Why do women pull away?

Your friend is a borderline stalker :giggle: I think he's getting a little more than hints and he doesn't want to back off. You mentioned several times they discussed marriage. Did he actually propose?
Personally I pull away if I m not that into him and the guy seems too needy and desperate,for instance if he starts saying things like "I love you l and I miss you" and all that I blow hot and cold , I ll disappear and re appear for an ego boost and go off the radar again .
,if I really like a guy nothing stops me from pursuing a relationship with him and all of the above will reinforce my feelings for him .
m not scared to get hurt ,if I do I ll get over it .
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I forgot about this story!
Man, that chic blew cold cold cold and deleted pics of flowers that he had posted on her FB (some special meaning between them.) Then wasn't responding to calls and messages, yet again. Gave him some story and then....a picture popped up of her and another HIM!
IDK, it was so obvious to me but yet...I don't understand how grown people would use others for an ego boost and crap all over someones heart like that. Who is Karma after? Anyway, he also suspects a psycho ex might have gotten in touch with her and scared her away...then again, maybe that's him STILL not accepting that she's gone LOL
So that was over before it started....
OP, your friend sounds like the crazy one to me. The woman has children including an AUTISTIC one. She needs to have scheduled visits. But he flies down there because she didn't schedule a visit soon enough for him? :look:

Maybe she stopped talking to him years ago because of strange stuff like that. You already said, he moves fast. Guys that move too fast can do a lot of strange and unpredictable things if they're not thinking straight.

I think your friend is pushing her away.
Op your friend needs to get a clue and take the hint....she is not interested and him actin so needy and desperate is further pushing her away. This chick is playing with him and has no regard for his feelings...she most probably has someone else and he is just an ego booster for when things go bad between her and the main dude. Sorry to be harsh but she will just use and abuse him he needs to leave her be especially if she has done this to him before.

:yep::yep: he's acting a bit . . . thirsty. It's clear that she's easing off and he keeps making excuses for her:perplexed. I always wonder why guys/girls like that never pursue or get someone that appreciates them or reciprocates:nono:.
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I've pulled away for a few reasons but the two main reasons are:

1) The D is bad/small and/or he can't kiss.

2) He said the L word and I didn't feel the same but was too chicken to admit it. I just wanted to have fun without all the serious hoopla.
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