wonder about their tendency towards anger and revenge. Anyone got experience with that?

I'm Virgo with sag rising dating a sag. Idk his rising but I tend hard towards sag in general with the super keen critical nature that only virgos can have. :look:

He is definitely bringing out the sag in me though. We both like the chase. I run, he's chasing. Hard.

Thing about sag is the noncomittal nature which I have. It's a lie. Inside we are all over it. We just don't want YOU to know it. :look:

He seems possessive and jealous. So am I. also see the alpha traits. Not used to it. But I like it. IRL I am an alpha female so he better be.

As far as revenge and anger I think I got a hint of this from things he says about his past. Their anger seems to be quiet and seething and subsequent acts on the milder side of getting even... I have this too but too it as a virgo thing...

Just curious if anyone has experience with that.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
ugh no.

fickle. optimistic. dreamers. want to be loved, but scared to commit. social.

all the qualities i hate in a person :look: jk but for my personality type...nope.

Sounds just like this crazy man that I've been dealing with. I'm going to count my blessings and get out while I still can. :nono:

I'm also a Virgo w/a sag rising, now married to a sag :look:.

Oh I forgot to answer your question lol. He can be hard headed when he's angry about something but when he's done "venting" or "talking it out" he's done and he's back to being a care free happy camper. As for revenge, only if I cross him does he get back at me when I least expect it.

Bump. Anyone else?
I wonder about their tendency towards anger and revenge. Anyone got experience with that?

I'm Virgo with sag rising dating a sag. Idk his rising but I tend hard towards sag in general with the super keen critical nature that only virgos can have. :look:

He is definitely bringing out the sag in me though. We both like the chase. I run, he's chasing. Hard.

Thing about sag is the noncomittal nature which I have. It's a lie. Inside we are all over it. We just don't want YOU to know it. :look:

He seems possessive and jealous. So am I. also see the alpha traits. Not used to it. But I like it. IRL I am an alpha female so he better be.

As far as revenge and anger I think I got a hint of this from things he says about his past. Their anger seems to be quiet and seething and subsequent acts on the milder side of getting even... I have this too but too it as a virgo thing...

Just curious if anyone has experience with that.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
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What is the experience like Nefertiti0906? Is it similar to what I think I'm starting to experience? Or...?

DarkJoy, what are you starting to experience?

We fought all the time for the first two years but stayed together lol. We even broke up for a short period. I think the fighting was due to us not understanding each other's personalities. Since we got the fighting out of our system, we're really calm and great to each other and only have disagreements once in a while. My strengths are his weaknesses and vice versa, so we end up really complimenting each other. I have a strong personality (I think it's the sag combined with the critical Virgo eye) and he's one of the few guys who's not intimidated by it and he still takes charge (which I like).

I love the fact that I can be myself and very honest with him, and we can talk about ANYTHING, including analyzing and talking t our issues.

*Just noticed that I only capitalize Virgo and not sag lol
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@DarkJoy, what are you starting to experience?

We fought all the time for the first two years but stayed together lol. We even broke up for a short period. I think the fighting was due to us not understanding each other's personalities. Since we got the fighting out of our system, we're really calm and great to each other and only have disagreements once in a while. My strengths are his weaknesses and vice versa, so we end up really complimenting each other. I have a strong personality (I think it's the sag combined with the critical Virgo eye) and he's one of the few guys who's not intimidated by it and he still takes charge (which I like).

I love the fact that I can be myself and very honest with him, and we can talk about ANYTHING, including analyzing and talking t our issues.

*Just noticed that I only capitalize Virgo and not sag lol
The bolded all day errday!

I just started dating this guy, so what I wrote a cpl posts ago is what I'm seeing/noticing so far. But things are new so who knows if it will go anywhere BUT to this point the virgo-sag/Sag thing seems to be an interesting combination. Time will tell!
I wonder about their tendency towards anger and revenge. Anyone got experience with that?

As far as revenge and anger I think I got a hint of this from things he says about his past. Their anger seems to be quiet and seething and subsequent acts on the milder side of getting even... I have this too but too it as a virgo thing...*

Oh lord, are these Sag characteristics? I'm a Sag (actually on the Sag/Capricorn cusp) and I DEFINITELY am spiteful and seething when I'm angry. I can hold a grudge like no other and am the queen of the silent treatment.

I think Sags are some of the genuinely NICEST, most amiable people out of all the signs (which is why people are naturally drawn to Sags), HOWEVER we can be incredibly cruel when our hearts are hurt. Sags can sniff out your weaknesses and know exactly what words to use to pierce you to the bone with that archer's arrow of ours. We don't yell, kick, and scream like the other Fire signs do when provoked - we just become very quietly mean.
Oh lord, are these Sag characteristics? I'm a Sag (actually on the Sag/Capricorn cusp) and I DEFINITELY am spiteful and seething when I'm angry. I can hold a grudge like no other and am the queen of the silent treatment.

I think Sags are some of the genuinely NICEST, most amiable people out of all the signs (which is why people are naturally drawn to Sags), HOWEVER we can be incredibly cruel when our hearts are hurt. Sags can sniff out your weaknesses and know exactly what words to use to pierce you to the bone with that archer's arrow of ours. We don't yell, kick, and scream like the other Fire signs do when provoked - we just become very quietly mean.

werenumber2, My ex is a Sag and this is him to a tee. To look at him, he is the typical nice, good natured guy with well meaning intentions until you said or did something that he took personally, no matter how minor it was. Unfortunately, he didn't like confrontation so he was spiteful and held grudges on the low while smiling in your face and being very, very quiet, almost like a sneak attack. By the time I realized this, I was YEARS deep and this caused an abrupt and sad end to our relationship.
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^^I forgot, i'm Capricorn, so I'm not sure if our signs were compatible. According to our horoscopes we're supposed to be capatible but I dont know about Earth signs & Fire signs.