Speed Dating


Well-Known Member
I went speed dating tonight.

this mess was downright depressing.

i mean.... if the guy wasn't drunk, he surely was not hot either...



where are the decent attractive men? clearly not speed dating.....

what a sad sort....


maybe i should just embrace being single and all of the $$$ i will save by not having a boyfriend/husband.

life is such a joke. armageddon is real and coming. beginning of the end with this backwards male behavior.
LOL at the armageddon comment!! I cant say I blame you for feeling the way you do girl!

For some reason, speed dating events just never struck me as the ideal place to find a mate or any place that is for "singles", for that matter. Maybe Im being close minded, but I just always thought that the type of man that I want wouldnt need to go to one of these cattle calls where the women always out number the men. It just seems like the attractive, gainfully employed, single black man wouldnt need help finding a mate seeing as how the odds are in theyre favor and we outnumber them. I have never been to a speed dating event and I just narrowly escaped going to one on Sat in DC, but the one "singles" event I did go to was filled with "undesirables" and "dating rejects". LOL Maybe it varies from city to city, but I think the singles events in DC are a joke.

Dont fret though, Im sure the universe is going to respond to your request for a mate. :) Atleast you are making an attempt to get out and meet people, so you are definitely headed in the right direction!
I went speed dating tonight.

this mess was downright depressing.

i mean.... if the guy wasn't drunk, he surely was not hot either...



where are the decent attractive men? clearly not speed dating.....

what a sad sort....


maybe i should just embrace being single and all of the $$$ i will save by not having a boyfriend/husband.

life is such a joke. armageddon is real and coming. beginning of the end with this backwards male behavior.

I know you are dead serious but this made me LOL! I know the feeling, sweetie. I just went to a speed dating event last weekend and it was a total bust for me :nono: Definitely did not help the ol' self esteem . . . right now, I look at speed dating as a good opportunity to get out and just practice talkning to men . . . it would be nice if something more came of it, but for right now I keep my expectations pretty low on that end.

the experience was funny... but... meh... the guys there were just not for me.

to the first poster who said that her type of guy is the type who wouldn't go to these cattle call type of things: me too. we are right >>here<< on that. i've never dated a guy from the internet or anything like that although i've given online dating a try. i figured speed dating might be good because you meet new people face to face. but it's not really something i can take seriously, i guess. there is no promise Mr Right will be at a speed dating event.

I have one more thing I'm willing to try. it's a matchmaking/social networking sort of thing (they have a chapter in DC, Glib ;) ). if that doesn't work, i'm just going to have to give up and hope that the universe just brings the guy my way. i've tried not doing anything and now i'm trying to be proactive about dating. at least i can say that i've tried speed dating once....?
BUMPING..just got wind of a speed dating event in houston coming up...I dont know if I should attend or not...
There was a speed dating event at my school open only to grad students. I wanted to go, but the person I planned on going with backed out at the last minute... so that was probably my only opportunity to do it... don't think I'd risk it without some kind of screening system lol (grad students only).
It was a waste of money because all the men (and I mean) all were men I wouldn't really date. It was a funny experience, though, because some of the guys were comical. Had I based my standards on humor alone, maybe I would've picked a couple for second dates.