Something New... (not what you think)


Well-Known Member
What new things would you like to add to your life? Or what new things are you doing to take your focus off of men??

I just got out of a 5 year (on again off again) relationship. My friends are like " need to go find a new jump off to take your mind off _____". Funny that they suggest this because it has NEVER worked for any of them.

For once I decided to take my mom's advice (she's so much smarter than I EVER give her credit for) and do some new things for me.

I started:
- running. I hate it, but folks say it gets better after you get over the hump. I dunno yet. But I'm trying.
- playing tennis again. I used to play when I was younger. Trying to get back into it.
- my dad and I are going to get scuba certified together.

I want to:
- learn to fly. Seriously. I'm thinking about getting my private pilot's license.
- get more involved in a charity organization. I just haven't figured out which one.
- have a body like those chicas from Dancing with the Stars...I just haven't figured out if I want to ballroom dance. :rolleyes:

What about ya'll?? What'cha doin? What would you like to do??
I'd like to...

Get down to a toned size 12 by next summer
Learn French
Visit France
Join culinary school
Start an online business
What new things would you like to add to your life? Or what new things are you doing to take your focus off of men??

I just got out of a 5 year (on again off again) relationship. My friends are like " need to go find a new jump off to take your mind off _____". Funny that they suggest this because it has NEVER worked for any of them.

For once I decided to take my mom's advice (she's so much smarter than I EVER give her credit for) and do some new things for me.

I started:
- running. I hate it, but folks say it gets better after you get over the hump. I dunno yet. But I'm trying.
- playing tennis again. I used to play when I was younger. Trying to get back into it.
- my dad and I are going to get scuba certified together.

I want to:
- learn to fly. Seriously. I'm thinking about getting my private pilot's license.
- get more involved in a charity organization. I just haven't figured out which one.
- have a body like those chicas from Dancing with the Stars...I just haven't figured out if I want to ballroom dance. :rolleyes:

What about ya'll?? What'cha doin? What would you like to do??

WOA!! That's a new one:yep::grin:!!
I was seeing this guy for 8 months and when i REALLY decided i didnt want to be bothered with his arse... i found myself busier than ever! I never realized how much i neglected or put to the side. I'm in the process of :

learning spanish
taking 2 classes (takes up most of my time)
learning to drive

that combined with working full time has kept me bsuy and motivated.
I like this thread!

I'd like to:
grow my hair:lachen:
start a career
travel A LOT
start volunteeering/doing charity work
I know a lot of Spanish but I would love to be fluent in it
clear my skin
learn how to salsa dance
Girl, this post is so my spring and summer! I also broke things off from 5 year relationship, but my homegirls knew I wasn't about to find a jump off.....I was too scared to even "do the do" with anyone new until about a month ago:blush::lachen: But that's beside the point! I sat with my friend and outlined all the places I wanted to go in the world and things I wanted to do. Most of it focused on travel, but some of it was building closer relationships with other people in my life who matter. I was kind of devastated by the ending of that relationship, so I surrounded myself with people who I KNEW loved me unconditionally and would support me. People who I felt safe around...I think that is really important when you are healing from a broken relationship....that you shouldn't go out and connect with some random dude, because it's just a false sense of safety you are projecting onto him because you don't know him. He might not really be worth a d*&!, and then you are thrown back into this unhealthy spiral. Tell your homegirls to shush it, that is bad advice! I'm glad you are listening to your mom. And scuba sounds so cool!

A few things I did:
-took a pole dancing class
-went sky diving
-went to Tribecca Film Festival in NYC
-went out with my female friends more...lots of girls nights!
-visited hometown every month to regain and build stronger connections
-Increased my average credit score to the 700s...I had been lazy with billpays but finally got all of them automated!

A few things I am working on now:
-Taking a trip with my sister (we are going to JA for New Years!)
-Home improvement (putting up my custom blinds this weekend :grin:)
-Running (I'm running a half marathon next weekend...i'm getting amped:yep:)
-Bikram Yoga (I'm getting better, slowly but surely)
-Paying off my rolling debt (I'm getting closer to it being gone)
-Lifting heavy (I start next week, after the end of this half marathon)

A few things I still want to pursue:
-Taking a trip with my dad (want to take him deep sea fishing)
-Taking a trip with my mom
-Going to Carnival
-Going to South Africa
-Creating a blog
-Tracking my family history and creating a family newsletter/website
-Pursue my second business
-Go snowboarding
-Take surfing lessons
-Go to a Spa in Arizona and include hiking and hot springs

I guess you could say I've been busy, getting back into the self that I had lost (somewhat) while being caught up in the drama of that faltering relationship.

What new things would you like to add to your life? Or what new things are you doing to take your focus off of men??

I just got out of a 5 year (on again off again) relationship. My friends are like " need to go find a new jump off to take your mind off _____". Funny that they suggest this because it has NEVER worked for any of them.

For once I decided to take my mom's advice (she's so much smarter than I EVER give her credit for) and do some new things for me.

I started:
- running. I hate it, but folks say it gets better after you get over the hump. I dunno yet. But I'm trying.
- playing tennis again. I used to play when I was younger. Trying to get back into it.
- my dad and I are going to get scuba certified together.

I want to:
- learn to fly. Seriously. I'm thinking about getting my private pilot's license.
- get more involved in a charity organization. I just haven't figured out which one.
- have a body like those chicas from Dancing with the Stars...I just haven't figured out if I want to ballroom dance. :rolleyes:

What about ya'll?? What'cha doin? What would you like to do??
Wow this came just in time!
They say you should write things down to help get them accomplished so here I go!

I want to:
Grow my Hair! of course
Get in the gym and get back to my 160 weight.
Clear up my skin.
Get my online business up and running.
Go to NY more often.
Rebuild my relationships with my friends and family.
Focus on getting my credit in order and managing my debt and my money.
Focus on buying a piece of property.
Remember in everything that I do its not only about me.
Remember that my relationship is a challenging one but I have to believe in it and not let other people opinions influence my behavior and thinking.

Thank you. I needed to do this.
I've been there before. Got the tshirt and the commorative photo. Somethings I took up when my rlatioship went sour...

Painting(somethign I always wanted to do better.)
Running(I completed a triathlon, and a couple 5ks and a 10 k, and plan on doing a longer tri and more races when it starts getting warmer)
Changing my eating(did raw food for 40 days, and am now a high raw vegetarian)
Volunteering(I start volunteer tutoring next week)
Belly Dancing
Spending more time with my friends
Talking to my mother more
Completing BFL program(alittle more then 3 weeks to go)
Losing weight, and upgrading myself (got some new clothes lost that last 15 lbs)

the only thing is once you do all that stuff you've got on your list you're bound to catch another man. :look: (but I guess that's not an awful thing:sekret:)
I've been there before. Got the tshirt and the commorative photo. Somethings I took up when my rlatioship went sour...

Painting(somethign I always wanted to do better.)
Running(I completed a triathlon, and a couple 5ks and a 10 k, and plan on doing a longer tri and more races when it starts getting warmer)
Changing my eating(did raw food for 40 days, and am now a high raw vegetarian)
Volunteering(I start volunteer tutoring next week)
Belly Dancing
Spending more time with my friends
Talking to my mother more
Completing BFL program(alittle more then 3 weeks to go)
Losing weight, and upgrading myself (got some new clothes lost that last 15 lbs)

the only thing is once you do all that stuff you've got on your list you're bound to catch another man. :look: (but I guess that's not an awful thing:sekret:)

LMAO @ the bolded. :lachen:
I'm still with my guy, but I realized I need more of my own life. Things I'm doing now are:
1. Working out
2. Working on my hair :)
3. Taking to online classes focused on my true career desires

I still want to:
Travel as much as possible
Take Latin dance classes, belly dancing would be good as well
Really learn spanish and truly be fluent
Take some type of craft/art class
Write a book
I like this thread!

I'd like to:
grow my hair:lachen:
start a career
travel A LOT
start volunteeering/doing charity work
I know a lot of Spanish but I would love to be fluent in it
clear my skin
learn how to salsa dance where's the first place you want to go?

And Amen to "clear my skin". I'm on that tip...
Girl, this post is so my spring and summer! I also broke things off from 5 year relationship, but my homegirls knew I wasn't about to find a jump off.....I was too scared to even "do the do" with anyone new until about a month ago:blush::lachen: But that's beside the point! I sat with my friend and outlined all the places I wanted to go in the world and things I wanted to do. Most of it focused on travel, but some of it was building closer relationships with other people in my life who matter. I was kind of devastated by the ending of that relationship, so I surrounded myself with people who I KNEW loved me unconditionally and would support me. People who I felt safe around...I think that is really important when you are healing from a broken relationship....that you shouldn't go out and connect with some random dude, because it's just a false sense of safety you are projecting onto him because you don't know him. He might not really be worth a d*&!, and then you are thrown back into this unhealthy spiral. Tell your homegirls to shush it, that is bad advice! I'm glad you are listening to your mom. And scuba sounds so cool!

A few things I did:
-took a pole dancing class
-went sky diving
-went to Tribecca Film Festival in NYC
-went out with my female friends more...lots of girls nights!
-visited hometown every month to regain and build stronger connections
-Increased my average credit score to the 700s...I had been lazy with billpays but finally got all of them automated!

A few things I am working on now:
-Taking a trip with my sister (we are going to JA for New Years!)
-Home improvement (putting up my custom blinds this weekend :grin:)
-Running (I'm running a half marathon next weekend...i'm getting amped:yep:)
-Bikram Yoga (I'm getting better, slowly but surely)
-Paying off my rolling debt (I'm getting closer to it being gone)
-Lifting heavy (I start next week, after the end of this half marathon)

A few things I still want to pursue:
-Taking a trip with my dad (want to take him deep sea fishing)
-Taking a trip with my mom
-Going to Carnival
-Going to South Africa
-Creating a blog
-Tracking my family history and creating a family newsletter/website
-Pursue my second business
-Go snowboarding
-Take surfing lessons
-Go to a Spa in Arizona and include hiking and hot springs

I guess you could say I've been busy, getting back into the self that I had lost (somewhat) while being caught up in the drama of that faltering relationship.

How was sky diving?!?!??!?!? I want to do it - but I'm terrified of open heights.

I've been bungy jumping and will NEVER EVER do that again IN LIFE. Human Yoyo - not for Nadi.

Have you snowboarded before?? I just learned this past winter - and I'm not going to lie, the mess is hard. I grew up skiing but snowboarding had it beat. HOWEVER - it is SOOO MUCH FUN. Get out there on the snow. Your first day will suck, the second might also - but by the third, you'll be able to board entire runs without falling. Don't give up!!!