Speak those things that be not as though they are


Well-Known Member
In this thread we are going to declare over our lives things that we dont see at this time.through faith we will declare it! Victory will only be spoken in this thread:grin:

I'll go first

I declare that my family will be saved and I will be the woman of God, that God has called me to be....who's next?!

oh wait, I declare that I will not let my insecurities stop me from being used of God!!!

I declare___________________________
I declare the Lord will provide an unlimited money supply where I can pay all my bills ON TIME and start the ministry I so desire.
I declare that I will find a great job where I can be happy and I will get over my heartache and move on to be the happiest I have ever been. I also declare that I will not let fear hold me back from being happy and fulfilled.
For each of you... Mark 4:22 :giveheart:

" For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested, neither is there anything kept secret but that it should come abroad..."

Those things which you desire 'already 'ARE' and shall no longer be hidden but fully activated in your lives.

Alicialynn86, dedicate each of your loved ones unto the Lord in prayer....dedicate them to Him; they shall be His. And those who belong to the Lord shall not be plucked from out of His hand. They will no longer be able to resist neither ignore the love of the Lord and the draw of His love bringing them unto Him. They are embedded upon His heart forever and He will never let them go.

Alicialynn86, diadall, the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in you. Where the presence of the Lord is, is peace, love and everlasting joy. Fear not, be healed in Jesus' Name, for He has healed the brokenhearted.

MarriageMaterial, you shall owe no man nothing, except to love him/her. You shall lend and nor borrow, you are above only and not beneath. You are debt free; no little foxes spoiling the vines of your labour, for you will enjoy the fruit of your labour, for it is the gift of God; debtors will owe you.

I've spoken 'scripture' to each of you...verbatim. :love2:
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I declare that the couple that I prayed for on the street today, will have ALL their needs met, in the Name of Jesus!!!!
I declare that the couple that I prayed for on the street today, will have ALL their needs met, in the Name of Jesus!!!!

And they shall, in Jesus' Name.

You planted the seed, it's been watered and God is indeed giving His increase.

AND YOU My Beloved Sister.... YOU are declared as BLESSED... all over. :love2:
I declare I will not walk in anger,fear and disgust but in peace,strength and appeasement
I declare I will not allow my insecurities to derail me from success,my joy,and my ability to maintain relationships.
I declare the future will be bright,full of hope and joy and I will not commit the hardest task:taking my life bc my future is so bright I need shades.
I declare that my mom is healed from all of her ailments.
I declare that my brother is blessed with a wonderful career in his field of study, computer programming.
I declare that my dad is completely surrender his life to God, and not fall back on bad habits.
I declare that I am accepted into MCPHS-Manchester the first time that I apply, and be able to pay for it all.
I declare God will move into my life and provide a great WHNP job that is HRSA eligible.
I declare I will pass my NCC exam at the first try.
I declare that my boyfriend will propose to me on our Aruba trip.
I declare we will get married and have a lovely God fearing Christian family.
In Jesus name amen!

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I declare that I will be as bold as a lion, and I will stand for righteousness sake, even if I have to stand alone!:yep:
I declare that my sister will find peace.
I declare that the angles will protect my nephew in Iraq.
I declare that my son will be a vessel of God.
I declare that my aunt is healed of breast cancer and that is has not spread to any other part of her body. I declare that her treatment will not hinder her from doing all that she needs to do in her day to day life. I declare that the cancer will not return.

I declare that my dad is healed of all his ailments and that he will feel better than he has felt in years and he will have more energy than he has had in years.

I declare that my brother will land a job in his field with full benefits. I declare that he and his wife have everything they need and lack nothing.

I declare that my husband's job is secure and his current position is positioning him to open his own business .

I declare that I am the wife, mother and woman God has called me to be.

I declare that my home is warm, welcoming, relaxing, clean, neat and organized.

I declare that I have the energy, desire and means to do all the things I would like to do to our home.
-I declare that everyone of my unsaved family members will come to Christ and never turn back.

-I declare that I will eagerly wait upon the Lord to bring me a joyful, godly marriage in His perfect timing.

-I declare that my parents will be completely debt free by next year.

-I declare that I will not become anxious about my career, my finances and my future. My help comes from the Lord.
I declare that I know and believe I am forgiven for all my sins

I declare that I am fearfully and wonderfully made

I declare I will be used by my Heavenly Father to do His work/will
I declare that I will lean on God for all of my needs!
I declare that I will be fully devoted and NOT distracted!
I declare that I will be a light to this lost generation!
I declare that I will be consistent with my walk dedication with God!
I declare that people will see Jesus in ME!
There will be justice for us all and the evil chiefs and council members will reform their lives and repent. We will light a new fire. Aho!!!
I declare that my business will be prosperous.
I declare that my friend will pass the bar in Feb.
I declare that my dad will continue to find comfort in God.