WHOA!!! Are you serious?!!! Lemme tell you something about myself. I am the oldest of 4, my family came to this country w/ barely nothing. I was homeless until age 6. My experiences in life have made it so that I DON'T HAVE TO WANT FOR NOTHING IN LIFE, FROM ANYONE! I work for everything that I have. I'm make my own "bread" and have been since I was 14. I'm not quite sure if you read the other posts, but I'm getting my education. Main reason for doing so is to continue to better myself. Second reason being the want to continue to support myself! I DON'T NEED TO BE A TROPHY WIFE, I'M GOOD BY MYSELF!
As for prayer, I apprerciate that he takes the time to pray w/ me. I didn't say that he was my only source of religion (which is what I got from your post). I go to church, read my Bible, and pray everyday! My "horizons" are are not based on my SO alone.
I initially wrote this post to recieve input on the situation. I have recieved that, including the post from (which I really do appreciate). However, I do not appreciate the part bolded. I felt that it was wrote to cause more harm than help. Not once did I say anything about marriage, not once. I'm too young for that. Now even sure if he is that one.
I apologize in advance to anyone that my post may offend, but honestly I felt that I had to speak up for myself. I know that for the most part, everyone would like to be helpful to me and I do appreciate it. Thank you for caring ladies.
I used to believe this... But no one is saying that you should be a trophy wife. I've read all the posts and it's sad to see that you've become defensive. If you could somehow detached from the thread and re-read the posts as if they were posted by a stranger you'd never met I think you'd see what the women are trying to say.
Stating that a man should step up in his role as a breadwinner doesn't mean that you will be a trophy wife. A breadwinning male is one who support his woman and family emotionally, spiritually, AND financially. If he's living with you 98% of the time, he should be helping with the bills (paying half, at least). He's fully aware of your tight financial situation, yet he's living with you for months without helping out financially. Also, I think the poster was saying that if your SO isn't helping you out now, you cannot expect him to do so even if his fincancial situation changes for the better.
His uncle basically said that your vagina is so nasty, disgusting, dirty, vermin filled, and foul that it needed bleach to clean it out and your SO responded by 1. Laughing and 2. Accepting the money his uncle gave him along with that note. That says alot about a person. Like some of the posters said,
words are nice, but action tells the truth.
The poster's comments about your pastor had to do with the fact that you'd said that your SO supported you by praying with you. If I understand her post correctly, she is saying that you can get the same support from your paster without the disrespect and the financial drain that your current SO place on you.