Sometimes I Wonder...


New Member
I live in the DMV, and sometimes when I'm taking the Metro and I see these ladies with long, thick, healthy hair, I can't help but wonder...

..."is she on LCHF?"


Does anybody else wonder the same thing? I've had to stop myself from asking random women this question a couple times!

Do you assume that any women with long hair, especially long NATURAL hair, must have gotten that progress because she's a LHCF member?
Yes I do, all of the time, a Woman with any type of healthy hair. If Your curious, just ask if by chance they are Niko's Cousin, if so they will probably be just as happy as You, I'm sure.
No, I don't wonder. Most people who have very long hair (in it's natural state or otherwise) aren't on hair boards. For the most part, most people who do have it do so because of genetics and they very early on got a good reggie and stuck w/ it.
I think we need to have a LHCF pin made (like what sororities wear) and wear them on our coats, purses, shirts etc. it would be cute!
I think we need to have a LHCF pin made (like what sororities wear) and wear them on our coats, purses, shirts etc. it would be cute!
I personally prefer my current, more dramatic MO. I wear my shirt under my clothes at all times and if I see someone that looks like one of us, I walk up to them and straight up BAM!

I personally prefer my current, more dramatic MO. I wear my shirt under my clothes at all times and if I see someone that looks like one of us, I walk up to them and straight up BAM!


:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Wow that made me laugh out LOUD!
Actually I'm a dreamer and I assume everyone has everything naturally through my rose colored glasses. :rolleyes: However, the thought crosses my head when I see the TWAs. :yep:
This post has me giggling - A long time ago members were giving suggestions on how to recognise/speak to each other and some suggested flashing them the L sign with the fingers. Then someone else said (paraphrasing) "If someone gave me the L sign I would think they are calling me a LOSER!"

Too funny :-)
I think that there may be a chance, but I'm sure there are plenty of other long haired women out there that aren't on hair boards. :)