Sorta Spinny: What Makes a Man a MAN?


New Member
In light of the chivalry, manners, break-ups, marriage and absent fathers threads, I wonder: What do you think makes a man a real man, and not some piece of a man or man-child? Can a boy grow up to be a real man even though he may have not been raised by one? And likewise, if a boy isn't raised by a real man, or any man, what can a mother do to insure that he will grow up to be one?
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Peen, job/career, responsibilities, being a protector, having morals and values, independence, and honor.
Peen, job/career, responsibilities, being a protector, having morals and values, independence, and honor.

IT'S FIRST??? :lachen:

Taking care of responsibilities, being respectful, having morals, having common sense, thinking about women positively instead of negatively, and peen :look:
Being morally driven,having a strong sense of strength and ability to protect.I feel a man is someone who sees a woman and even though she may not be Halle Berry fine he still assist.He loves being able to protect,serve and spoil a lady..
Values. What sort of values? I want some examples, please.

For me, a real man is a man who knows his weaknesses as well as his strengths, and has the courage to deal with them. A real man knows his limits, and will be quick to deal with anything that tests them accordingly. A real man is honest with himself. A real man knows the value of hard work, yet also knows how to enjoy the fruits of his labors with those he cares about. He is generous, but not to a fault. He is trustworthy, but not a pushover. He is comfortable with his emotions, but doesn't wear them on his sleeve or feel the need to hide them all of the time. A real man knows what he wants, or has a pretty darn good idea, and goes for it. He realizes his worth and therefore has no need for playing games. A real man knows how to love a woman, deeply, honestly and completely and is proud of that. A real man isn't looking for a woman to complete him. He is looking for a woman who will compliment him.
When i think values I think of tradition of excellence,being a bread winner,doing the right things bc its right,not someone who takes advantage of others,etc..
The answer to this question depends on what a woman is seeking in a man.

There will be no correct answer though some may have similar things in common.

If I'm looking for a man that doesn't mind me being the breadwinner and I found one then he's, by my definition A MAN!
Raising a child aware of boundaries, responsibilities and consequences goes a long way to making that child a decent adult.

A "man" to me is all of the above
Values. What sort of values? I want some examples, please.

For me, a real man is a man who knows his weaknesses as well as his strengths, and has the courage to deal with them. A real man knows his limits, and will be quick to deal with anything that tests them accordingly. A real man is honest with himself. A real man knows the value of hard work, yet also knows how to enjoy the fruits of his labors with those he cares about. He is generous, but not to a fault. He is trustworthy, but not a pushover. He is comfortable with his emotions, but doesn't wear them on his sleeve or feel the need to hide them all of the time. A real man knows what he wants, or has a pretty darn good idea, and goes for it. He realizes his worth and therefore has no need for playing games. A real man knows how to love a woman, deeply, honestly and completely and is proud of that. A real man isn't looking for a woman to complete him. He is looking for a woman who will compliment him.

LOVE this answer!:grin:
Values. What sort of values? I want some examples, please.

For me, a real man is a man who knows his weaknesses as well as his strengths, and has the courage to deal with them. A real man knows his limits, and will be quick to deal with anything that tests them accordingly. A real man is honest with himself. A real man knows the value of hard work, yet also knows how to enjoy the fruits of his labors with those he cares about. He is generous, but not to a fault. He is trustworthy, but not a pushover. He is comfortable with his emotions, but doesn't wear them on his sleeve or feel the need to hide them all of the time. A real man knows what he wants, or has a pretty darn good idea, and goes for it. He realizes his worth and therefore has no need for playing games. A real man knows how to love a woman, deeply, honestly and completely and is proud of that. A real man isn't looking for a woman to complete him. He is looking for a woman who will compliment him.

Wow! Loves it:yep::yep::yep:

Same thing can go for a I'm writing this down:grin:
Values. What sort of values? I want some examples, please.

For me, a real man is a man who knows his weaknesses as well as his strengths, and has the courage to deal with them. A real man knows his limits, and will be quick to deal with anything that tests them accordingly. A real man is honest with himself. A real man knows the value of hard work, yet also knows how to enjoy the fruits of his labors with those he cares about. He is generous, but not to a fault. He is trustworthy, but not a pushover. He is comfortable with his emotions, but doesn't wear them on his sleeve or feel the need to hide them all of the time. A real man knows what he wants, or has a pretty darn good idea, and goes for it. He realizes his worth and therefore has no need for playing games. A real man knows how to love a woman, deeply, honestly and completely and is proud of that. A real man isn't looking for a woman to complete him. He is looking for a woman who will compliment him.[/QUOTE
