Speaking to his lady


New Member
Ok. Say you're out (mall, grocery store, ect) and you see a male friend or a co-worker. He is with a with a woman. You dont know anything about this woman (ie is she a wife, gf, whatevs) because he's never mentioned one. He speaks to you but doesnt introduce her. She just stands there, silently, while yall have a 2 minute chat. Do you introduce yourself to her, say hi, ect? Why or why not?
I would look at both of them individually when I say hello and smile at both of them .

I wouldn't stand there talking to him beyond a few sentences if she's just standing there not being acknowledged, or brought into the conversation by him.

Although sometimes it might be possible that the woman (whether she wants to be or not) does not have a status so introducing her as a friend, or partner both wouldnt be accurate. If it's his gf I think it's rude for him not to introduce if he wants to chit chat.
Yeah I would have introduced myself you walked up to her and her beau. He actually should had said something but if he didnt I would be like oh whos your friend such and such?
In that situation, in a supermarket, I wouldn't introduce myself. That would be intrusive. It's his job to decide to do that. It's none of my business who she is unless he wants me to know or unless she introduces herself. I also wouldn't have a long convo while she's waiting there either.

Now if we were at a party, which is meant for socializing.... I would introduce myself because he shouldn't bring someone to a party and leave them out of conversations.
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Always say Hi and introduce yourself to the other person be it a man or a woman. It is just plain good manners. Being ignored totally sucks.
Always say Hi and introduce yourself to the other person be it a man or a woman. It is just plain good manners. Being ignored totally sucks.

Not all the time. I've had those awkward moments when I'm out with someone I'm dating and we aren't anywhere near the meet the friends stage.... and we run into his or my friends. Sometimes you just want to keep things to yourself until you figure out what's going on. I really don't mind fading to the back while he says hi lol. People are nosey. Introductions often lead to other questions. And even if they don't. .. you just know the friend will ask more questions about you later.
Not all the time. I've had those awkward moments when I'm out with someone I'm dating and we aren't anywhere near the meet the friends stage.... and we run into his or my friends. Sometimes you just want to keep things to yourself until you figure out what's going on. I really don't mind fading to the back while he says hi lol. People are nosey. Introductions often lead to other questions. And even if they don't. .. you just know the friend will ask more questions about you later.

I meant if you are talking to this person and there is someone standing there awkwardly. At least say hi and your name and nice to meet you just to be polite. No need to go into many details
I'm really bad at this. I've ran into guy friend while out with my ex, given dudes hugs and never introduced. The men usually do that guy thing where they lift their chins up to acknowledge each other or so a soft what's up.
Usually once said friend and I are done talking, I'll say something like, "that's so and so. I know them from..."
I meant if you are talking to this person and there is someone standing there awkwardly. At least say hi and your name and nice to meet you just to be polite. No need to go into many details

Right. More than likely, if you just say hi, I'm (name), they're going to respond the same way, nothing more.
I don't need to know anything about her. I would extend my hand for a shake, smile bright and tell her I'm Lucie. :D If I find something pleasant about her, I would tell her and keep the chat short.
I was taught as part of "woman code" you should be sure to speak to the woman if your going up to what could possibly be her man. What do yall think of the man not introducing her?
I don't need to know anything about her. I would extend my hand for a shake, smile bright and tell her I'm Lucie. :D If I find something pleasant about her, I would tell her and keep the chat short.

this. its none of my business until he makes it mine. ill say hi then kim.
I don't need to know anything about her. I would extend my hand for a shake, smile bright and tell her I'm Lucie. :D If I find something pleasant about her, I would tell her and keep the chat short.

Ditto. Their relationship has nothing to do with my politeness. I'd say 'hi' to her like I would anybody else (woman OR man). Nothing to lose.
Exactly, PAtMahurr. I smile and say hi to anyone that's with someone I've stopped to talk to. Has nothing to do with their relationship. If I was in her position, I would think that both people (dude and other woman) were rude. On the flipside, when the woman doesn't want to acknowledge my politeness with a hi, I give her a strange look. Your issue with not being introduced is with him, not me.
No one has to say WHAT they are to each person just say hello, my name is... IF it's obvious they're together. Anything less is ...uncivilized (I'm j/k of course)
He should be the one introducing her to you ,just out of politeness ,he could say this is ____name___ without specifying the type of relationship the 2 have .
I would say Hi and smile to both of them,I would find it embarassing if i was in her position and not being acknowledged .Plain rude imo.
Just say hi how are you or hi I'm femme. It's just being polite. You don't have to ask any questions. Ignoring a person standing there while you talk to the person they're with is just rude.
I would acknowledge her and introduce myself. I'm always polite to women who are with the men I know. I don't want to create drama. I also don't assume anything about the two of them just because I see them together. You know how you run into someone and you can't remember their name? I love when I see someone else and they rescue me by introducing themselves to the person I can't remember and the person I can't remember says their name. I'm thinking, "Oh, thank you, that's his name!"
This happened to me a couple of weeks ago.
I went to a concert, a former co-worker was there.
I told him hello and I introduced him to my sister right away. They shook hands, all the formal things.

He was with two girls that were with him but standing back a bit from us.
I mean they were within earshot, so I thought it was weird he didn't acknowledge them. I addressed it by asking if he came alone.
Then he said 'No, I came with my friends.' He pointed to the girls, and they looked up from their phones and smiled.

I think one of his 'friends' is his girlfriend. :perplexed

So we were standing there talking for like 4 minutes. His girlfriend, tapped him and told him they were going to the toilets. He was just like, 'yeah okay'.

Then we started talking even longer. Then he gave me a sweaty hug. I liked it. :look:
I'm reading, I'm reading...reading...then BAM! "I liked it."
Now, I'm confused. bones You like him? Is there a romantic or flirtatious history? Now my mind is going somewhere totally different lol
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Not all the time. I've had those awkward moments when I'm out with someone I'm dating and we aren't anywhere near the meet the friends stage.... and we run into his or my friends. Sometimes you just want to keep things to yourself until you figure out what's going on. I really don't mind fading to the back while he says hi lol. People are nosey. Introductions often lead to other questions. And even if they don't. .. you just know the friend will ask more questions about you later.
you dont have to give the person a title. hi my name is XXXXX nice to meet you and they'll say the same.

This happened to me a couple of weeks ago.
I went to a concert, a former co-worker was there.
I told him hello and I introduced him to my sister right away. They shook hands, all the formal things.

He was with two girls that were with him but standing back a bit from us.
I mean they were within earshot, so I thought it was weird he didn't acknowledge them. I addressed it by asking if he came alone.
Then he said 'No, I came with my friends.' He pointed to the girls, and they looked up from their phones and smiled.

I think one of his 'friends' is his girlfriend. :perplexed

So we were standing there talking for like 4 minutes. His girlfriend, tapped him and told him they were going to the toilets. He was just like, 'yeah okay'.

Then we started talking even longer. Then he gave me a sweaty hug. I liked it. :look:
wut :perplexed
@Fine 4s
I do kind of like him. When we worked at the same job, it was purely professional. I never flirted with him though, because I was at work. Then I found he had a girlfriend so that squashed everything.

I still think he is attractive though.
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I usually say " hello im sonyablade John's coworker, friend, classmate ect -sorry he is so rude" in a playful manner ... the woman has a name at least- if not a title to him. You don't need to give a title to introduce somebody. It is impolite to stand there and have a conversation with a man and act like that woman is not there.