Praying for America and This Election Outcome


First , I have to give you a hug...


Cause I can't figure out your dream and I started laughing... :lol:

But not a bad laugh, I'm laughing with you, not at you.


I came back to edit...but alas, already commented upon. :lachen: Embarassing, embarassing, EMBARASSING! I must have this thing about toilets cuz it's always in a stress-induced dream. It started in Puerto Rico with a public restroom I was traumatized by. I won't say more. Ever since, hmmm, it comes up in bad dreams.:lol: Maybe I'm "anal." tee hee


About not exercising your civil duty...well, our priest gave a homily on responsibility and being informed and guarding society. We have no excuses to be ill-informed and complacent.
Its not a sin against God not to vote...But its good to vote because God given rights should not be taken lightly.

God strengthened our ancestors in the past when the road got weary and they wanted to give up...when they were beatened, hanged, killed, dragged out, and even mutilated because they wanted to vote. They were thinking of YOU when they said: Lord, we won't quit.

Lastly, America is not perfect, but I am glad HE saw fit to have me born here rather than another country where my situation and freedoms may have been worse. God saw fit to have you born or living in a country where you have more power to make decisions that can help you and/or your fellow man...WHILE letting you live in a country that despite your political affiliations, you can enter and worship the Lord we love without fear....I think NOT voting is more of an offense to the ancestors...but that's just *my* opinion.

At the end of the day, what matters most is that whatever decision you make, YOU are at peace with it!
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