Spin off: How I found out he cheated...


New Member
This is not about my fiance...this is about my ex-husband.

Someone said the truth always comes out and it always does (but some of us want to speed things along by doing a little snooping of our own according to that poll :look: on the check his emails thread).

Anyway, this is how I found out.

My ex and I got married young. We lived in Cali but he hated the cost of living there. He is from the South.

So about 4 years into our marriage he moved us to the Southeast where cost of living was better and in an area where there seemed to be a good economy.

I found work right away but he didn't. :perplexed

I was paying the bills for about 8 months on my own and I never complained. I just told him keep his head up. Something will come up. :yep:

Well, after awhile he got fed up with waiting for a job and decided to go overseas to work. :ohwell:

I begged him not to go. :sad:

But long story short he promised he'd only go for a year and that he'd quit and come back with this next egg that I wouldn't be able to argue with.

Now, let me say we were not hurting really. My job pays me very well and he could have taken his time finding a job but his ego got in the way. He couldn't stand the thought of me making more money than him. *sigh*

So he went overseas - the first 6 months were difficult - but he came back home at the midway point and things were okay.

At the year mark he came back and things were okay.

Except that he wanted to stay another year.

That was the first time I had considered a divorce. :sad: He had changed...was money hungry now...and I was lonely.

But with no real biblical grounds for divorce (I thought), I didn't act then. I just prayed I could make it a little longer and he'd come home.

He went back and for weeks I was having nightmares about him cheating out of the blue. What can you do when he's 7000 miles away to prove it. You can't. There was something in my gut that was telling me something's wrong. But I couldn't prove it. I felt sick. :sad:

I couln't put my finger on it though.

I prayed.

I prayed that if there was something I needed to know that he would reveal it to me.

And I left it in his hands.

This is GOD revealing things to me. It HAD to be because what are the odds.

A few weeks later I got an email.

A friend of mine who was stationed at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait had emailed me. He said he had gone with some buddies to a swinger party. Okay, that's nasty to me
but he says he didn't participate he just went cause he was curious.

Well LOW AND BEHOLD he saw my husband there who was IN FACT participating.

He had taken pictures on his camera phone and emailed them to me as attachments.

I printed them out in color (I drove like a mad woman to office depot to get a color printer because I didn't feel they would have the same impact printed in black and white) all the time crying my eyes out and pulling my hair out and frantic with ....confusion.

After I printed them I sent them to my DH (now ex) certified mail/return receipt/restricted delivery.

and I waited.

Did you know it takes 7 days for mail to get to the middle east?

In the meantime I kept my cool.
I still kept in touch with him. Our conversations were normal. I had a plan.

I know the exact hour he received my package because at 6 o'clock in the morning my cell phone, my instant messenger on the computer, my house phone all blew up simutaneously with ringing, buzzing and that nokia tune.


I picked up my phone and he was crying.


I told him listen. Don't say anything. You do not have a reason to cry. I am the one who should be crying. I told him I need 30 days to think about what I want to do. In those thirty days, do not call, write, email, or contact me unless it is explicitly about our son. If you have anything to say right now you have two minutes to say it. Go.

He said I'm sorry, I love you, I was stupid, I didn't mean it, I don't even know her, I don't even remember her face, I was drinking, I was talked into it by my boys...

You'd be amazed how much a person can say in two minutes...

I said fine, I'll take all that into consideration and I hung up.

He continued to call of course but I didn't answer and after 30 days I wrote him a letter and said, this will be my last letter to you as your wife. I am filing for a divorce. You should be hearing from an attorney shortly.

When I have had some time to recover from this, I will call you and we can talk but I am not going to put myself through this right now.

That was the end of that...

If you read my credit and divorce thread you'll understand now that he was using that situation to make me come back to him. And maybe you'll understand now why I couldn't.

But again, as with most things when I post personal information, I am sharing this to let you know that God does warn us about things. Maybe the answers won't be as clear as mine...and I'm not even saying God encourages divorce, but I do think he'll reveal things to us if we ask him to and if our eyes are open.
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Thanks for sharing that so openly. Yes, God will reveal the truth to us, even when it hurts so badly. Glad you have pulled through that period in your life.

Also, the cute smilies througout the story made it a good read:).
Thanks for sharing your story. I like the way you wrote....very easy to read and clear to understand. But that's besides the point! I do believe that He reveals things to us. All in the nick of time. And it's always in the strangest, coincidental ways....thats how I know it's Him :) I'm glad your heart was healed and that you are with a better guy now :drunk:
Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sorry this happened to you! I admire the way you handled everything. Though I know it hurt I'm glad the truth was revealed because you certainly deserve better. :)
But again, as with most things when I post personal information, I am sharing this to let you know that God does warn us about things. Maybe the answers won't be as clear as mine...and I'm not even saying God encourages divorce, but I do think he'll reveal things to us if we ask him to and if our eyes are open.

I feel ya....I thank God for women like you.
Thank you for Sharing. It is amazing what happens when we trust in God. What are the odds that your friend and him would be at the same club in the middle east?
Wow. Thank you so much for sharing. God is awesome and even though I'm sad you had to go through that it is a wonderful testimony about the power of prayer.
Thanks for sharing:yep: I am glad that you put your faith in God, you handled that like a true lady.

You are a good one.....see me (yeah, I have been labeled the gansta on the board) would have been on the first thing smoking to the middle east:look:.

I would have had time to plot my course of action on the plane. :rolleyes:
Wow girl! I am really sorry this happened to you, you seem so smart, nice, dignified and just well put together :)I also know how it feels to actually catch your husband cheating. I too saw signs and had that feeling, I was also really young when I married. So I was pretty naive and I ignored or did not address signs until the evidence was staring me in my face:(

You seem to have handled your situation with grace and dignity, this will benefit you and your child in the long run.
7 Days...nawww a sistah would have to book a 2K emergency flight over the to NUT THE F*** up :210:

But I'm glad you're rid of that loser now. WOW...he's an all around jerk:ohwell:

Thanks for sharing your story.
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Girl this story gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "Watch and Pray" :nono: I'm glad you came through that even stronger in your faith.:yep:
But again, as with most things when I post personal information, I am sharing this to let you know that God does warn us about things. Maybe the answers won't be as clear as mine...and I'm not even saying God encourages divorce, but I do think he'll reveal things to us if we ask him to and if our eyes are open.

That is so true. And thank you for sharing this information. God does answer prayers!
wow Adequate!! woman's intuition coupled with faith in the almighty is very powerful.

your ex hubby should feel like SQUAT :nono:
7 Days...nawww a sistah would have to book a 2K emergency flight over the to NUT THE F*** up :210:

But I'm glad you're rid of that loser now. WOW...he's an all around jerk:ohwell:

Thanks for sharing your story.

:lachen::lachen:I was thinking the same thing!! A complete loser...glad you got rid of the baggage when you did.
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Adequate, thanks for sharing this with us. Man, reading this was like a punch in the gut for me, I could feel your hurt. :sad:

You are a strong woman to have that kind of faith in the Lord. This story is a powerful lesson.
Thanks guys for all of your opinions - your support - your funny comments :grin:.

He's still my child's father so I don't speak ill of him. I let the facts speak for themselves.

He's made a lot of mistakes and he's a bit self-centered but I'm hoping he'll come out of that as he matures and finds himself.

We're not friends now but we are pleasant.

I don't know if he's learning but this is an exchange we had a few months ago. If I can find the email I'll post it...lemme go look.
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Thanks guys for all of your opinions - your support - your funny comments :grin:.

He's still my child's father so I don't speak ill of him. I let the facts speak for themselves.

He's made a lot of mistakes and he's a bit self-centered but I'm hoping he'll come out of that as he matures and finds himself.

We're not friends now but we are pleasant.

I don't know if he's learning but this is an exchange we had a few months ago. If I can find the email I'll post it...lemme go look.

The only reason I asked the question below was because someone challenged me as to whose fault our divorce was and they said I should have followed my husband overseas as a submissive wife blah blah blah (as he requested at one point) and this wouldn't have happened:

My emails are in blue. His (my ex's) responses are in red. (start at the bottom) - I deleted email addresses and names of course but those are the only edits.

In due time... hmph. Ok... guess I'll show a little faith.

I think the problem was the distance. I've always believed that long distance relationships don't work out. I pushed that out of my mind when I left because I didn't want to believe we wouldn't. But I realize now, it's very rare that things go the right way.

I understand why you didn't want to come out here. I don't think this is the type of place I'd like to raise a family forever. You knew more about their culture than I did and in a lot of ways you are right. Jay probably shouldn't be exposed to a lot of what is out here. I didn't know that till I got here though. There is a reason the military folks out here can't have their families with them and I understand that. When I get to where I want to be financially I would consider moving somewhere more "family" friendly but I don't know how long it will take for me to reach the point where I can retire and be free of financial burdens. I don't think it's fair of me to ask you to wait that long since I don't know how long "that long" is.

Deleted my name, I learned a lot about caring about somebody else, considering other folks' feelings, and some of the myths I had heard were confirmed. Number 1... no romance without finance. Period. Think about the problems of the ghetto; abuse, alcoholism, drugs, crime... it's sad. So maybe now you can understand my motivation for wanting to get money... (money, money, money) and not wanting to struggle. You never grew up poor the way I did so it's understandable why you don't see things the way I do. It didn't mean I didn't love you and my son. It just had my priorities set different ...maybe I was right, maybe I was wrong. And, believe me there were times when I missed both of you enough to leave all this behind but I don't think I really understood how much you needed me home, until you said you can't take the nightmares and wondering if I was going to die anymore. Then that other incident which I wonder if you'll ever forgive me for which caused you to file for a divorce....

You have shaken me because since our divorce you have never asked me any questions like this. Even when I told you that I had a long email I wanted to send you explaining everything it appeared you had already moved on.

Is this for a study or a book report... or do you really want to know this stuff for your personal knowledge? Is there something you want to tell me?

I will answer your questions but first, remember when you initially asked me to move out there? Do you think it would have been better had I done that. Would you have then felt like I had some faith in what you were doing? Do you think that the environment you were in and the one you are in now is a good environment to raise J considering all his issues and what not.


Promise I'll explain everything in due time.

Wow... I just had this conversation with you in my head yesterday. In fact, as I was speed walking through my neighborhood (like the grannies in the malls do) this morning, I imagined that I actually owned one of these lovely mansions that I see everyday, and was able to invite you and J to visit me for a week. That was assuming ole boy wouldn't get super jealous about me flying you out here as well...

Anyway, money was a big issue. Unfortunately, you've never seen me happy or content regardless of how much I loved my family... as I can ALWAYS find something to dislike about my current financial situation... car, job, etc. I think that if I DID find a decent job where we could live very well... I wouldn't have come over here back in March '04. (I still think about what would have happened if I had applied for and gotten the job working 10 - 12 hours a day in the Charlotte area.) But again, money was only part of the problem. I was part of the problem too. I was not content that you made a higher income than me and that situation (not you) made me feel like I wasn't a good provider. It weighed on my self-esteem. Not being able to provide the way I wanted to definitely added some stress.

(P.S. One thing from you that rubbed off on me was a love of the water. I go to the beach... and listen to the waves. Calming, relaxing... inspiring. I do a lot of deep thinking and "meditating".)

I'm more responsible now Deleted my name, and am willing to put up with a lot more doo-doo (at work) than I would have before. I don't like being broke, and I never want my kids to want for anything. Damn the courts and court orders... I don't want my kid to grow up being cheap and stingy like me. I mean, I had the basics. But I didn't learn about sharing... because I didn't have **** to share growing up.

I asked you this a lot, and I'm sure you tried to answer... but to this day I still don't know why you married me. I guess I was cute or whatever... but there was so much better for you out there. I guess you'll never be able to convince me of what your attraction was on your part... And no, I don't think you wanted to use me or take anything from me.

What did I learn? I learned that you can't be with someone for their potential. I think you fell in love with who you thought I was becoming. And although the whole time that you knew me I was pretty much the opposite of religious and affectionate... I know that I changed after I went to Bosnia. I changed my religious stance and that was hard for you. Also, being in the army hardened me a bit and I still feel bad I wasn't able to give you the affection I know you needed.

I don't know what to think of you now. You pretty much keep it professional. I don't ask you questions, because I don't want to know the answer. Your new relationship is still hard for me to swallow. I did kinda figure that you were over there analyzing what went wrong, because I do the same damn thing... even though I really don't want to. I've grown some, and I'm sure you have too. I still have issues though. Mase had a song with Total back in the day... and he said "I wanna see you happy even if it's not with me". Hey... it's the truth. Maybe I should have done some things differently. If I could go back and fix it I would. But, good for you that you met somebody who can make you smile all the time and take you on a cruise. I wish I had thought more about quality time when I had the opportunity.


Now I have a question for you. What made you ask these questions? And don't give me a one-sentence answer like you've been doing recently.

Do you think if it hadn't been for the money issues - you not finding something that you liked here and the stress of finances - that we would have had a chance at working out.


Do you think we were doomed for other reasons?

And did you learn anything from our union?


What do you think of me now?
No man for any considerable period of time, can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true.
I must say I truly and honestly admire your strength. You have no need to worry about that man b/c God and Karma will handle him...not saying you want it to. He will experience a raft like no other...one that you will not want to see take place. Believe me...I have seen it happen wit my ex. So just stay strong and watch how everything falls into play in your life :yep:! And yes, it has been many nights I prayed to God asking him to show me the truth and he always does, but it my stupidity allowed me not to listen. I wish I was strong like you 3 years ago...I wouldn't be in this emotional rollercoaster I am in now.
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Well, he sounds intelligent and writes well. He seems to assess himself and his actions, so that is good.

Thank you for sharing Adequate. I'm so glad God got you through that.

OT: I love your screen name :)
Wow....I must applaud you for being a bigger person at that time that I would have been.

This just goes to show the power that God has...He will reveal everything in his time:yep::yep::yep:
Wow, I’m sorry about what you’ve been through. I am glad that God revealed this to you. And more importantly, thank you for sharing this very painful and personal story. I also want to say that even though you went through a lot, it’s even nicer to see that you still uphold Black men (I’ve read your other threads). I think a lot of women would use a situation like this to say they are all bad. Be blessed!:)

I found that very interesting as well.....His responses are almost identical to my ex. Like it is almost hard to beleive that he would be able to do the things that he has done only because he is so full of insight on the situation.