Soultanicals Reviews

I see that we are back to waiting 2 years for items to ship. Picked up a jar of my knot kocoa at the end of June. No movement, no label created, nothing. :nono:

I have found replacements for the other items that were staples except this one. I plan on trying out Texture me natural or Simese twists during their next sale.

After I find a new butter, I am officially done with the line. I will not repurchase the membership and just close out my account.

June huh? That's not encouraging because I ordered some stuff during her 4th of July sale and I noticed a lot of things went out of stock before the sale ended. She must have been overwhelmed with orders so that does not bode well for my delivery times. I'll just sit in the corner and wait... Fortunately I'm not waiting on anything I'm out of.

I do like quite a few of her products and try not to get low on the stuff I like. I also only order during sales and expect to wait...

low expectations on her deliveries and every now and then am pleasantly surprised.
June huh? That's not encouraging because I ordered some stuff during her 4th of July sale and I noticed a lot of things went out of stock before the sale ended. She must have been overwhelmed with orders so that does not bode well for my delivery times. I'll just sit in the corner and wait... Fortunately I'm not waiting on anything I'm out of.

I do like quite a few of her products and try not to get low on the stuff I like. I also only order during sales and expect to wait...

low expectations on her deliveries and every now and then am pleasantly surprised.

July 1st, eh? Well, you might get your stuff around Labor Day...You know, I have overlooked a LOT with this vendor because her products work well for my hair. I guess I am just tired of having to do that. If she didn't have consistency issues, I wouldn't mind the wait times nearly as much. But I have to wait 2 years AND not know what I am getting?!?! I understand that products take time to make. I really do get that they get busy during sales. I would be okay with that but each time I seem to get a product that looks and feels different. I only pray that this jar of knot kocoa is the same as my previous one. I just need something to tied me over until I find a replacement. I do wish her well and continued success. I may revisit the line later down the line when/if she works out the kinks. She is a nice lady, I have never had customer service issues. I just can't with the inconsistencies. Girl, I hope you get your products this month...year....decade...
@AgeinATL I ordered during the July 4th sale and received a notification this morning about a shipping label created, but who knows how long that will take before it moves :rolleyes:

With that said, I haven't ordered from this line since last year due the consistency issues. There's nothing in this line that is HG for me. I just purchased because it was a good sale. I don't plan on renewing the VIP membership either since I don't purchase enough for it to even matter anyway.
@AgeinATL I ordered during the July 4th sale and received a notification this morning about a shipping label created, but who knows how long that will take before it moves :rolleyes:

With that said, I haven't ordered from this line since last year due the consistency issues. There's nothing in this line that is HG for me. I just purchased because it was a good sale. I don't plan on renewing the VIP membership either since I don't purchase enough for it to even matter anyway.

I HATE that she does that. Don't print my dang label unless it is going to the post office that day!!! She had gotten it together for a minute, but now we are back to severe delays. Girl, since I have replaced most of the items, it doesn't pay for me to renew mine either.
My 4th of July order is moving now, but I'm trying to figure out why my stuff is in Phoenix, Arizona.

Doesn't she ship from Brooklyn ?? I mean I live in NYC so what the what?? Does she have a local store front
'cause this don't make no sense, if she does I'll just go get my stuff in the future...

@Tibbar I believe her distribution center is in Arizona now. I said the same thing before when I was tracking my order.
I wish my hair didn't like her products so much..

Actually, I wish I had more patience because I don't NEED anything I am waiting for right now! I just thought it was shipping from Brooklyn....

Amazon prime has me so spoiled! I expect everything in 2 days or less! Their same day shipping on some items has me shook. I'm getting deliveries on Sunday and everything.... don't know how to act now.
That summer bundle looked very tempting...I almost bit.

Then I thought about me liking them and them possibly not being offered anymore, and her slow arse shipping ways emerging again and quickly passed.

This no buy is getting better and better lol...


This KILLS me with vendors !!! Introducing a bunch of new stuff and then having limited availability on it! If you are not going to keep selling it, don't introduce it! Man, miss me with all of that trick marketing.

****gotta calm down, not that serious.... need to stop buying stuff anyway... .mumble/ mumble /mumble.....****
I bought the Strand Repair during a recent Sale. Have you tried that one by chance? Looking for some reviews.
@IDareT'sHair ,
No, I have not tried that one yet. I just order the basics from her, have not tried any new products lately. The last "new" thing I tried was the magical molasses deep constructor and I just ordered the twist assist in this last order to try out.
That summer bundle looked very tempting...I almost bit.

Then I thought about me liking them and them possibly not being offered anymore, and her slow arse shipping ways emerging again and quickly passed.

This no buy is getting better and better lol...

@NaturallyATLPCH -- I looked at this summer bundle deal again, and it says "ships 7/29/16" --- we all know what that means.... this "summer" bundle will not be received by anyone for the summer time... ha ha ha... Why would she release it so late? This should have been shipping late May....

yeah, ok Ayo, we see you....
I see that we are back to waiting 2 years for items to ship. Picked up a jar of my knot kocoa at the end of June. No movement, no label created, nothing. :nono:

I have found replacements for the other items that were staples except this one. I plan on trying out Texture me natural or Simese twists during their next sale.

After I find a new butter, I am officially done with the line. I will not repurchase the membership and just close out my account.


Try Jakeala's Nappy Butter @AgeinATL