Spin-off letting men be men


Well-Known Member
Do you find it possible to be the breadwinner and submissive to your DH/SO?I was just wondering because I think that may be the main reason why there is so much conflict with letting men be men.It is traditional to let the man be the provider,and most women would love for things to be that way, but not many men have been able to step up to the plate.I'm sure thats why so many women stayed back then with their no good,
cheating,lying,abusive,disrespectful,manipulating men because they had to.So how do you compromise with this change of roles and still allow him to be the man?:ohwell:
What is being a man?I wouldn't mind being the breadwinner if I could make enough money to support us in style but the submissive part, no-no-no.if my husband could support us in style I'd be happy with that too but i still couldn't be submissive, I don't know how.Then again, if he needed a woman like that he wouldn't be with me.For me the criteria of being a man is the same as being a woman, with the difference being physical strenghth and genitalia.I wouldn't want him to be submissive to me nor try to dominate me, just because one of us brings home the prime rib. My husband is my partner in life, I don't walk behind him, if I do walk ahead of him I take his hand and pull him up along side of me.He cheats = he's gone.He lies = he reaps the consequences.He's abusive = he's dead.None of the above equals a man, it equals a pathetic loser that is better left alone.
What is being a man?I wouldn't mind being the breadwinner if I could make enough money to support us in style but the submissive part, no-no-no.if my husband could support us in style I'd be happy with that too but i still couldn't be submissive, I don't know how.Then again, if he needed a woman like that he wouldn't be with me.For me the criteria of being a man is the same as being a woman, with the difference being physical strenghth and genitalia.I wouldn't want him to be submissive to me nor try to dominate me, just because one of us brings home the prime rib. My husband is my partner in life, I don't walk behind him, if I do walk ahead of him I take his hand and pull him up along side of me.He cheats = he's gone.He lies = he reaps the consequences.He's abusive = he's dead.None of the above equals a man, it equals a pathetic loser that is better left alone.


While I am not interested in dominating or emasculating a man, I am his partner, point blank, end of story. There's no submissivness here. Also, I always wonder what people mean by submissive. Does it mean allowing the man to make all the decisions as you go along with any and everything he says? Does it mean he treats you like a "weaker sex"? Less than a human being with no identity? Does it mean that women stay home and take care of the family while the man is the primary breadwinner? I always admire stay-at-home moms and appreciate their sacrifice. Some people believe that being submissive simply means taking on this domestic role. I'd like to hear from others. I agree wholeheartedly with Nina_deF, but maybe I need to hear what "letting a man be a man" really means. I think it means different things to different people. I recently had a man tell me that he wants me to be in charge, and that turned me off even moreso than it would had it told me that I should be submissive. I desire to be an equal partner in a relationship, nothing more, nothing less. :yep:
I do think it would be harder for women who are the breadwinners in the family to submit to their husbands. Not impossible just a little more difficult.

I know I may get stoned for saying this but to me, submission is not saying that a woman is less than the man. I know plenty of women who to me are submissive women and their place is right beside their men, no where behind him.

I think the word submission is seen as so derogatory when in fact it isnt that. The bible tells men to love their wives like God loves the church and women submit to their husbands. I think if a husband is truly loving his wife like God loves the church then the art of submission would not seem so bad. The problem comes in when men arent doing their part or are not mature enough to handle a relationship like that. I find that a lot of me take the submission topic and see it as an excuse to act like Hitler. When women cant trust that their men always have their best interest at heart and are truly loving them holding nothing back, the respect goes and the submission is impossible.

Personally, I dont like weak men. I dont want someone I can walk all over but I sure am not dealing with anyone who will try to walk all over me. In my eyes subission doesnt mean walking behind him but walking beside him in the reverence and esteem he and God will bring me.
Do you find it possible to be the breadwinner and submissive to your DH/SO?I was just wondering because I think that may be the main reason why there is so much conflict with letting men be men.It is traditional to let the man be the provider,and most women would love for things to be that way, but not many men have been able to step up to the plate.I'm sure thats why so many women stayed back then with their no good,
cheating,lying,abusive,disrespectful,manipulating men because they had to.So how do you compromise with this change of roles and still allow him to be the man?:ohwell:
I am too much of a feminist to subscribe to this way of thinking. This so called 'tradition' was created by Man(wonder why:rolleyes:?)and women today feel the pressure to comply out of pressure or fear. IMO the black church is reinforcing this philosphy to black womens detriment & it keeping women inferrior.

Prime example: I have been looking for a church in my new neighborhood and visited a small bapit chuch. The topic was men no stepping up and the problem was women not allowing them to. He began talking to the women and said if your man is running the streets, not paying the bills, then let the electricity get cut off...let him come home to a dark house and greet him lovingly. He will get the point. I looked around and ladies were nodding their heads in agreement. I wanted to stand up and say. If he is not contributing then he is a waste of space and get rid of him! Why should YOU sit in the dark, no stove, tv, food spoiling in frig, ruining YOUR credit cause you want to teach your 'man' a lesson. I DON'T THINK SO. I walked right out of that chuch!
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I do think it would be harder for women who are the breadwinners in the family to submit to their husbands. Not impossible just a little more difficult.

I know I may get stoned for saying this but to me, submission is not saying that a woman is less than the man. I know plenty of women who to me are submissive women and their place is right beside their men, no where behind him.

I think the word submission is seen as so derogatory when in fact it isnt that. The bible tells men to love their wives like God loves the church and women submit to their husbands. I think if a husband is truly loving his wife like God loves the church then the art of submission would not seem so bad. The problem comes in when men arent doing their part or are not mature enough to handle a relationship like that. I find that a lot of me take the submission topic and see it as an excuse to act like Hitler. When women cant trust that their men always have their best interest at heart and are truly loving them holding nothing back, the respect goes and the submission is impossible.

Personally, I dont like weak men. I dont want someone I can walk all over but I sure am not dealing with anyone who will try to walk all over me. In my eyes subission doesnt mean walking behind him but walking beside him in the reverence and esteem he and God will bring me.

I agree totally and this is why women need to be more assertive about making better choices of mates. We generally know whether a man is "mature" enough to be the head of the household. It's when we choose a boy and try to make him into a man while still needing to lead and guide him that the problems begin. It would be easy for me to submit to a man who was really taking care of business and had our family's best interest at heart. I know I could not be submissive to an idiot nor should I be. That's why it's my responsibility to pick a mate who is a good steward of time, talent and money.
I do think it would be harder for women who are the breadwinners in the family to submit to their husbands. Not impossible just a little more difficult.

I know I may get stoned for saying this but to me, submission is not saying that a woman is less than the man. I know plenty of women who to me are submissive women and their place is right beside their men, no where behind him.

I think the word submission is seen as so derogatory when in fact it isnt that. The bible tells men to love their wives like God loves the church and women submit to their husbands. I think if a husband is truly loving his wife like God loves the church then the art of submission would not seem so bad. The problem comes in when men arent doing their part or are not mature enough to handle a relationship like that. I find that a lot of me take the submission topic and see it as an excuse to act like Hitler. When women cant trust that their men always have their best interest at heart and are truly loving them holding nothing back, the respect goes and the submission is impossible.

Personally, I dont like weak men. I dont want someone I can walk all over but I sure am not dealing with anyone who will try to walk all over me. In my eyes subission doesnt mean walking behind him but walking beside him in the reverence and esteem he and God will bring me.

Here are some definitions for submissive:

sub·mis·sive –adjective 1.inclined or ready to submit; unresistingly or humbly obedient: submissive servants. 2.marked by or indicating submission: a submissive reply.

—Related forms sub·mis·sive·ly, adverb
sub·mis·sive·ness, noun

—Synonyms 1. tractable, compliant, pliant, amenable. 2. passive, resigned, patient, docile, tame, subdued.
—Antonyms 1. rebellious, disobedient.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source

adjective1. inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination; "submissive servants"; "a submissive reply"; "replacing troublemakers with more submissive people" [ant: domineering] 2. abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant; "slavish devotion to her job ruled her life"; "a slavish yes-man to the party bosses"- S.H.Adams; "she has become submissive and subservient" [syn: slavish]

Here are some definitions for submit:

1.to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively). 2.to subject to some kind of treatment or influence. 3.to present for the approval, consideration, or decision of another or others: to submit a plan; to submit an application. 4.to state or urge with deference; suggest or propose (usually fol. by a clause): I submit that full proof should be required. –verb (used without object) 5.to yield oneself to the power or authority of another: to submit to a conqueror. 6.to allow oneself to be subjected to some kind of treatment: to submit to chemotherapy. 7.to defer to another's judgment, opinion, decision, etc.: I submit to your superior judgment.


I guess that I could be submissive when it comes to certain things. Like I have a hard time making a decision on certain matters, particularly when it comes to money and finances. And I would need to defer to my husband/partner if he is good at making those kinds of decisions. So in that sense, I could submit because I would respect the fact he is far superior when it comes to that. But in other areas, he would have to defer/submit to me where I am stronger than he.

I think that many of our modern churches have a different idea on what "submission" means. This is simply my opinion. I think that many churches, particularly black fundamentalist churches (Christian, Muslim, Orthodox, etc.), still cling to traditional meaning of "submissive" in that: (1) women must be silent in church; (2) women are to "submit" (read: serve) their husbands and be obedient to them; (3) men are to serve and be obedient to the church. I think in the traditional/conservative sense, most people take "submissive" to mean that the women is in fact a servant of the head of the household (the man). I also believe that most people take this in the literal sense, especially men. Sadly some men abuse this literal interpretation of the scriptures and use it to justify mistreatment and abuse towards women and children. I remember a good friend of mine whose husband beat her repeatedly when he thought she wasn't being obedient. He beat her so badly and treated her like his slave until she finally got out of that situation. To this day, she blames herself. He had successfully planted in her head that she lives to serve men in her life, and she is psychologically and emotionally damaged from that way of thinking.
Prime example: I have been looking for a church in my new neighborhood and visited a small bapit chuch. The topic was men no stepping up and the problem was women not allowing them to. He began talking to the women and said if your man is running the streets, not paying the bills, then let the electricity get cut off...let him come home to a dark house and greet him lovingly. He will get the point. I looked around and ladies were nodding their heads in agreement. I wanted to stand up and say. If he is not contributing then he is a waste of space and get rid of him! Why should YOU sit in the dark, no stove, tv, food spoiling in frig, ruining YOUR credit cause you want to teach your 'man' a lesson. I DON'T THINK SO. I walked right out of that chuch!

And that kind of thinking, my friend, is what is destroying the black community. I agree with everything you have stated here. My mother who is basically the breadwinner, not because she wants to be, but because her shiftless boyfriend doesn't bring much of anything to the table. But because she has been taught that she needs a man in her life (nothing wrong with that), she'll put up with just about anything to have one in her life. I agree with everything you've stated here. It's not really even about being a feminist. It's about wanting to be treated as a human being. I'm so sick and tired of the black community blaming ONLY black women for our societal woes. The fault lies with the community as a whole for allowing black boys to get a pass and not teaching how to be men and do the right thing. We place so much pressure on black girls to get an education, do the right thing, take care of the family. We don't place enough stress or emphasis on black boys in terms of teaching them to be responsible adults. Rather, we cheer when they become athletes or rap artists (nothing wrong with that, either). When they get someone pregnant, we are quick to judge the woman, absolving the male of his responsibility by asserting that "it ain't his," and "she should've known better." And yet, too many of us sit up in church, hollering and screaming about how we should be submissive. Oh hell naw!!!:nono::nono:

If this community really wants black men to take charge and be the heads of households and the heads of society, then we have to TEACH them to do so. If the rules say that I must submit to a man just because he's a man and not because he has anything to offer...well...no thanks. I'd rather remain single and sometimes lonely than to be with someone and miserable.
How about just "cooperation"? There are some areas in which I am more knowledgeable than my husband and I take the lead in those, and vice versa. So you can say we take turns following the others lead I suppose. We respect each other enough to discuss things beforehand though.

Being male is not a good enough reason for me to "submit". :rolleyes:
I do believe we have to teach our young men how to act and be men. I also believe that there is a lack of this teaching going on today.

I dont see submission as weakness, inability to think for myself, or anything else that would be demeaning.

I think it all just boils down to the men women marry. Regardless of how men and women like to look at things, the man is the head of the household. Whatever that man does and whatever kind of life he lives will effect the family. This is true for the woman as well but, what happens to the head trickles down to the rest of the body. (For example,in the bible, when a woman anointed Jesus' head with oil, He said "you have anointed my body" not just His head. If the head isnt right, no matter what that women does, the house will not be in order.

Yes me and my husband will make joint decisions and we will be partners and if i know more than he, ill make up for his slack and vice versa.

I guess I just see the equality in submission. I dont see it as being treated lesser or bad.

Websters Dictionary also doesnt mention the fact that Heaven and Hell are real places...that doesnt mean there existance is untrue. So just because someone takes the literal meaning of a word and publishes it, doesnt mean that word cant encompass much more than what was published. Its a different level or way of thinking thats all.
How about just "cooperation"? There are some areas in which I am more knowledgeable than my husband and I take the lead in those, and vice versa. So you can say we take turns following the others lead I suppose. We respect each other enough to discuss things beforehand though.

Being male is not a good enough reason for me to "submit". :rolleyes:

When I wrote this thread refering to being submissive,I guess that was the wrong word.I simply meant doing things for your DH/SO when you are the breadwinner.I was trying to make the point from a couple of threads I read,like the divorce threads,do you stay fly at home,cooking and cleaning,and making their plates.I'm trying to figure out why some women can't get it together when it comes to relationships and are usually running when men mess up once and don't look back.(I was that woman and still sorta feel that way sometimes)I feel that way because I know that I can support myself and I will be ok.I began to realize that women stayed prior because they had to.We know now that we don't have to stay for the kids,we have our own money,and we will be ok without some no good man holding money and power over our heads.The roles have changed as I read someone's response but really,I myself don't nessesarily don't like it.That's why I wrote the thread because why let a man be a man when he's not worth it or capable of doing so?Women weren't placed on earth to be superwomen.We do it because we have to.Men aren't supermen either but there are certain roles that the man of the house must have.
Hi treybaby! :wave: I guess for me, I need a better understanding for what these newly-existing roles are for both men and women. It is true that many women now work outside the home and are no longer confined to the domestic sphere. Are you suggesting that this new reality may lead to conflicts between men and women in the home where men aren't allowed to maintain their traditional roles because now both men/women work outside the home? Is there are conflicts due to these societal changes, what can be done about them. Most women I know who work outside the home do so because they have to. It now requires two incomes to make ends meet for a lot of working families. I do sometimes wonder how this impact families as a whole. I guess it was so much easier in my grandmothers' day because the roles were already clearly defined: the woman stayed at home with the kids and was the housewife, the male worked outside the home and was the primary breadwinner. This is no longer the case. How that impacts families would be a very interesting issue to ponder.
HI Serenity_Peace,I think thats how roles change when you both have to work but are still expected to do everything as well while the DH/SO sits back to wait for his plate to be handed to him when you and him just got home at the same time and you have to get the kids baths,etc.My girlfriend had this problem and they are now separated.She makes more money than him and they both work but he expected everything as if she was a stay at home mom and she was working more hours than him.He would be home for hours before she got home but did nothing.Not even taking out the meat to thaw.Oh and he had a nerve to be a bad cheater.:nono: