Someone asked if i was Nikko's cousin?


Well-Known Member
I was browsing LHCF on my mobile whilst travelling to work this morning. I was sat down on an aisle seat but lots of people were stood up over me.

I got off the train (Elephant and Castle in London, arrived at about 0840) and a female said to me, 'SO YOU ARE NIKKO'S COUSIN THEN'. I looked around there's just a sea of people.

That's kinda cool - but odd, too. I wonder why she didn't say anything before you got up to leave? :look:
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Wow, that's really funny... and a little creepy..

ETA: It's not creepy because she was asked, it's creepy because the person didn't identify herself.
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That's cool!:grin:

The person was probably shy and debating whether to say anything or not (not me). It smacks of a last minute attempt.

I wonder if she will reveal herself once (or, if) she reads this thread?
Thats kinda cool. The creepy part is that they didn't introduce themselves to you...

I'm waiting for the day that happens to me!
ok, maybe she was like I am. . .scurred to say it and wait for the answer. I've thought about asking many a people, but then I start thinking. . .what if they ask me who nikkos is? what if they say, well, i got a cousin nichole and we call her nikko. etc. lol
I don't think its creepy at all. I see all kinds of black women with beautiful hair and I am soo tempted to ask if they too are Nikos cousin. Of course I never do though :look:
There's a lady at my bank that ALWAYS wears protective styles. One day she wore here hair down, and it was BEAUTIFUL and LONG!

I want so bad to ask her if she's Nikko's cousin.
Man, i just wish she'd asked because i had beautiful hair and was awe-struck. Lol.

Yeah she was probably just shy.
we need to establish an international Nikkos cousin day. We'd all agree to wear a certain color combination(can't be just one color because then the likelihood of "outsiders" wearing "our" color would be too high). lol

On international Nikkos Cousin's day we could all feel free to just ask whomever was wearing. . . . .sayyyy, black bottoms with, lavendar tops and. . . .pearls, yeah, that's cute.
Perhaps she see you often and always wondered if you were indeed Bublin from LHCF. Thats where the ' So you are NIkkos cousin' came from.

Still a bit creepy tho :lol:
Someone started a " shot in the dark" type thread not to long ago where you could just post abt your encounter and the person you saw could respond. Kind of like on Craig's List.

Example: Was at the WholeFoods on Main st. Saturday at 3pm. You were sporting a braidout and looking at the labels on conditioner bottles. Was that you?

I gotta go find that thread! It was a cute idea.
I see a few people every day that I want to ask, but I'ze scared that one day I'll go into RT and read about how jacked up I look in person. :lol:
It's creepy to me because she spoke but didn't identify herself. I would be nervous to ask someone, but if I open my mouth then I'd at least let them know it was me.
well dang.. she was brave enuff to say something.. she shudve just come out w/the rest! LOL

GUILTY as charged as well... I see ladies w/beautiful hair & I always wonder.. nikkos cousin, BUT I dont want them to give me the crazy side eye.. so I just keep it movin :D
I sometimes carry a bag made by Chicoro (click here to see is Boston ladies) so that somebody, anybody can please recognize me on the red line. With my luck my hair will look busted on the day I meet Nikko's cousin LOL
it was kinda creepy that they didnt stick around after asking.

and i likey the idea abt wearing a special colour combination with pearls.
I dunno if there are many Jamaicans in jamaica who are on lhcf ????
She might have been freaked out too just shouting you out like that. I mean I probably would have said your hair is beautiful, and then made a joke about a website I hang out has a code Nikko to see if we can identify other people. If she looked at me like I was crazy I would have just said, ah it's just a website, but your hair is gorgeous.